Behringer X-Touch Mini - Profiles and overlay template

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Joseph Naim

Mar 22, 2017, 3:46:13 AM3/22/17
Hey everyone,

Attached is a file with everything you need to get the Behringer X-Touch Mini working with plenty of functionality.
Included is the preset for X-Touch Editor, profiles for Midi2LR and overlay template and INSTRUCTIONS!

I've put many man hours into this but thought I'd share it with everyone. 
Would love feedback and maybe any ideas to make this even better.



David Bump

Mar 24, 2017, 3:33:48 PM3/24/17
This looks great--love the template! Do you print it on sticker paper, or have you found an alternative?  I haven't applied a sticker yet--worried that I won't get it started straight.

A couple of questions on the the X-Touch editor .bin file:
There's only one .bin-- I'm used to having one .bin for layer A, and a separate one for layer B.
When I load it into the editor, I don't see any changes from the defaults for layer A.  Unless I'm missing something, you can skip the editor step?  Is there a customization to the controller that I'm missing?

However, one thing you might consider adding to both layer bin files: change some of the encoder's LED RING attributes to "Trim" instead of pan/single (which are the defaults for A/B).  Trim is a nice indicator for sliders that are centered on 0 (like Exposure), with positive and negative to either side, as the led indicators will start out in the 12 o'clock position, and then fill in just on the negative or positive side as you turn the dial.  I don't see a difference between Pan and Single; and Fan and Spread don't seem to be useful for Lightroom knobs (Fan starts at 7 o'clock and fills in clockwise as you rotate; Spread starts at 12 o'clock, and fills in on both sides as you rotate--including that info here, as I haven't seen it anywhere online).  I've attached a .bin file with the first two set to Pan (for temp and tint), and the rest to Trim, as an example.

Another thing to consider, just in the setup/sharing aspect, is that you can export the MIDI2LR preset and include that file with your other settings; then in step 4 of your instructions, simply instruct users to go to File>Plug-in Extras>MIDI2LR>Load Presets (you'd export yours with >Export Presets).  That would eliminate the possibility of other users typing in the wrong values in the Options screens (for example, I entered capital U for keyboard shortcut 2, which doesn't work--lower case u does correctly apply auto tone).  I'm attaching my export preset after configuring it based on the screen shots (plus two changes below) for an example.

Two other possible changes:
Based on Brian Lovelace's setup, I really like the Options>Other... "Show status and activity" option selected.  That displays a brief on-screen-display text of what parameter you are adjusting with each knob/button.  In that vein, I additionally enable Options>Profiles, "Notify when profile changes" which displays the name of your profile xml file when you change.  The combination of those two makes it easier and easier to keep my eyes on the monitor, so I can learn the location of knobs/buttons by touch or muscle memory, because I'm getting feedback on the screen each time I use the controller.

I really like the layout of your settings.  I'm still experimenting with what I want to use, and this is a great starting point.  You included a number of buttons that I hadn't thought of, but will really speed up workflow.  Thank you very much for posting this!


Joseph Naim

Mar 24, 2017, 4:21:04 PM3/24/17
Hey David,
Thanks for all the great feedback!

I have printed the template on sticker paper and that works extremely well. The other option is just some 180gsm+ paper and just lay it over the top, maybe adding blu-tack or double sided tape. 

So I realised that I did actually only save Layer A, so I have now included layer A and B in the attachment. Though to be honest, I don't think I changed them much from the default settings, but have included them just in case.

In regards to the LED settings, I still prefer the PAN setting. When using Lightroom, most of the controls have a single slider that moves left and right at a single setting, rather than 'filling' up the slider, hence why I personally prefer the PAN setting. But everyone has their own preference, and its and easy setting to change if anyone prefers it a different way. 

Now the MIDI2LR preset export/import is something I totally missed and didn't know existed so thank you for pointing out this out! I have now included the preset file and updated the instructions on how to utilise this.

