Possible to map tone curves to knobs or sliders?

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Dec 27, 2018, 7:30:25 PM12/27/18
Hi! I'm looking to buy a X-Touch mini and pair if with Midi2LR. One of the biggest pains I have in LR is editing my tone curves. I use ~8 custom points on the curve like so: 


1. Does this software allow individual points in the B&W tone curve to be set to each dial? Then I could turn the dial and move the tone curve up and down. OR barring that, maybe set one point to the slider of the Behringer and another button to "tab" to each point?

2. Also another question for those with the x-touch: Is there an appreciable difference between the Behringer and the Pfixer MiniMal, other than stickers on the faceplate and the Pfixer software?

Thanks to the devs for such incredible work and thanks anyone who responds to this topic :)

dan lim

Dec 27, 2018, 9:32:10 PM12/27/18
Yes, there's many parameter can be adjusted, you need to set a profile for that particular set of adjustment. 

I has the mini, to me, as long as it gets the job done it should be fine. I did come out my own preset adjustment.. slight different from the rest...

Santiago Umaña

Dec 28, 2018, 7:40:08 AM12/28/18

Regarding your question about the tone curve, you can work with tone curves but not the custom point RGB curve, only the Region curve (Parametric curve) using 4 knobs to control regions and 3 to control divisions, I use it like that, is not as precise as the point curve but it's quite powerful, so when developing I use parametric curve to deal with the first part and then if I need some more precision I go to the custom RGB curves and deal with them manually. At first I thought it was quite inconvenient not to be able to use knobs for the tone curve (point RGB curve) but then I used it like this and I've overcome that issue, it's a question of adaptability.

I have had the X-touch mini for a year and a half now and find it very useful, I haven't use the p-fixer but have seen Int and I truly believe the x-touch with the midi2lr is quite better. The p-fixer is just an x-touch labeled for their software. In Midi2lr I created my own layout with 8 profiles and designed the labels for it, had it printed on some sticker paper and placed it over the x-touch and it looks great, I honestly don't look at the labels any more since I've memorized the layout.

Hope this addresses your questions.

Brian Baker

Dec 28, 2018, 3:10:12 PM12/28/18

Thank you for your response. You've confirmed what I assumed was the case with the RGB points. 

-I could potentially get away with using parametric adjustments instead of custom, but... Is there a way to adjust the leftmost point up away from the bottom left corner with midi2lr? I find that this is really the only/best way to achieve the look I want in post. I know I can simply create a custom profile, but of course that's not quite the same as making on-the-fly adjustments

-And I won't be using the pfixer software, I just wanted to make sure there were no hardware differences between the behringer and the pfixer version (other than faceplate stickers)

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