More Keyword options

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Jonathan Chick

Jun 9, 2021, 9:52:04 AM6/9/21
Hello! I have a Novation LaunchPad MK2 that i purchased specifically for keywording. I see where there are only 16 programmable spots for keywords. Is there a way to change that 64 spots or a workaround in MIDI2LR? I have looked into Keyboard Maestro and know I can do it there but it is going to take forever and would rather use MIDI2LR if there is a way to do it. I am not a coder or adept at coding. I looked into it and easily got overwhelmed. 


Rory Jaffe

Aug 25, 2021, 5:40:34 PM8/25/21
The workaround is to have multiple profiles, each with 16 different keywords assigned. Then you'd switch profiles and then hit the keyword button. See

Jerry Saulman

Sep 4, 2021, 6:30:03 PM9/4/21
I tried to do this before so apologize if this is a duplicate but I can't see the other.

I have a novation midi controller with 64 keys. Given midi2lr limitation of 16 keywords per profile (as I understand it) I have mapped the keys so that the left top set of 8 keys will be available to me for profiles 1 to 16 (should I have that many) and the top right 8 are for keyword 1, keyword 2, etc. and lower right 8 are for toggle keyword 1, toggle keyword 2, etc.


So I can set it up and put in 16 keywords. No problem. Works great.

Where I'm having the issue is how to get a different set of keywords. 

So far I have profile 1 and profile 2. 

I load profile 1 and it has keywords.

I change the keywords and saved as profile 2.

I tried to re-load profile 1 (works, indicates it's profile 1 now) but the keywords are unchanged.

What am I missing?



Jerry Saulman

Sep 4, 2021, 6:58:31 PM9/4/21
Question. When I look at a profile in text editor, I don't see anything at all about keywords. If I am to assume that the keyword mapping changes, shouldn't it be somehow addressed in the profile itself? When I do export configuration, I do see references to keywords but they are by number... see here:

do local _={{Presets={},RevealAdjustedControls=true,DataStructure={version={minor=3,revision=1,major=4,build=11},language="en"},Keywords={20614,20606,20616,20612,45794,42232,43160,47646,45818},PasteList={},Profiles={profile24="",profile10="",print="",mixerPanel="",profile14="",library="",profile8="",profile6="",transformPanel="",profile25="",profile11="",book="",dust="",profile18="",profile3="",gradient="",localized="",web="",tonePanel="",adjustPanel="",profile26="",profile9="",colorGradingPanel="",slideshow="",detailPanel="",profile1="testprofile.txt",effectsPanel="",profile22="",profile5="",redeye="",profile23="",circularGradient="",profile4="",lensCorrectionsPanel="",profile7="",profile21="",profile20="",profile19="",calibratePanel="",profile15="",profile16="",profile2="profile2.xml",profile17="",profile13="",profile12="",crop="",map="",loupe="",develop=""},ClientShowBezelOnChange=true,PastePopup=false,Limits={Temperature={[50000]={3000,9000},label="Temperature",param="Temperature"}},ActionSeries={},Keys={{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false},{alt=false,key="",control=false,command=false,shift=false}},ProfilesShowBezelOnChange=true,LocalPresets={},Filters={}}};return _;end

I guess I don't understand the thread seems to imply that this is stored in the profile but I don't see that in the profile unless I'm missing how to connect a to b.

Jerry Saulman

Sep 10, 2021, 3:22:04 PM9/10/21
hello... any ideas about this profile question? I'm having trouble figuring out how to have multiple profiles with different keyword sets in them

On Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 4:40:34 PM UTC-5 Rory Jaffe wrote:

Jerry Saulman

Sep 10, 2021, 3:24:00 PM9/10/21
and I'll definitely sponsor this project if this goes forward... would be great to have it able to do more keywords than 16.... like 64 would be ideal... that way I would only need 2 profiles to put all my sports players' numbers in as keywords for the whole team... glad to contribute if that helps push this forward...

Rory Jaffe

Sep 14, 2021, 3:48:50 PM9/14/21
OK, the next release will have 64 keyword options. Note that this means that the keyword dialog will take a second or two to open if you have lots of keywords (I have about 14,000 because I have all bird species as keywords).

Next planned release will be at the end of October/beginning of November.

Rory Jaffe

Sep 14, 2021, 5:28:33 PM9/14/21
If anyone wants to try this feature, make sure you're running MIDI2LR version, exit lightroom, unzip the files in the attached into your MIDI2LR.lrplugin directory, then delete the MenuTrans.xml file, which is in %appdata%\MIDI2LR on Windows machines and ~/Library/Application Support/MIDI2LR on MacOS machines. Deleting that file forces MIDI2LR to regenerate its menus. Then start up Lightroom. You should have 64 keywords available (and 50 local presets--another enhancement coming in the next release). Please post success / failure as that will help me test for next release.

Michael Anthony

Oct 19, 2021, 8:53:06 PM10/19/21

Thanks for this, exactly what I needed to get past the 16 keyword limit too. So far working well! I'm helping Kym Illman with using your software, example here
Your work makes my job way easier, so thank you very much for that!
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