BCF2000 change settings in adjustment brush

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Feb 7, 2018, 2:41:35 PM2/7/18
Can someone please tell me how I can set up MIDI2LR so that when I select the Adjustment brush or Graduated Filter, the sliders control their settings and not the ones in the Basic panel?

Rory Jaffe

Feb 7, 2018, 3:49:31 PM2/7/18
See https://github.com/rsjaffe/MIDI2LR/wiki/Commands Local Adjustments section for the available commands.

Then use a separate profile for the Brush Adjustments tool that has those assignments. Make sure to assign your basic profile to the Basic Adjustments panel. See https://github.com/rsjaffe/MIDI2LR/wiki/Profiles

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 7, 2018, 3:50:50 PM2/7/18
That is simple, but there is some work to be done.
Step 1 is to create new profiles for the adjustment brush and the graduated filter where you assign the "local_*" parameters to the encoders/faders.
Step 2 is to create a profile for the develop module where you assign the normal parameters.
Step 3 is to go into the profiles tab of the plugin options where you must enter a profile file name in each field (except profiles section).


Feb 8, 2018, 4:15:18 AM2/8/18
That's great, thanks for your help.

Simon Brettell

Feb 8, 2018, 7:27:07 AM2/8/18
Hi Ernst,

I'm new to MIDI2LR . . . can you point me to somewhere that explains what the xml files do in your Modules, Tools and Panels windows in the diagram in your post? I currently have my profiles set in the Modules section so that I can use a button press to change module. I can't find details of what the other settings do, the ones I've highlighted below . . .

Many thanks,

Auto Generated Inline Image 1

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 8, 2018, 7:54:30 AM2/8/18
It is very difficult to give a concise description because there are a number of problems in the Lightroom implementation that make this a simple task.
In Lightroom you have modules: Library, Develop, Map, Book, etc. MIDI2LR can be notified when you use the mouse to change to a module so that it is able to tell the MIDI2LR server to load the profile file assigned in the options for that module. This is what is specified in the module section.
In the Develop modules there are panels and tools. LR can tell MIDI2LR when a tool is selected so that it can inform the MIDI2LR server to load the corresponding profile. With tools it is important to understand that not selecting a tool (crop, brush, gradient...) means that the loupe tool will be selected.
Panels is a problem because LR does not send a notification when a panel is selected, but MIDI2LR can load a profile it the change to a module is caused by an action with MIDI2LR. What this means is that there will be no profile change if you use the mouse to select a panel.

What is important to know for my settings:
- template.xml is a dummy
- develop.xml has all development controls and a button to change the color adjustments panel (causes profile change)
- every tool, except red-eye, has a specific profile.
- HSL_Hue.xml is the first of three profiles (HSL_Sat, HSL_Lum) that can be activated with a button, the reason being the LR can not notify that one of the options in the panel is selected.
- Transform.xml is a dummy.
Important to know: LR can tell MIDI2LR when a module or a tool is selected by the user, but it does not do this with panels,
for panels the profile will only be changed when MIDI2LR notices a change caused by an event (encoder, button).

Simon Brettell

Feb 8, 2018, 7:57:24 AM2/8/18
Hi Ernst,

That's brilliant, thanks for the description / explanation. It's a great help. Looks like I've got some more options to play with :-)

Many thanks,



Feb 10, 2018, 8:10:05 AM2/10/18
Thanks. I've now created an additional local adjustments profile and added it to the Profile Options panel and it works fine when I select Brush or Graduated Filter. However, when I click done or switch back to one of the other Develop panels Lightroom doesn't reload my initial profile even though I have entered into the Profile Options panel for the Develop Module and all of the Panels.

On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 19:41:35 UTC, Deanjm wrote:

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Feb 10, 2018, 9:21:20 AM2/10/18
The reason is simple, you have changed to the "loupe" tool. The profile specified in the field "Modules: Develop" is used when changing from another module to the develop module, the profile specified in the field "Tools: Loupe" is used when you exit one of the develop module tools. Another thing to know is that a profile change will only be done if the new profile is different from the current profile. A look at my settings might give some inspiration.

Please be aware that the "template.xml" profile is a dummy file, the entries in "Color Adjustments" and "Profile: 1" .. "Profile: 4"  are used for buttons to change profile because MIDI2LR can not detect that one of the color adjustment panels has been opened.


Feb 10, 2018, 9:41:23 AM2/10/18
Many Thanks Ernst, that has solved my problem.

On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 19:41:35 UTC, Deanjm wrote:


Apr 19, 2018, 8:57:54 AM4/19/18
Hi Ernst,

Many thanks for your explanations. I'm working on creating profiles.
I've created profiles for local adj that i put in the Profile-Tools.. That's working : if i ask for a graduated filter (M shortcut), the profile goes to the adj tool profile.

BUT when i close the filter, the Midilr profile remains to the adg tool. I wish it comes back to the default one.

How do i do that?

P.S : Another question : i cannot find the way to control de "DONE" LR button.

Many thanks to you,

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Apr 19, 2018, 10:32:18 AM4/19/18
To come back you have to know that you are going to the "Loupe Tool", what this means is that the Develop module and the Loupe tool need to have a profile entry (to avoid confusion the same entry name.)

There are a few ways to get out of a filter like the enter key but this can not be done in MIDI2LR, the simplest method to leave the tool is to use the mouse to click the active tool or to click on another tool. When you consider that it makes sense to create a profile for each filter then the simplest method to close the tool is to use the keyboard shortcut in the filter profile. Example: press M in Develop (loupe view) opens graduated filter (and if configured MIDI2LR loads graduated filter profile), now press M and LR changes to loupe view (and if configured MIDI2LR loads loupe view profile). With this knowledge you could assign the M to a button in both profiles.


Apr 19, 2018, 1:08:28 PM4/19/18

Hi Ernst,

Many thanks for your message... Regarding your explanations ( if i understood them well enough) , i just placed my default profile in the "Loupe- Tools' and it works !

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