Version alpha test for any brave souls (Windows only for this test version) — TEST IS CONCLUDED

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Rory Jaffe

Feb 21, 2019, 3:31:18 PM2/21/19
This is an alpha version. If you want to try this out, save the current contents of your MIDI2LR.lrplugin directory and then unzip the zip file into that directory. Please provide feedback—particularly on the changes listed below. To go back to your prior version, just copy the prior contents of the MIDI2LR.lrplugin directory back into that directory. This alpha test is over. There will be a new set of files soon for those interested in testing out the new functions. Look for a beta test soon. Thanks all.

This alpha version is for Microsoft WIndows only. Later versions will include MacOS.

The biggest change: Major changes to application database and way the program is handles menus. This allows 1) easier additions to commands and menu structure, 2) dynamic loading of menu in app, 3) full translation of app.

MIDI2LR app should be fully translated into the language you are using for Lightroom. Testing in languages other than English greatly appreciated, particularly with the CJK languages, as I had to change the application interface font to accomodate CJK text.

Improved Unicode handling.

settings.bin is now settings.xml—will read old settings.bin if settings.xml not yet generated (picks up settings saved in the former format then saves it in the new format). pitchwheel ranges now saved (bug fixed).

Apply keyword now applies it to all selected photos, not just current photo.

MIDI2LR no longer writes to plugin directory. Profile file handling is unchanged.
  • In Windows, all files (except for profile files) are saved in %appdata%\MIDI2LR
  • In MacOS, log files go to ~/Library/Logs/MIDI2LR/ and other files go to ~/Library/Application Support/MIDI2LR/
Files written are: 
  1. default.xml --default mapping if profile file not found on startup
  2. MenuTrans.xml -- menus for application in language that Lightroom is using — this is dynamically loaded by the application to enable on-the-fly translation of the application interface.
  3. MIDI2LR.log -- log file from app showing settings and errors, useful for debugging
  4. MIDI2LR.xml -- default settings for app (e.g., profile directory, pickup mode)
  5. MIDI2LRinfo.txt -- report from lua plugin for debugging
  6. settings.xml -- MIDI controller settings (e.g., twos complement controls, pitchwheel limits, etc.)
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