Finally, with the 'two other changes' you mentioned, I did try to get the "Notify when profile changes" to work, but couldn't, hence why I left it off. Somehow after importing your preset file, it's now working for me, so I've included that in my preset file. Very handy!
With "Show status and activity", again, it's just a personally preference, but I leave it off. I'm more of a visual person when I edit, and the values don't mean much to me. But like before, it's an easy setting to toggle if someone prefers it that way. 

I'd love to keep improving this more and more, so keep that feedback coming!

I've thought of adding auto-changing profiles for Library so to stream line the filtering process before entering Develop Mode - Maybe in the next release! haha

Here's the updated package (version 1.1):

Joseph Naim

Mar 24, 2017, 4:42:31 PM3/24/17
Also, there is an issue with the current version of Lightroom (2015.9) where the "convert to grayscale" function is not working. I'm not sure why this is at this stage.
The black and white profile is useless unless you have manually changed to Black and White prior to switching profiles. 

A temporary fix would be to create a new keyboard shortcut in the MIDI2LR options and allocate the button to that shortcut. All the profiles would need to be updated too.

I've made another package for LR 2015.9 specifically until the issue is resolved. 

Simply replace the 5 profile files and update the MIDI2LR preset from this package:

David Bump

Mar 24, 2017, 6:27:01 PM3/24/17
I noticed an issue with the "Notify when profile changes" too.  After setting it, it didn't work, and I went back in, and the check box was in the third, filled state that all the check boxes in Options for MIDI2LR appear to default to.  I re-checked it, and OK'd out and then it worked fine.  Generally that third state indicates that a child item is checked, but not all child items--not sure why it's showing up as the default state.

Good point on personal preferences with several of those options.

I've been tinkering with having a culling/rating/navigation profile defined in the Library profile, and an edit-specific one like yours for the Develop module profile, and it seems to work very well.  I currently have two buttons dedicated to changing the module to Library and Develop, which are in the same location on both profiles for consistency.  I have no idea what to use the knobs for in Library--so I may end up just using the button functions on them.  In culling/rating mode, having auto-advance enabled, or using Shift-[1-5] as the keyboard shortcut saves having to advance to the next photo with another keystroke.

I also really like the idea of printing on heavier paper, and making it easier to swap out/update the overlay legend.  Maybe even photo paper.

Thanks again!

Joseph Naim

Mar 24, 2017, 11:52:10 PM3/24/17
I've been playing with an idea for a Library profile too. 

Obviously with my template I have the colour band on the encoders, so I thought of reusing the encoder buttons for colour tagging. ie. Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple.
Also adding the entire 0-5 star rating and Flag pick, Reject and Unflagged. I could also add the auto-advance to some dedicated buttons.

However, after using lightroom with my current setup, I find almost no need for any of the above. 

- I never use colour tagging. 
- I like the simple 'increase/decrease rating'. It seems easier then having to look down to find the button for "3 stars" or "5 stars" or "wait, no, only 4 stars".
- My layout simplifies the flagging functionality from 3 functions to 2 - "Reject" is one button and the other button is a "Toggle"
- Auto-advance can be handy, but sometimes you may want to rate, flag and tag a photo. I find with two handed use, I place my left hand over the Rating and Flagged buttons, and my right hand over the next/previous buttons. Still really quick and gives way more control in terms of culling/rating/navigation.

And finally, I wanted to keep things relatively simple. 
I could have added endless layers and profiles, but this two layer system with profile colour tweaking works perfect for me. 
At the end of the day, the controller will do 99% of my most used functions. And for that last 1%, the mouse/keyboard isn't too far away. :)

David Bump

Mar 25, 2017, 4:30:15 AM3/25/17
There is a lot to be said for the simpler solution, which covers your really frequent tools, not every single tool.  I think that's what I like about the layout you have right now; the simplicity makes it very approachable as a newcomer.  It's certainly a good starting point that people can customize for their own workflow.

I'm going to have to consciously fight the temptation to make my layout too complex, and keep using the keyboard and mouse for those 1% cases.  Thanks for the feedback on my feedback--it's been really useful to me!  Hope others who are starting out find it useful too.
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Mark Teague

Apr 26, 2017, 1:51:57 PM4/26/17
Hi everyone.

