Disk errors on dk.migrid.org and MiG service outages

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Jonas Bardino

Feb 17, 2014, 2:54:01 AM2/17/14
to mig...@googlegroups.com
Hi list

We have run into some serious disk errors on dk.migrid.org this weekend/morning and it causes problems and errors in several MiG services. I'm on my way to Copenhagen now and will replace the failing disks ASAP - restoring any lost data from backup if necessary. Hopefully we will be back in production later today, but more information will follow.

Cheers, Jonas

Jonas Bardino

Feb 18, 2014, 2:02:39 AM2/18/14
to mig...@googlegroups.com
After some disk changes and RAID resynchronization it is now back online. Execution and storage resources will slowly come back.
Please report any problems you may encounter as usual.

Cheers, Jonas

Jonas Bardino

May 26, 2014, 4:56:58 AM5/26/14
to mig...@googlegroups.com
We've run into another disk crash on dk.migrid.org, so I'll take it down for replacement of the two remaining old disks this Wednesday after 12. The switch to a configuration with only 3TB-disks means that we have to introduce a small boot disk, and the RAID resize+resync afterwards is expected to take several hours, so please expect some down-time at least on Wednesday, and longer response times the rest of the week.

Cheers, Jonas
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