MAPPING Adjustment Brush / Local Adjustment Sliders to X-Touch Mini's 8 Dials, when they are already taken?

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José Angel Santana

May 7, 2018, 4:59:54 PM5/7/18
My question is: since I've mapped to my layer A dials, and my layer B dials already, how can I use those same dials now to do Local Adjustments with the Adjustment Brush to adjust Highlights, Whites, Blacks, Shadows, Clarity, Exposure, Contrast, etc.?  I know I can activate the Adjustment Brush with a button, but then, how do I adjust those parameters above with a dial, since they are already mapped to other Basic panel sliders? Do I need to get another X-Touch Mini or is there a way to set this up so that I can press a button and those dials can be mapped to the Adjustment Brush sliders?  Thanks for your help.


May 7, 2018, 6:04:38 PM5/7/18
Hi Jose', no, you can't. The local adjustment for the brush, are not the same as the global adjustments.

You need to use a different layer or profile for that. 
On one layer/profile you have for example the global exposure (Menu Basic -> Exposure) etc, and on another layer (or profile) you place the local exposure adjustment (Menu Local Adjustments -> Local Adjustment Exposure) etc.

José Angel Santana

May 7, 2018, 6:15:50 PM5/7/18
Hi Max, thank you for your prompt reply. This helps. And, I have a couple of other questions: I know what a layer is, but what is a "profile?" And, can I create a "profile" that if mapped to a button or dial, will it allow me to then use the Adjustment Brush and its sliders?

I guess my question is, can "profiles" extend the use of the available dials beyond 16? If so, how? If not, and I need to use the Adjustment Brush, but cannot change the way I use those 8 sliders presently, do I need to buy an additional x-touch mini, or get a bigger MIDI controller like the X-Touch Compact? 

Thanks for your help. 

José Angel Santana

May 7, 2018, 10:07:44 PM5/7/18
I just learned that all I have to do is create a profile for a different mapping configuration. Thanks for your help. 

On Monday, May 7, 2018 at 6:04:38 PM UTC-4, Max wrote:

Ernst Bokkelkamp

May 8, 2018, 1:26:51 AM5/8/18
Local Adjustments are adjustments applied with a tool (spot removal, graduated filters, radial filters and brush adjustments).
The nice things about these tools is that the Lightroom SDK gives feedback that a tool has been selected.
In the MIDI2LR options on the first tab (named profiles) there is a section where you can specify which profiles are to be used when a tool is selected,
This is where to tell MIDI2LR what profile to use that has the assignment of local adjustments to the encoders.
Please note that it is important that the fields Modules:Develop and Tools:Crop must have the name of the basic profile to be used in the develop module.

Another important note: MIDI2LR can not update the encoders assigned to the inactive layer because of a bug in the firmware of the X-touch mini, in every profile I have assigned "FullRefresh" to button 23 and button 47 that need to be pressed after switching layer.


May 8, 2018, 2:59:55 AM5/8/18
Hi Ernst, can you please explain more in detail why you need a FullRefresh command when switching layers? I have an X-touch mini, and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary so far, beside the problem with the fader, which is solved by using the pick up mode.

Ernst Bokkelkamp

May 8, 2018, 7:22:49 AM5/8/18
It is difficult to provide a simple description of the problem. The problem is that the X-touch mini stores the value of an encoder internally, you can see this when you play with the encoder while using the layer buttons. For example, select Layer A, turn the encoder left to minimum, press Layer B, turn encoder to maximum, press Layer A to confirm that encoder shows minimum. 

Now go into the develop module with a few photos selected in the film strip while Layer A is selected, use an encoder in layer  A (like exposure) to set the slider to minimum, select layer B and use an encoder (like Saturation) to minimum. (This will result in LR showing Exposure -5 and Saturation -100)
Now select the next photo, select Layer A and see what value is displayed by LR and what the encoder shows.
On my system LR shows exposure 0.00 but Encoder at minimum instead of center.
When I turn the encoder one click to the right then LR shows Exposure -4.90 and the encoder LED shows minimum.

What happens is that MIDI2LR sends an update to the controller on the change to the next photo, it does send the update for exposure = 0.00 to the X-touch but the controller ignores this update and reverts to the value last set when the layer was active, the use of "FullRefresh" causes MIDI2LR to send an update to the controller to that the internal memory reflects the value set in LR.

I have reported the problem to Behringer in February (, case 00703757), I am still waiting for confirmation that there will be a fix.

José Angel Santana

May 8, 2018, 8:10:37 AM5/8/18
Max, how do you able and disable "pick-up" mode on the X-Touch Mini?


May 8, 2018, 8:25:24 AM5/8/18
Hi Jose', you enable/disable the pick up mode in the main interface of MIDI2LR, using the Settings button (top right). It's not an X-touch mini setting. Sorry if I didn't express myself correctly and caused the confusion.


May 8, 2018, 8:40:12 AM5/8/18
Hi Ernst, I see what you mean, and can indeed -partially- reproduce the issue. 
For me though it's not a problem, because the last part works differently on my system. 

When I go to the next photo and switch layer, the LEDs show indeed the wrong value (for example minimum, when LR shows 0) but when I turn the encoder, the LEDs show immediately the LR value (eg 0), and turning the encoder further, changes the value starting from the LR value (not from -4.90 like in your example).

So luckily for me, as I edit full screen (I don't see therefore the LR sliders) and don't look at the encoder's LEDs (though they are kinda cool I have to admit), this is not an issue for me.

May I suggest you to try my setup, and see whether you can partially solve your issue? The LEDs might still show the wrong value as in my case, but at least this wouldn't affect your workflow. I wouldn't want to have force a refresh every time I jump to another image.

José Angel Santana

May 8, 2018, 9:06:43 PM5/8/18
Thank you, Max. 
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