Master fader

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Andrew James Okey

Dec 25, 2018, 11:23:18 AM12/25/18
First off thank you for this wonderful interface!
My question that I couldn't find in past post is:
I would like to use the master fader as a global fader adjustment for what ever process I select. I would like to set the soft key buttons as develop parameters and and the master fader as the adjustment vs using the turn knobs. I can not find a way of doing this in the menu. I think this might be a faster way of editing vs have to turn the knobs.

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Dec 25, 2018, 3:19:56 PM12/25/18
I think it can be done but I am not sure that I would like to develop this configuration.
A fader is a control with a CC number and range, to make this fader work on a parameter the CC number has to be assigned in a profile.
To make the same fader assigned to different parameters each parameter needs a dedicated profile.
Note: in the current version a maximum of 10 different profiles can be activated with buttons (see options dialog profiles tab)
Example: on a midi controller with one fader (CC1) and 4 buttons (Note 1,2,3,4) you can assign note 1,2,3,4 to the Profile: 1,2,3,4 command (see MIDI2LR server),
CC1 can be assigned to basic panel Exposure in profile 1, CC1 can be assigned to basic panel Contrast in profile 2, CC1 can be assigned to basic panel Highlights in profile 3 and CC1 can be assigned to basic panel Shadows in profile 4. 
If more then 10 profiles are needed you can change the source to support more profiles.

Andrew James Okey

Dec 25, 2018, 3:59:55 PM12/25/18
Thanks for getting back to me about this so fast. 
I was hopping the CC could just be always start at a mid fader level and adjust up and down from there and then assign a soft button to be zero like pushing a knob. 
I see what you're talking about as far as assigning CC to a profile. I'm just getting started with this midi interface and Lr. So I'm sure it will become more familiar/ faster as I go. I need to label the banks so I can remember what I have assigned to what, I'm sure that will help me also.  
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