I am new to this whole midi thing, and want to say a thank you for all your comments on the post, and especially to Joseph. This really has got me started, which i am sure I will learn plenty moving forward.

Cheers, Mark :)


Apr 28, 2017, 8:08:41 PM4/28/17
Joe - I also wanted to thank you for this. Very easy to follow your instructions. I am excited to try out the X-touch mini with Lightroom.

When I review the "other" tab under Options it does not have the sliders at the top for setting boundaries for the ranges. The dialog simply starts with the row of check boxes which start with "Show status and activity." I am using Windows so I wasn't sure if that might be why or if I did not do something more to finish setting things up.

Thank you again for all your work and your generosity in sharing.

Joseph Naim

Apr 28, 2017, 8:24:11 PM4/28/17
Thanks for the kind words Mark. Feel free to share some feedback. I'd love to know how others are using and 'tweaking' my setup. Enjoy!
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Joseph Naim

Apr 28, 2017, 8:31:33 PM4/28/17
Hi Win,
Thank you for the kind words. I spent many hours getting this to where it's at, so nice to know it's appreciated.

In regards to the missing sliders, I've actually encountered this before. I can't remember what I did to fix it, but it seemed to have resolved itself. Just make sure you have the latest version of midi2lr. Then try shutting down and restarting midi2lr and LR. If that doesn't work, try rebooting the PC. I'm on Windows 10.

Ian Wood

Jun 19, 2017, 3:10:23 PM6/19/17

Just wanted to thank you for your fantastic efforts in making this so easy to install and get running. I used the set-up for the first time yesterday, was up and running without any issues. Has had a drastic effect on how much time I'm in post with photos, as well as the added benefit of not getting wrist aches through holding the mouse through 900+ photos.

Apologies if I missed the information for the following question, is there a way I can easily add my own presets/functions to the spare buttons on the B bank? 

Thanks again, brilliant job!!


IG - @eanousa

Joseph Naim

Jun 19, 2017, 6:34:12 PM6/19/17
Hey Ian,
Thanks for the kind words. I know the trouble I went through to get this to where it is, so it's nice to hear people using it and appreciating it. 😊

What spare buttons on B bank are you talking about? As far as I'm aware, I don't have any spare buttons.

Ian Wood

Jun 20, 2017, 6:44:13 PM6/20/17

Thank you for the quick reply! I asked the question incorrectly, apologies, can I reassign buttons to other functions or pre-sets?

Kind regards,

Joseph Naim

Jun 20, 2017, 7:01:27 PM6/20/17
Certainly! I designed the layout for MY workflow, but obviously everyone is different.

Basically, all you need to do is open midi2lr and press the button on the x-touch. Midi2lr will take you to that button. Now all you have to do is reassign that button to whatever function you prefer. Don't forget to save.

Keep in mind, because I have presets, that button/function would have to be programmed and saved for EACH preset to function the same regardless of what preset you're using.


Jun 21, 2017, 7:59:39 AM6/21/17
This works great. Thanks for all your hard work and sharing it!

Dustin Vaughn

Jun 23, 2017, 8:04:57 PM6/23/17

This is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing with the group. It got me up and running in no-time. I'm loving it so far, and very glad I opted to go this route instead of sinking a lot of money into a solution like Loupedeck. What you have done seems to fit the majority of what I want to do.

Joseph Naim

Jun 24, 2017, 12:24:06 AM6/24/17
Thanks for all the feedback guys.

I think I'm in the same boat as many of you and wanted a cheaper solution than most of the prepackaged kits out there.

I keep tinkering to try and make my layout better but I think it hits most marks without being too complicated.

Are there any functions that people use constantly that I've ommited?

Martin Kukielka

Jul 9, 2017, 8:23:40 PM7/9/17
Hi Joseph,

Thank you very much fro your presets and for sharing them. I translated the PSD template to German and hope it's OK to share it here too for other German users.

