Pausing when using a tablet

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Alan Bailward

Jun 16, 2019, 8:26:12 PM6/16/19
I just got myself a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet to replace an old Bamboo tablet that was having some issues - but the new one had the same ones.  Every few seconds my pen cursor was pausing for about half a second, making using the tablet unusable (mouse was fine). 

After much installing and re-installing of drivers and a lot of muttering I figured out that the Midi2LR was the cause.  Quitting the app (which starts up as soon as Lightroom does) let the cursor work perfectly.

I assume this is some sort of result from the app polling the OS for events every few seconds or something.

Just wondering if anyone had seen this before or knew if there was a fix (this is using the latest version that was just released today on 6/16/2019).


Rory Jaffe

Jun 16, 2019, 10:11:59 PM6/16/19
How did you stop the app? This will help me understand exactly what you shut down (there are several things running--an app and a plugin).
  1. Click on the app window (x) to close.
  2. In Lightroom, click on File->Plug-in Extras->MIDI2LR Stop Server
  3. In Lightroom, click on File->Plug-in Manager->MIDI2LR->Disable
  4. Other (please describe)
Also, could you post the contents of the last run of MIDI2LR from your MIDI2LR.log file? It's in ~/Library/Logs/MIDI2LR in MacOS or %appdata%\MIDI2LR in Windows.

I'll look into this.

The app doesn't do any resource-intensive polling, though I'm not sure whether the third-party library handling interprocess communications (between the app and Lightroom) is doing any polling--I'd hope not. Also, the app should have very low CPU usage. Look at your system monitor to see how much usage it has.

The only other thing I could think of is a conflict between the MIDI drivers and the tablet drivers.

Alan Bailward

Jun 17, 2019, 12:06:14 AM6/17/19
Hey Rory, thanks for the quick reply.  Note that this wasn't a resource thing going on, the computer was basically doing nothing, this felt more like something interrupting the 

I just went in (Mac) and did a quit from the l2rmidi menu in the menu bar to stop it. I'm not sure if the servers or helpers are still running or not.

However, of course because I posted here now everything is working properly.  
 - I did a restart of the app from the LR->Plug-in Extras->MIDI2LR Start server and the cursor movement is fine
 - I did a full restart of Lightroom (M2LR app starts when LR starts) and it's also working just fine.

In between when I was testing LR and the computer were restarted multiple times, so I really have no idea what's going on.  I've attached my logs though, maybe you can see something in there.

Not sure if it matters, but both the tablet and midi (Behringer X-Touch Mini - USB2) are connected to a powered USB3 hub plugged into a 2019 iMac.

I'm going to assume this was some weird combination of the apps starting, or drivers being installed while something somewhere wasn't supposed to be running, but if I can reliably duplicate this I'll let you know and help figure out how to get you some sort of extra info about it.  

This also means that now as soon as I post a 'it's all working now' post that it'll start not working again.... :) 
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