> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "migrid" group.
> To post to this group, send email to mig...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to migrid+un...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/migrid?hl=en
> .
I just hacked up something like this People page myself in relation to
my recent work on extending MiG towards a complete collaboration
Please feel free to check out the new People page and the new forum
links on the VGrids page (I made a post in the MiG-developers VGrid
forum already).
Notes for the People page:
Anonymity is the default for all users, so you will only appear
somewhere as a long hash ID without contact links unless you explicitly
select to not remain anonymous on your Settings->profile page. There you
can also select which vgrid members/owners that can contact you through
the People page.
This contact relies on your notification Settings, too, so you need to
specify e.g. EMAIL *and* VGRIDS_ALLOW_EMAIL to let other users email
you through the People interface. You can see the contact links yourself
on the People page if you set it up for a VGrid that you can access.
It also includes settings to expose your raw address to other users, but
again defaults to hidden.
You don't have to be non-anonymous to allow contact, but it is
obviously a bit tricky for others to find you if you choose to remain
anonymous :-) Messages include the (possibly anonymized) ID of the
sender, so it *is* possible for others to reply to your messages even
if you choose to remain anonymous.
Notes about the forums:
All VGrids get their own private forum (message board) where members
and owners can discuss in private. I started out building it on top of
the simple Forest python cgi forum (http://www.triv.org.uk/~nelis/
forest/), but ended up pretty much replacing everything and adding
core features needed for a real message board: search, notification,
sorting and internal locking. It is still relatively simple without
any real mark up support, but I think it still beats another-forum-not-
to-be-mentioned-here, hands down :-)
As usual I would like to hear your feed back including about any bugs
you may find.
Cheers, Jonas