German print layout:


Joseph Naim

Jul 11, 2017, 4:01:58 AM7/11/17
Hi Martin, 

Thanks for the translated template - The more people using my presets, the better! 

Kevin Ly

Jul 19, 2017, 12:47:18 AM7/19/17
Appreciate all the work you put into this Joseph. I haven't even gotten my unit yet but when I do and if there is anything to add, I will certainly contribute some feedback. 

On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 11:46:13 PM UTC-4, Joseph Naim wrote:


Jul 24, 2017, 8:14:39 PM7/24/17
Hi Joseph! 

Thanks so much for this package! I had a few questions I was hoping you could help me with. 

1. When I press Layer B and switch through the five profiles you assigned across the first row, nothing changes . Regardless of whether I press profiles 1 through 5, the knobs only control the same things. I was assuming each knob corresponds to changes in color for hue, saturation, and luminance, but I only see the knobs changing the default temperature, tint, sharpness, and saturation across all five. Am I misunderstanding something? One thing I noticed is that when I press on profiles 1 through 5, the buttons do not stay lit orange like I thought should happen when we are under profiles. 

2. I am on a Mac, but MIDI2LR keeps crashing when I press on certain buttons that look like buttons that are programmed to correspond to certain Keys. Is this because this is configured for a PC? Do I need to edit the Keys within Lightroom? 

3. Finally, when you say that we have to save for EACH preset when making changes, does that mean that when I change something in MIDI2LR, I have to save and overwrite all 5 xml files when I try to save within MIDI2LR? I just don't save over the Basic.xml file?

I've been struggling with this for the past week or so and any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you so much!

Joseph Naim

Jul 24, 2017, 11:58:18 PM7/24/17
Hi Daonei,

1. When using the profiles, they function in LAYER A. So to use the profiles, press LAYER B, choose profile, press LAYER A. I did it this way because I wanted to keep Layer A the primary layer for workflow and Layer B as a subsidiary. 

2. There are a few functions that utilise shortcut keys as apposed to the built in functions MIDI2LR provides. So I had to input a few keyboard shortcuts in the MIDI2LR settings within Lightroom. 
And to confirm, I am using Windows, so the shortcut keys will be different to a Mac. 
But you can change them easily.

All you would need to do, is to go into Lightroom > File > Plugin Extras > MIDI2LR > Options > Other.. (tab) 

Keyboard shortcut 1: \ (Toggle Before/After)
Keyboard shortcut 2: ctrl+u (Auto Tone)
Keyboard shortcut 4: ctrl+alt+v (Paste Settings from Previous)
Keyboard shortcut 6: ` (Toggle Flag)
Keyboard shortcut 7: i (Cycle Info Display)
Keyboard shortcut 8: l (Next Light Mode)

From looking up Lightroom shortcuts, all of them should function except 2 and 4. Change these to CMD+u and CMD+OPT+V respectively and you should be good to go. 

Finally, I'd love for you to share the MIDI2LR preset for Mac once you're done. That can be done by going to File > Plugin Extras > MIDI2LR > Export Preset > save the txt file.

3. Yes, each profile is like a brand new set of commands. So theoretically, you can have a profile that completely changes every function in both layer A and B (Baring in mind, you'll always want a constant button to switch profiles).
So say, for example, you wanted to change the "Auto Tone" button to something else. You could reassign it to something different within MIDI2LR and save it, but it will only be saved in the BASIC.xml.
If you want that function to work regardless of what profile you are in, you would have to switch to each profile and change the same button in all profiles (and save them!).

I hope that has helped clear things up for you. 

Joseph Naim

Jul 25, 2017, 1:11:08 AM7/25/17
Thanks to everyone for the kind feedback. 

I have updated the package with a few things, so feel free to update.

Package v1.2 changes:
- Simpler/cleaner profile names (ie. 1 Behringer - Basic.xml to Default.xml)
- Replaced Keyboard shortcut "CTRL+U" with "Auto Tone"
- Cleaned up keyboard shortcuts (No more empty slots)
- Cleaned up Photoshop Overlay Template
- Included font for template in package
- Cleaned up the User Guide and Installation  

Joseph Naim

Jul 25, 2017, 11:08:27 PM7/25/17
Dropbox file went missing - Who knows how that happened. 

