Changing Profiles

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Anthony Frawley

Jan 25, 2018, 9:31:47 PM1/25/18
Okay, I have been working on my new MIDI2LR software and my nanoKONTROL2 for two days now, and there is not much information out there but I have found most of it... This issue is making me upset.  I so far have 4 profiles set. 

 I keep all of my settings the same across all profiles, I just change what the sliders do.  Not sure if you are familiar with the nanoKONTROL2 but there are buttons next to each slider, an S, a M, and a R.  I have the first three buttons set:  S is profile 1, M profile 2, R profile 3....  for profile 1 (S) the sliders are set for color Hues, profile 2 (M) is saturation, and profile 3 (R) is set to Luminance.

the problem is when I hit the buttons to switch profiles, nothing happens... It stays in whatever my loaded profile is.  Is there a way I am supposed to "link" my profile to the button?  I assume, as I have read, that it goes in "alphabetic/alphanumeric" order, which is all set up correctly.  If nobody knows the answer, I will video tape what I am tring to say, and that will be easier to explain, but  I think this should be clear.  Also, is it normal to have to reload your default profile every time you open Lightroom?  I have to do that too, but maybe that is normal.


Ernst Bokkelkamp

Jan 26, 2018, 6:54:24 AM1/26/18
Disclaimer: I do not have any knowledge of the nanoKONTROL2

I suggest you study the profiles section of the MIDI2LR options menu. Within this section you can specify which profile is to be loaded when you change to a module and/or development tools/panels. Every entry in the Modules/Tools/Panels section must have the name of a profile if you want to use automatic profile loading.
The profiles section is where you can enter the profile names that you would like to load when pressing a button, to be able to use these entries you press the button and then assign an entry from the Profiles menu to that button. What this means if the profile name for hues is "Hue.xml" and is specified as profile 1 in the profiles options menu then you must assign the S button to the "Profiles:Profile 1" command.

Anthony Frawley

Jan 26, 2018, 7:25:58 PM1/26/18
Yeah, that is how I have it.  I think that is what I explained in my initial question, pretty thoroughly. What I didnt do was the plug in extras-> options thing... but when I try that, it give an error of *an internal error has occured : String "actionseries.lua" :25: bad argument #1 to  "ipairs"- table expected, got boolean

Robert C

Jan 26, 2018, 9:29:47 PM1/26/18
I just had that problem. Delete everything for the app and reinstall it. I used an earlier build then upgraded to the latest one. Then re configure your settings the way you want it.
Message has been deleted

Anthony Frawley

Jan 26, 2018, 10:56:38 PM1/26/18

what are we calling "everything for the app"?  I uninstalled the MIDI2lr file and reinstalled it and nothing happend differently... aslo, what original build did you use and where did you find it?

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Jan 27, 2018, 1:40:24 AM1/27/18
Please go into the plugin directory and delete the file "MenuList.lua", this file will be recreated the next time the plugin is loaded.
The reason for this error is known, it will be corrected with the next version.

Anthony Frawley

Feb 7, 2018, 8:29:01 PM2/7/18
So, I downloaded the most current version, and it still doesnt work.  If i load a specific profile, it works, but pushing whatever button is supposed to switch it, it will "highlight" the button, but it does not change to the new profile.  As far as deleting the plugin thing that was most recently recommended, I am not sure where you mean.  I searched my computer for the file and it didnt show up, and i deleted MIDI2LR completely and reinstalled it, and it still didnt work.

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 8, 2018, 2:23:55 AM2/8/18
The problem with the "most current version" is that I do not know what version that is and I do not know anything about your installation.
Your problem can be related to a mistake in the configuration but it can also be because of a problem with the plug-in because there was a problem with in this area. At this moment in time it is recommended for you to use the version because this is (except for one small problem) a good working version that can be used by new users to get into the plug-in.

1) Download version from here (2.7.0.x is still beta)
2) Install on your computer (make a note where you install the plug-in)
3) Before running Lightroom go into the plug-in directory and delete the file "MenuList.lua" (because of a known problem in this version)
4) Start Lightroom
5) Open the MIDI2LR options (File -> Plug-in Extras ... -> MIDI2LR Options)
6) In the MIDI2LR Options Profile tab, create entries for your HSL profiles and one for the develop module, make sure that add ".xml" to the name.
7) Create the profiles in MIDI2LR and save these with the names given in 6)
8) Test, if it does not work as expected then go back to 5)

While testing keep the MIDI2LR server window in the foreground, when pressing the button look what happens and which profile is shown at the bottom of the window.

When you have problems then please be specific and give full descriptions of your observations, I am going to give feedback on what I mean because it can help both of us in the future:

 So, I downloaded the most current version, and it still doesnt work.  If i load a specific profile, it works, but pushing whatever button is supposed to switch it, it will "highlight" the button, but it does not change to the new profile.

