Button Light

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dan lim

Dec 1, 2018, 10:56:08 PM12/1/18
Anyone can help..
Just got the x-touch mini.. doing some mapping experiment...
I have some thought on this features... 
1) Is it possible to have lights on the Buttons... Say I have a button to toggle a On/Off Pick, When it is on, the button light is ON and vice versa...
2) If the button has RGB/Dim colour, then it will be awesome to program it to have different colour/dimming for different purpose... No need to have labels.
3) Is there a way to program say Exposure and Pick together in the knob. eg.. Once I start turning the expo knob, it will "Pick" automatically. 


Dec 2, 2018, 4:10:54 AM12/2/18

I'm quite new here too. I bought the X-TOUCH COMPACT the price dropped nowadays.
I have my layout almost complete. It's inspired by Pfixer but I made some changes and it is quite complex :) 
It would be great if there will be a possibility to light up the button at least for the chosen profile. 
I searched the forum but I think this function is not available at the moment.

ad 3) If I start moving with the fader or knob the function pick in LR automatically.

B.R. Jox

Dne neděle 2. prosince 2018 4:56:08 UTC+1 dan lim napsal(a):

dan lim

Dec 2, 2018, 4:43:58 AM12/2/18
Yes... I notice that most of the mapping is trying to map every single command on to the controller.. 
I redo the mapping and found a great combination which is much more closer to our workflow.
I'm trying to see if any knob or button can be used together, then we don't have to move our hands or finger too much.
LED light on the button will helps a lot.   Others like adding "Pick" when adjusting exposure or any knob is also time saver...

Santiago Umaña

Dec 2, 2018, 8:26:28 AM12/2/18

The light up button is not an option inside MIDI2LR that option is inside the X-touch editor software (it only runs in windows), I have the x-touch mini and in layer B I programmed my buttons 1 - 8 to activate my 8 different profiles (I work on a Mac computer), what I did was hook up my x-touch mini to a windows computer and ran the x-touch editor software, inside the software there are some tabs to modify the behavior of the buttons and knobs so I changed the behavior of my buttons 1 - 8 in layer B to "Toggle" this makes the buttons stay on when I press them, so every time I activate a profile, for example my basic correction profiles which is set in button 1 in layer B, the button lights up and stays on. The only problem is that if I activate another button, for example my HUE profile which is on button 4 in layer B, know both buttons are light up, so what I have to do every time is turn of Tha profile I was using (in this example button 1)and then turn on the new profile I am going to use (in this example button 4)so that only one button lights up.

Hope this helps.


Dec 2, 2018, 2:25:26 PM12/2/18
I know that I can change the button "mode" to toggle in the X-Touch Editor.
But this is not the ideal solution. The information has to be from the plugin for the right function
otherwise more buttons stay lit. 

dan lim

Dec 2, 2018, 6:52:19 PM12/2/18
Yes.. if someone can break the code to program the LED button light that will be awesome...
For example:
LED light can use for indication of the button function with different brightness. 
LED light can show if the button function is activated. eg Pick/unPick, Before/After, ZoomIn/Out...
LED light can also be use as a blinking warning. eg too much highlight or shadow...
there's many area is quite useful... 

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Dec 3, 2018, 4:53:54 AM12/3/18
Can be done, but not with the current firmware and MIDI2LR.
LED can be either on (=127) or off (=0).
Buttons in momentary mode send 127 on push and LED is switched on in the X-touch Mini firmware,
on release the controller sends 0 and LED is switched off.
Buttons in toggle mode sends either 0 or 127 depending on the current state of the LED.
MIDI2LR only works with the buttons in momentary mode and MIDI2LR does not send an update to the controller,
for this reason the button has to be pressed twice to register a change in MIDI2LR.
All this information can be found in the Wiki and by studying the source code.

The controller update function for knobs is "reasonably" simple, the MDI2LR plugin retrieves the development settings from LR and sends all values to the MIDI2LR server. The MIDI2LR server knows what parameter has been assigned to the knobs and sends the update to the controller using the CC address in the profile.
It is important to understand that updates are only send in the develop module.

Implementing button status updates would have to be implemented for all the other modules which is a major effort.
But that also implies that MIDI2LR has to be modified to react on a state change of a button (toggle versus momentary).

All very interesting, but the real reason why it will not be implemented is that MIDI2LR supports any MIDI controller, including those that do not have LEDs or support state update using MIDI messages: implementing blinking lights brings new complexities that are not needed for use with LR. When I use LR my eyes are on the monitor and my fingers on the MIDI controller.

dan lim

Dec 3, 2018, 5:53:00 AM12/3/18
Thanks Ernst for the clear explanation...
I hope there's easy of implementing.. or add-on. Be it On/Off or toggle... it will helps to correlate what the function is all about. That'll be cool.
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