Joseph Naim

Jul 26, 2017, 3:04:58 AM7/26/17
Behringer X-Touch Mini Presets - VERSION 2.0

After hearing people's feedback and reevaluating how I use Lightroom, I have released Version 2.0 of my presets. 

Below are the changes:
- Auto WB, Auto Tone and Virtual Copy replaced with Escape, Match Exposure and Sync Settings respectively. 
- Added "Select Left" and "Select Right" functions.
- Profiles now operate in LAYER B. (Previously, you would have to toggle LAYER B,  select Hue, Saturation, Luminance or Black & White, and then revert back to LAYER A).
- User guide and installation updated.
- Photoshop overlay template updated. 

If updating from version 1.x:
1) Replace all "profile".xml wherever your profiles are located. 
2) Update MIDI2LR settings preset by loading "MIDI2LR Lightroom Settings Preset v2.0.txt" within Lightroom. 
3) Behringer X-touch editor Layer A and B preset have not changed, and therefore, do not need to be updated. 

Martin Kukielka

Jul 26, 2017, 2:41:05 PM7/26/17
Hi Joseph!

Thank you for the update! I'll also update the German PSD template and repost a new link here.

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Martin Kukielka

Jul 26, 2017, 5:42:55 PM7/26/17

Here's the GERMAN PSD template file (also including a PDF for faster printout on A4 - please don't scale or fit to page!):

But a question:
What does "SYNC" mean? In my test this button is without any results (also not seen in the change history).
Is it the synchronization between LR and Midi2LR only (without changes on the picture)?

And what is "ESCAPE"? Also without action for me.

Joseph Naim

Jul 26, 2017, 6:57:06 PM7/26/17
Hi Martin,
Thank you for the translations again! That's great!

I've added these instructions to the user guide. 

How to use Match Exposure/Sync Settings

Match Exp (Match Total Exposures): 
When you have selected 2 or more photos, it matches the overall exposure (not the setting) based on the first photo that was selected. 
Sync (Sync Settings): When you have selected 2 or more photos, it synchronises all settings based on the first photo that was selected.
Select Left/Select Right: Select multiple photo to the left or right respectively.
Escape: Unselects multiple photos, and returns to only the active photo.

1) Start from the main photo you have edited, then Select Left or Select Right to select all the photos you want to affect. 
2) Press either MATCH EXP or SYNC (depending on what you would like to do). All the photos selected will be affected.
3) Press Escape to unselect and return to only the active photo.

Joseph Naim

Jul 26, 2017, 6:59:21 PM7/26/17
I've also realised someone is "cutting" the package from the dropbox, instead of downloading or copying it. 

So I have now made a google drive folder with both v1.2 and v2.x packages.

Joseph Naim

Jul 26, 2017, 7:30:06 PM7/26/17
v2.01 Update:
- Renamed Escape to Select Active
- Renamed Match Exp to Match Exposure

Martin Kukielka

Jul 27, 2017, 6:49:10 PM7/27/17

Joseph Naim

Jul 27, 2017, 7:52:26 PM7/27/17
v2.02 Update:
- Renamed profiles with preceding numbers. ie 1 Default, 2 Hue, etc... 
(MIDI2LR will automatically load by alphabetical order – so Black & White was being loaded at start-up instead of Default.xml)

I have now added the German Overlay template into the Google Drive folder (Thanks to Martin Kukielka).

Hugo Miguel António

Jul 29, 2017, 11:38:27 AM7/29/17
Hi Joseph !

Congratulations for the great work you're doing here !
Also, thanks for sharing it with the community.
Just a reminder - currently the .rar file for V2.02 on google drive is missing the "MIDI2LR Lightroom Settings Preset v2.xx.txt" file.

Cheers mate !

Joseph Naim

Jul 29, 2017, 1:27:40 PM7/29/17
Hi Hugo,

Thanks for letting me know - file has been updated! 