What is the current version ? What should it do and what does it not do ? How what the profile made specific ? What button is pushed ? Where is the highlight, on the midi controller or in the MIDI2LR server window ?

Louis Godfree

Feb 10, 2018, 2:20:28 PM2/10/18
I just purchased the Korg nanoKontrol as well and am having difficulty setting up the 'R' buttons to change profiles. Mapping a button to "next/prvious profile" works fine but not specific profiles. Is there someone available to give e clear tutorial on how to go about this? It seems to be straightforward but I can't figure it out. Here's what I've done...

1) press midi controller button that I want to map (in this case it is the button labeled 'R' next to the first fader).
2) when the button appears in the plugin window as "unmapped" I click on it and go down to profiles, where I select profile 1. 
3) click save, name this as "1.xml"
*I assume this now means that when I press the 'R' button in the first row of my controller, it will load the "1.xml" file.
4) I press the 2nd 'R' button on my controller (second row)
5) when the button appears in the plugin window as "unmapped" I click on it and go down to profiles, where I select profile 2.
click save, name this as "2.xml"
*I assume this now means that when I press the 'R' button in the first row of my controller, it will load the "2.xml" file.

...and so on and so forth. 

But when I click on the 'R' buttons, nothing happens and I remain in the currently loaded profile xml. 

Please tell me what I am doing wrong. 

Thank you in advance. I love this and want to donate to the developer but I need to get up and running with it first. 


Louis Godfree

Feb 10, 2018, 2:36:02 PM2/10/18
I would also like to add that, when using the 'next profile' mapped to a button, the profiles do not load in sequence based on alphabetical order. I thought I read that the profiles should be named alphabetically in order to get them to load in a preferential sequence. 

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 10, 2018, 2:43:05 PM2/10/18
I you search the messages in this discussion group then should find one of my messages where I explained the solution to this problem.
First, if you have installed then exit Lightroom, go into the plugin directory and delete the file "MenuList.lua".
Now start Lightroom, go into the File menu and select the MIDI2LR options in the Plug-in Extras.
On the profiles tab, in the section "Profiles", you must enter the name of the profile file (with suffix) for each profile you want to use.
What this means is that you must enter "1.xml" in the field with the label "Profile: 1".
Now before you go wild, please read the messages in this group and look at the Wiki.

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 10, 2018, 2:48:38 PM2/10/18
If you give more information then we can look into the problem.
In the parent directory of the plugin directory there will be a file "MIDI2LRinfo.txt", please post the contents of this file.

Louis Godfree

Feb 11, 2018, 6:01:27 PM2/11/18
Thanks Ernst, 

I failed to mention that I did read the comment about using the last version (, and that was what I did. I also should've mentioned that I had no luck finding the files you're referring to. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place, but even when I search my computer for those files, nothing comes up. 

I do apologize if this is obvious and I've overlooked something - but I really do appreciate the help - even just the fact that you've made yourself available to help. 

If I ever figure this out, I will volunteer to make a tutorial video in hopes of providing a resource for others in my shoes. 


Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 12, 2018, 2:41:11 AM2/12/18
Hallo Louis,

When you open Lightroom and look in the file menu then there will be an item "Plug-in Manager". In the Plug-in Manager window find the MIDI2LR plugin entry in the list on the left, then left mouse click on that line will show you the plug-in status, the first line shows where the plug-in is installed. This is where the file "MenuList.lua" must be deleted IF you get an error when you try to open the MIDI2LR Options menu from the File menu  under Plug-in Extras / MIDI2LR Options.
Under the path there is a button "Show in Explorer", when you click on the button the Window explorer opens showing the list of plug-in directories. This is also where you find the MIDI2LRinfo.txt file.

Louis Godfree

Feb 12, 2018, 10:47:31 AM2/12/18
Here is the txt file. 

Louis Godfree

Feb 12, 2018, 10:57:01 AM2/12/18
Lightroom version 7.1
Operating system (x64)
Plugin version
Lightroom language en
Plugin path /Users/luigicritelli/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules/MIDI2LR.lrplugin
App path /Users/luigicritelli/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules/MIDI2LR.lrplugin/
Preferences path /Users/luigicritelli/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Lightroom
Application data path /Users/luigicritelli/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom

Louis Godfree

Feb 18, 2018, 9:03:28 PM2/18/18
This thread has 113 views - If they're is anyone else struggling with similar issues please have your say. Perhaps we can all work on streamlining a resolution. 

Cheers all,


Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 19, 2018, 1:15:56 AM2/19/18
Hallo Louis,
The reason for asking you to post the contents of the MIDI2LRinfo.txt file is that it gives information on your operating system and the language settings.

Did you enter the names of the profiles in the MIDI2LR settings ?

Very important: did you create the buttons on every profile ? This is something that can be overlooked, when you press a button to change to a profile then the command assigned to the button for the next press depends on the new profile, if this button has no assignment then there will be no action.
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