Warning about migrid.org downtime today

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Jonas Bardino

Sep 4, 2015, 2:33:12 AM9/4/15
to migrid
Hi list

We have recently experienced some issues with overheating and power outages in the current hosting location for migrid.org and have decided to address it by physically moving the hardware to our own server room.
Sorry about the short notice and resulting inconvenience but we consider it to be somewhat urgent, so we have have scheduled it between 10 and 12 today in order to finish before the weekend. Hopefully it will only really take less than half an hour but more info will follow.

Cheers, Jonas

Jonas Bardino

Sep 4, 2015, 5:59:15 AM9/4/15
to migrid
Update: we're done moving hardware and everything should be back online - in a more suitable and stable environment.
As usual please report any problems you may encounter.

Cheers, Jonas 

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