Thank you.


Aug 5, 2017, 8:27:39 PM8/5/17
Hi Joseph,
Big thank for the input ! It really helps.
I tried to download the v2.02 (.rar) but whan I tried to open it, windows says "the file can not be open as an archive" ??
The v1.2 opens correctly.
Any idea about thos problem ?

Joseph Naim

Aug 5, 2017, 10:45:14 PM8/5/17
Hi Salem,
The v2.02.rar file is extracting fine on my computer. I even redownloaded it from the google drive and it worked. 
What archive software are you using? Make sure you have the latest of either 7zip or WinRar. 

Either way, I have re-compressed the contents into a zip archive (instead of Rar) and added it into the Google drive. 

Try that and let me know how you go. 




Aug 6, 2017, 7:20:27 AM8/6/17
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for your quick reply and fix.
Now it works like charm.
Actually, the .zip is OK, but the .rar stil give the same error mesage I mentioned (?)
Anyway, I took the .zip, and everything is fine now.
I use 7zip and Win7ExtremPro

Again, many thanks for your superbe contribution to MIDI2LR community !

Joseph Naim

Aug 6, 2017, 12:08:47 PM8/6/17
All good mate.

Glad the zip file is working for you!

I’m pretty sure the problem you were having is due to the newer rar5 format. Having a read on 7-zips faqs (, only the very latest version of 7-zip supports the rar5 format. If you are running 7-zip 9.20 or older, it cannot open the rar5 format.

Good to know in case you run into the problem again.

Manuel Deplano

Aug 9, 2017, 7:21:36 PM8/9/17
Hi Joseph,

I just want to say u, thank u so much for the good work u've done! Dude u made my day with this mapping :-)


Aug 17, 2017, 10:31:22 AM8/17/17
Joseph, YOU ARE A STAR !!! I love the layout, I love the template. I LOVE YOU !!!!
Thank you for saving us so much time and remind me to pay you a beer/coffee next time you come to Paris !

If I may suggest something : You should edit the original post so it reflects the latest link to the download folder. I almost gave up when I stumbled upon a 404.
The RAR's not working with 7zip, I no longer use winrar so I can't test it any further.

Joseph Naim

Aug 17, 2017, 11:07:33 AM8/17/17
Hi Thieum,

Very kind words. A beer/coffee sounds good!

Unfortunately with these google group pages, I am unable to edit the first post. 
If any body knows how I can go about it, please let me know. 


Aug 17, 2017, 12:25:22 PM8/17/17
Good point, maybe then you could mark an answer with the good link as the best answer/Finished thread, it would push it to the top and make it obvious. Not sure if that would work though. Anyway, great work.


Aug 21, 2017, 2:31:09 PM8/21/17
Hi Joseph,
I've slightly modified your layout to better match my workflow.I'm still beta testing but this is what I have so far on the JPG.
I still have to figure out how to implement Profiles (marked B*) on the attached pic.
What I wish I could do is setup the fader so it affects the attribute display filter, marked green on the jpg. the bottom position would show all including rejected, the top position would only show photos marked 5. Do you reckon that's doable ? I haven't found any way to do that.

Joseph Naim

Aug 21, 2017, 3:04:20 PM8/21/17
Your layout looks a little convoluted to me, but each to their own. Everyone has their own workflow at the end of the day.

With what you want to do with the fader, I don't think it'll work. The setting within midi2lr needs to have a 'range' function as to be assignable to a fader/encoder.

The filters you are trying to set would require an on/off function, so would require a button assignment.

Encoders don't operate multiple functions. They are a single function with a range value. It's just how midi operates.

Its kinda like saying I want to control the zoom level with the fader. In theory it's a good idea, but unless lightroom has that function in its API, and the maker of midi2lr implements it, there's simply no way (that I'm aware of) to make it controllable with a fader/encoder.

Basically the limitation isn't the midi controller. It's more what lightroom does and doesn't allow, and what midi2lr gives us access to.


