Love it! A few questions

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Alex Furer

Feb 10, 2019, 5:56:32 PM2/10/19
Hi there everybody, hi Rory and thank you for bringing this awesome tool to live!

I am very new to this and I now just setup my X-Touch Mini and started "programming" my UI for the last couple of days. It was basically very easy once I read a few things watched a few videos (shout out to Brian Lovelace) and through trial and error.

One section I am a little confused is how much of a reason is there to use the X-Touch Editor from Behringer. I understood that I can set the LEDs to trim for values that can go negative or positive and start at zero. And also limit the values certain dial knobs or the slider in the library module. I did realize that in the develop module the Plugin options carry limit slider. Maybe that would be an area for improvement. Give the ability to limit values in other modules.

How are you guys using the X-Touch Editor and for what?

There's one thing that I can't really figure out and I would be very glad to get some pointers here.

What I tried to do is to use the "Alt" key together with a dial knob. For instance, if I want to edit sharpening, I mostly do it with the "Alt" key pressed to see the black and white image in Lightroom. But I was not able to add a modifier like "Alt" to a button, not through the Plugins option dialog by setting up a short key, nor by creating a series of commands. And pressing the alt button on the keyboard while rotating the dial did not work either.

Does anyone have an idea how this could be achieved?

In a similar fashion I tried to use the same dial knob for multiple parameters by pressing a button. My concept was to use a dial for e.g. Exposure, then pressing a button on the X-Touch-Mini, trying to change the parameter the dial knob is altering. But I guess that's not possible at all, or?

But maybe I need a second input device. I think there's enough buttons on the X-Touch Mini but not enough dials :)

Thanks again and I hope to hear form anyone.

Carsten Schlipf

Feb 12, 2019, 11:43:34 AM2/12/19
The X-Touch Editor is of not much use. You can use it to change the push buttons to toggle, but then MIDI2LR will no longer work properly. The only thing I have used it for was to change the display mode of the LEDs around the knobs.

So what you want to achieve is not possible with MIDI2LR. As a workaround however I have mapped showing clipping masks. Works just as well as pressing ALT while moving the sliders of blacks and white for me. You can see my layout here: Show clipping is assigned to the 2nd button from right on the second row.

Alex Furer

Feb 12, 2019, 5:41:18 PM2/12/19
WOW! Thank you Carsten. Awesome guide and cool concept. I will read it thoroughly and experiment with  your setup. But it seems you did a great job. Thanks for sharing!

Alex Furer

Feb 13, 2019, 6:09:22 AM2/13/19
So I played around with your setup. I gotta say, very well done! And thank you for sharing this. It must have been a lot of work and I appreciate people being open and giving back for others to either use or learn form it.

I will study the concept more in depth. But so far enabling the clipping masks doesn't show the black and white overlay for masking when adjusting details. There might be a way, or I am doing something wrong which is entirely possible.

On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 5:43:34 PM UTC+1, Carsten Schlipf wrote:

Carsten Schlipf

Feb 13, 2019, 10:34:58 AM2/13/19
Thank you very much :)

Clipping mask only works for black and white highlights. It does not work for the details mask unfortunately. Here I do not know how to solve it. But hej... the keyboard and the mouse is not gone after all ;-)

Dusty Altena

Feb 13, 2019, 2:46:57 PM2/13/19
Hi Carsten, 

Are you using Windows with that setup? I'm using Mac (Mojave) and most buttons aren't working. I'm assuming it's the permissions issue on Mojave?

Carsten Schlipf

Feb 14, 2019, 3:28:17 AM2/14/19
Yes, I am using Windows. So I cannot help you with Mac specific issues unfortunately.

Dusty Altena

Feb 14, 2019, 11:23:40 AM2/14/19
Thanks for the reply! I got it all working now. A lot of the mappings didn’t come through (Probably because you’re on Windows). I went through and manually mapped all the missing ones and it works great now. Your overlay is the best I’ve seen, so thanks for that!

Carsten Schlipf

Feb 15, 2019, 8:27:14 AM2/15/19
Thank you very much. Sorry, that not all mappings worked though. Well, I need a Mac for better testing ;-)
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