Program a button as "Shift" to assign multiple push actions // but can you use a Knob push as 'shift' witht he Midi Fighter Twister

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Tom Leuntjens

Aug 31, 2016, 6:35:59 AM8/31/16

I configured one of the side knows as "shift page A" on the midi fighter twister.
That way you can use that button as a shift and assign a secondary push function to one of the knobs. 
So all my knobs have a primary function to a  push (assign switch action type : cc hold) and a secondary push function assigned when holding on of the side knows (configured shift page A/B)
And this works fine!

But, can A knob be configured as a shift ?
Is there any way a knob can be configured this way ? (i find a combo with one of side knobs too cumbersome)
So in other words.. holding a knob down should be the 'shift'   But the cc command "shift page a" is not available ..

And a big up to the developer of MIDI2LR ... been a vsco  and later a pfixer user for a couple of years now and I really like all the options you have here!

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