Aug 21, 2017, 7:02:56 PM8/21/17
Thanks for your quick response. To be perfectly honest I'm not quite sure I'll stick to this layout, I just want to have a mode where I can review and filter my lib.
You've demystified my perception of the way the fader works (for some reason I thought you could apply one action per range).

Cheers !

Joseph Naim

Aug 21, 2017, 10:01:08 PM8/21/17
Originally I played around with another additional profile for rating/culling. It had colour tagging, all 5 star ratings and a few other things.
Again, I felt it was more complicated than it needed to be.

For me, I don’t use colour tagging. The star rating, I found a simple ‘rating up’ and ‘rating down’ works great because I only have two buttons to rest my fingers on. I don’t have to look down every time and look for which star rating I need. Same goes for the flags. Instead of using flag, unflag and reject, I simplified it to a two button system. Rejected and Toggle.

Ultimately, the xtouch isn’t going to cover every function. That’s partly due to its hardware limitations, but also the limitations of the Lightroom API that midi2lr can access.

For me, if the board does 90% of my workflow, and I have to reach to the mouse or a keyboard occasionally, it’s not the end of the world. 😜

Like I said, if you really need a culling layout, another profile is the way to go.
Either that, or a second midi controller. Hehe
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Jorge Camacho

Aug 22, 2017, 4:41:26 AM8/22/17
Hi, Joseph,

Thanks a lot for all the work you've shared and the time you take for answering questions!

I have only one... There is no X-Touch editor for Mac, so I did not run that step... would that affect the mapping behaviour? 

Thanks again and best regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Dimitris Mindrinos

Aug 22, 2017, 4:51:58 PM8/22/17
You have made a great job here. I just wont to share idea to use the keyboard vertically so with one hand to use buttons and with other rotary.
I have made a basic setup here.

Shamir Patel

Aug 23, 2017, 8:34:42 AM8/23/17
Great job Joseph!

Dimitris, it's good to think outside the box Dimitris sometimes.  I think the vertical layout work well.  Thanks!

Paul De Meersman

Aug 23, 2017, 9:26:21 AM8/23/17
Thx Joseph for the great work.
I just bought the X-Touch mini and you saved me a lot of work.

Just got one question, when using the Black&White profile, and I adjust for the first time on a photo an encoder, it adjust that color, but applies the auto function on the other 7 colors ?

On Wednesday, 22 March 2017 04:46:13 UTC+1, Joseph Naim wrote:
Hey everyone,

Attached is a file with everything you need to get the Behringer X-Touch Mini working with plenty of functionality.
Included is the preset for X-Touch Editor, profiles for Midi2LR and overlay template and INSTRUCTIONS!

I've put many man hours into this but thought I'd share it with everyone. 
Would love feedback and maybe any ideas to make this even better.



Joseph Naim

Aug 23, 2017, 9:59:25 AM8/23/17
Usually to use the black and white profile, you have to toggle the photo to black and white first, before changing to the profile and adjusting the encoders. 

The black and white toggle is the same button as the black and white profile, except its in layer A. 

I hope that makes sense.
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Paul De Meersman

Aug 23, 2017, 1:19:47 PM8/23/17
That is (I think) what I do.

I select Layer A.
Then I press the button Black&White, this turns my photo to Black&White, And in Lightroom the Black & White Mix is activated, all 8 colors has the value 0.
Then I select Layer B
Then I press the corresponding button to activate the B&W profile (I see the message on my screen that says 5 Black & White.
In the Black & White Mix all 8 colors has still the value 0.
as soon as I turn one of the 8 incoders, lets say the first one (red) to the left, the value Gray Red is reduced to -1 (this is correct behavior), but also all 7 other channels are changed to another value, after some playing, I found this are the same values for thos 7 colors, as I select the option 'auto' in the Black & White Mix section,
Even a continue to adapt colors in the Black & White Mix the values no longer changes. But as soon I take another picture, this first 'auto' step is repeated.
The question I asked is this a normal behavior? If so, can this be desactivated somewhere ?

thanks in advance 

Joseph Naim

Aug 23, 2017, 10:55:58 PM8/23/17
This seems like erratic behaviour. I just retested what you did in mine, and I am having no problems. 

