after load commands for profiles

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Simone Girlanda

Nov 4, 2018, 5:21:15 PM11/4/18
I've finally understood the power of automatic profiles switch, but I'm unable to manage the color adjustments panel.
I'm using an Arturia beatstep midi controller:
that has two rows with eight knobs each.

in the color adjustment panel we have up to 4 series of eight controls:

- hue
- saturation
- luminance
- B&W

I cannot have just one profile to manage them, so I've NOT set a profile for the "color adjustment" panel and I'm using "profile 1" and "profile 2".
I manually switch to that profiles and it almost works, but when I switch to that profiles the development panel does not change, until I move a knob.

My suggestion is to add a "after load" command for a profile, so that I load that profile I can run one or more LR commands. 
In this way when the "profile 1" is load I can ask to run the command "RevealPanelMixer" to show the color adjustments panel.

does it make sense?

Are there other ways to manage situations like this one:

Be careful when setting profiles. For example, if you have a basic develop profile that includes a knob affecting one of the color mixer values, and you have a color mixer profile that assigns that knob to a different function, as you turn that knob, it first will be using the basic develop profile assignment but then will switch while you are turning it to the color mixer profile assignment. Profile changes caused by buttons shouldn't be a problem.


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Ernst Bokkelkamp

Nov 5, 2018, 4:27:56 AM11/5/18

WARNING: The naming in the GUI, API and MIDI2LR is very inconsistent and confusing.


The adjustments (HSL,Color,B&W) panel is one of the most difficult and complex panels to be scripted using a plugin for several reasons:

- Within the adjustments panel there are "3 sub-panels": HSL / Color / B&W

- Within the HSL sub-panel there are 4 additional sub-sub-panels: Hue / Saturation / Luminance / All

and these sub-sub-panels can not be selected using the keyboard or from the API, it needs interaction with the mouse.....


But there is a work around: 

- The adjustments panel can be opened by revealing the panel 1) using the mouse, or 2) using the API, or 3) changing a slider using the API

- The Hue / Saturation / Luminance sub-sub-panel can be opened by changing a slider using the API


What I do is to use a button in the "Develop" profile to change into one of three adjustments profiles "Hue", "Saturation", "Luminance".

Each of these three adjustments profiles assigns two buttons to go back to develop, the first being the same button that loaded the profile.


This is the develop layout for my X-Touch mini, the adjustment panel buttons are on the top row right hand side labelled: ASx:HSL_xxx and ASx:Develop



To be able to use these buttons a few setting have to be made in the options, first we need to identify (and create) the profiles:


It is important to understand that the "Develop" entry in "Modules" and "Loupe" entry in "Tools" are needed to avoid confusion,
also that "Basic Adjustments" is the "Basic" panel in the GUI but "PanelAdjust" in MIDI2LR because it is "adjustPanel" in the API,
and the "Color Adjustments" is the "Adjustments" panel in the GUI but "PanelMixer" in MIDI2LR because it is "mixerPanel" in the API.

As can be seen above there are four profiles in the "Profiles" section that will be used for handling HSL, the next part is what is needed to activate HSL:


Series of commands (ActionSeries) are used in the MIDI2LR "Develop" profile to change to the "HSL" panel (MixerPanel) and to load the corresponding HSL profile,

the first entry is used to return to the "Basic" panel. When using these options it is important to close your eyes for a moment when pressing the button ;-)

The reason is that the sub-sub-panel will only be selected (highlighted) after changing a slider.


The HSL_Hue, HSL_Lum, and HSL_Sat profiles are identical except for the button that loaded the profile:



Note: the drawings of the X-Touch Mini layout have been generated from the MIDI2LR profiles but some of the commands have been changed in the process to allow for a better presentation. AS=ActionSeries, R.=Reset, Key?=Key entry in options


I know, sub-sub-panel sounds stupid, but what would you use to identify the third level panel ?


Simone Girlanda

Nov 5, 2018, 3:11:04 PM11/5/18
Ciao Ernst,

thank you for your exhaustive answer. 

I've reviewed my profile setting using your suggestions, it works fine.
Let me finalize commands mapping and I will publish my configuration.

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