Selecting sliders issue

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Erick Dau

Jul 20, 2021, 3:24:20 PM7/20/21
Hey everyone, first time here. Thanks to Rory for this amazing tool!

I'm building my own controller to use with Lr and Premiere, and although it's moving forward, I came to a point where I really can't find a solution. 

The thing is: I use the button of a rotary encoder to select a slider, e.g. Exposure, and then I want to rotate the encoder to change the slider value, increase or decrease Exposure in this case. So I made a 'note' for the button and linked it to MIDI2LR's 'Basic Tone: Exposure'. When I click the encoder while in Lightroom, it does show 'Exposure' was selected - and actually adds 0.04 to it - but if I rotate the encoder it will change the value of a previous selected slider - one i've selected with the mouse or with ',' and '.' shortcuts. So the actual selection is not really happening, despite it showing it. 

Any help would be really appreciated!! 

Thanks and best!

Erick Dau

Jul 21, 2021, 11:08:11 AM7/21/21
Little update and more info: 

I'm using Arduino Micro with MIDIUSB library, which has noteOn/noteOff and ControlChange commands, followed by the parameters - channel, pitch velocity / channel, control, value.
Also using a Keyboard library which allows me to use '-' and '=' shortcuts in Lr to increase/decrease a slider, instead of MIDI commands, but those also will only work if I can get the sliders selected. 

I noticed that when I press the button to select a slider, it actually returns the name of the Slider, the max value it can have, and the current value. If I click the button with the MIDI code I tied with Basic Tone> Exposure, for example, it will return Exposure 5.00 0.00. Notice that it does not change the slider value itself. 

Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 10.55.42.png

So I tried moving numbers a bit and found that the max value is relative to note velocity or ControlChange value. If I have them on 127,  they will return the max posible value, like the image above, and if decrease them, they will return proportional values. If I use 64, it will only show the current value - i presume it treats the first value as 0 and then doesn't bother to show it. I tried some values and none did in fact select the slider.

I wonder what use could a command like that have in Lightroom. A button that you press just to know the value of a parameter? Like you press a shortcut and it will show how many steps up you have your Exposure set to? Sounds weird to me, so I guess I'm almost there... 

As a side note, it's crazy that there are so many useless native shortcuts in the app, and there are no ways to quick select the development parameters you use the most! (unless I'm wrong and those shortcuts do exist!!)

Anyways, I'll bring more info if I find anything else. 


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