MiG People Page?

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Jonas Bardino

Nov 29, 2010, 6:24:32 AM11/29/10
to migrid
Hi list

A long time ago we talked about having people as 'resources' on MiG.
E.g. to allow direct requests for support, schedule meetings, etc.

In that context I thought about adding a new 'People' entry in the MiG
menu and map it to a list of all users like we do for Resources.
We should not prevent anonymity so we could use a default of
anonymized user IDs like we do for resources. We could then link each
user ID with one or more links like 'send email', 'send jabber', ...,
'user info'. The message links could use the existing MiG notification
framework to preserve anonymity support.
Again all these links should only be shown for users that explicitly
accepted it. We could add a profile tab on the Settings page and allow
users to configure access to e.g. nobody, vgrid co-members or
everybody there. This would also be a natural location for additional
user information like contact info and maybe even an avatar or
Fine grained access control and roles could be added if needed. It
would be tempting to move or expose the current MiG administrator
setup in the server conf here as well, to allow users to contact
admins from within MiG.

Optional extensions could include social network integration, calendar
integration, personal MiG mail/IM account mailboxes and much more.

Does this idea make any sense? comments?

Cheers, Jonas

Brian Vinter

Dec 2, 2010, 5:24:51 AM12/2/10
to mig...@googlegroups.com
I still like the idea:) But I think that accounting should be a major
part in it:)
Should we pick this one up our-selves or is it really a nice BS


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Jonas Bardino

Dec 7, 2010, 2:08:25 AM12/7/10
to migrid
Right, so your own personal entry on 'People' should contain a link to
a profile page, link(s) to contact you, link to invite you to VGrids
and a link to your accounting information?
In basic ASCII art something like this:
User ID | View profile | Send message | Invite to VGrid | Accounting

where availability and contents of each filed depends on the
particular settings of the user. That is, User ID may be anonymized
and the contact links may be left out if the user doesn't want to be
contacted by anybody. Accounting and profile links or the back end
contents will likely have to be configurable as well.

Send message can be kept protocol indifferent or split into individual
mail and IM links.

If we can agree on the contents (and I think we can :-)) it is a well
separated project for e.g. a BS assignment.

Cheers, Jonas

Jonas Bardino

Apr 27, 2011, 2:23:32 PM4/27/11
to mig...@googlegroups.com
Hi list

I just hacked up something like this People page myself in relation to
my recent work on extending MiG towards a complete collaboration
Please feel free to check out the new People page and the new forum
links on the VGrids page (I made a post in the MiG-developers VGrid
forum already).

Notes for the People page:
Anonymity is the default for all users, so you will only appear
somewhere as a long hash ID without contact links unless you explicitly
select to not remain anonymous on your Settings->profile page. There you
can also select which vgrid members/owners that can contact you through
the People page.
This contact relies on your notification Settings, too, so you need to
specify e.g. EMAIL *and* VGRIDS_ALLOW_EMAIL to let other users email
you through the People interface. You can see the contact links yourself
on the People page if you set it up for a VGrid that you can access.
It also includes settings to expose your raw address to other users, but
again defaults to hidden.
You don't have to be non-anonymous to allow contact, but it is
obviously a bit tricky for others to find you if you choose to remain
anonymous :-) Messages include the (possibly anonymized) ID of the
sender, so it *is* possible for others to reply to your messages even
if you choose to remain anonymous.

Notes about the forums:
All VGrids get their own private forum (message board) where members
and owners can discuss in private. I started out building it on top of
the simple Forest python cgi forum (http://www.triv.org.uk/~nelis/
forest/), but ended up pretty much replacing everything and adding
core features needed for a real message board: search, notification,
sorting and internal locking. It is still relatively simple without
any real mark up support, but I think it still beats another-forum-not-
to-be-mentioned-here, hands down :-)

As usual I would like to hear your feed back including about any bugs
you may find.

Cheers, Jonas

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