I finally got around testing the current versions of the app on both iPhone and iPad and want to share my feedback in no particular order. Some of them might already be fixed in a new version of course:
- easy enable/disable caching for iPhone would be great
- if you don't know about the skake to fullscreen action, clicking on F11 on iPhone will confuse people as there is no way to go back
- iPhone UI should have the exact same dimensions than the Safari height if possible (currently, the header is too small as it doesn't include the title). Although I am not sure how easy it is to emulate the "scroll away" header. It would also be cool to switch to different viewport heights, i.e. "Safari", "Facebook", "Home screen"
- add a quick button to clear or disable the cache
- the arrows on "View source" make the impression that there will be a sub menu when clicking on it, but it really opens another window. I would remove the arrows or change for something else..
- Split the development tools into two sections: "Native" and "Non-Native/Bookmarklet/JS-based" (name them what you think is best!). Right now, it's hard to see what will bring up a bookmarklet into the page and what is a native command.
- "Privacy" and "User agent" sections seem to be arguably way more important than some of the options above. Maybe consider putting them further up to the top in the menu?
- "Clear Data(Localstorage)" => "Clear Data (Local storage)". Also, does this also clear AppCache?
- in user agents, "BalcBerry" should be BlackBerry ;)
- One of our biggest troubles is measuring the time it takes to load a website. We want to be able to measure from the time the user hits return after typing the URL to the load event. Unfortunately, Mobile Safari does not support the navigation timing APIs yet, so currently there is no way to find this out without tooling. My suggestion:
1. MIHTool saves the millisecond timestamp at which the user clicked reload or go to load a website.
2. MIHTool inserts the timestamp into the website when ready (i.e. under window.navigation.MIH_navigationStart)
3. If the load request came from the HTTP Server, MIHTool keeps the connection running until the first block of the response comes in, and then sends back the time it took from navigation start to first response (which is the time we are missing in our JS tests).
Lots of stuff, hope this helps! I really like the tool, it's getting better and better :)
Paul Bakaus, Doer of Things
(currently at Zynga)