Midsouth Makers 2022 Board of Directors Nomination period is OPEN (tomorrow)

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Joe Ferguson

Nov 2, 2021, 3:16:21 PM11/2/21
to midsout...@googlegroups.com, Midsouth Makers Board
Greetings Makers!

If you'd like to help shape the direction of the organization now is your chance! Starting TOMORROW, 11/03/2021 and for the next 7 days through 11/10/2021 we'll be taking nominations for the MidSouth Maker Officers - President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Each officer's duties can be found on our wiki at http://wiki.midsouthmakers.org/a/Officer_Duties. Thank you for your help.

I've started a wiki document (https://wiki.midsouthmakers.org/a/Board_Election_for_2022) so everyone can see who is currently nominated for a board position for 2022 and who has been verified. The difference between verified and unverified is confirmation of the nomination. Once someone is nominated and I confirm with them, they are verified and will be on the Ballot that will be available to members starting November 30th. If you would like to nominate someone (or yourself) for any of the board positions, please let me know as soon as possible. All nominations must be verified by November 29th, if I am unable to verify a nomination by that time the nominee will not be on the ballot.

If you have any questions about this process or if you'd like to discuss a nomination please contact me or another board member.

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