Can you use the X-Touch One with MIDI2LR?

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Cody Patterson

Jul 30, 2018, 9:25:20 PM7/30/18
Hi! I know you aren't related to MIDI2LR but you may know the answer to this. Would it be possible to use the Behringer X-Touch One with MIDI2LR or is there some other midi assigner I could use? Basically where I could choose one fo the function buttons to assign the midi note and the slider or knob to control the amount of that midi note? For example press function one on the x-touch to control exposure and the slider to raise it up or down. function 2 to control the saturation and the slider to turn it up or own. ect?

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Jul 31, 2018, 7:40:20 AM7/31/18
In theory it looks that it can be done, with a lot of work, but honestly it does not make sense to use such a cumbersome instrument.
You will first have to modify the MIDI2LR application to increase the number of profiles that can be assigned to buttons.
Then you will have to create a profile for each function, and configure the buttons in each profile.
IMHO the X-touch Mini is the better tool for the job.
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