When I first convert a photo to black and white (Layer A - Button 5),  LR does automatically adjust my black and white settings. However, as soon as I use any encoder, auto is disabled and I have full control. 

Not sure if this is a LR or Midi2LR issue. I would try unplugging the X-touch completely and see what LR does when you try to control these settings with the mouse. 

Paul De Meersman

Aug 26, 2017, 9:17:56 AM8/26/17
Thx. I reconnected like you sayed and restarted the computer. Now it acts like yours.


Aug 26, 2017, 6:03:48 PM8/26/17
I don't know if any one would no this.
I have downloaded three x versions of the setup for the x touch mini. The first profile works. The rest don't work.
Layer a auto Sinks to the picture settings the layer b does not so pick up needs to be used.

So I decided on a simple version. Layer a and b with no profiles on channel 1 ( cc numbers ) both layers auto pickup.
I tried layer a on cc numbers and layer b on notes. I don't know if it sinks yet. Still struggling.
( I use to hate Lightroom.... With this,.... I love it. I don't know much about it so I'm adding things as I go )

But I wanted to add sync for the lower right button. I belive I need a three key combo. The only thing is. There is no button to push in the software to add keys. I thought there use to be. I can't find it anywhere.

So the question is with s/w ...
Where has my edit keys gone ( on the one that starts up with Lightroom)
Can I mix a layer of notes with cc numbers and have it auto sink to the picture.
Why don't profiles work on my pc? And if I did go back to profiles, would they auto sink to the pictures?


( Lightroom cc, dell laptop with 8gb i5 4200u - it should be fast enough- won't take more memory - win 10 with registry page hack to keep the OS down to about 2gb of memory )

Joseph Naim

Aug 27, 2017, 7:10:08 AM8/27/17
I'm not entirely sure I understand everything you have asked, but I will attempt to answer based on my understanding. 

Firstly, with the sync to settings, I'm going to assume you mean the position of the encoders when you change layers or profiles. 
I have noticed that sometimes when changing layers, the orange LEDS around the encoders don't jump to the new positions immediately until you adjust ONE setting, and then they will ALL go to where they need to be. 
If you are experiencing different behaviour to this, I would suggest making sure you have loaded both LAYER A and LAYER B into Behringer X-touch editor and loaded the presets onto the device. (Instructions are within the package file).
When looking at X-touch editor, keep in mind, each encoder has two settings per layer: The PUSH function and the TURN function. For my presets, the push functions are set as NOTE and the turn functions are set as CC. 
If you have loaded my presets into Layer A and B, there is no reason any of this should need to be touched. 

"But I wanted to add sync for the lower right button. I belive I need a three key combo. The only thing is. There is no button to push in the software to add keys. I thought there use to be. I can't find it anywhere."
Can't say I know what you mean here. What sync function are you trying to add, and what do you mean by three key combo? When you say there is no button in the software, which software? X-touch, midi2lr, lightroom?

"Where has my edit keys gone ( on the one that starts up with Lightroom)"
I don't know what edit keys you're talking about sorry. Can you be more specific please?

Can I mix a layer of notes with cc numbers and have it auto sink to the picture.
You can do whatever you want in X-touch editor - it will still send out midi commands. But if you change the midi output signals of the Xtouch, all my profiles will not working correctly because I have loaded the functions based on the midi output of the Layer A and Layer B x-touch editor presets in the package. Instead, you would have to go into MIDI2LR and reprogram the functions so it then knows what MIDI output correlates to which Lightroom function. 

Why don't profiles work on my pc? And if I did go back to profiles, would they auto sink to the pictures
Have you loaded the profiles in the folder into your MIDI2LR folder from the package? Have you loaded the MIDI2LR preset settings from within lightroom, so MIDI2LR knows which profiles to switch to when asked?

If you have answered NO to many of these, or are unsure, I suggest you go back to the package file, and follow the installation and setup tutorial one step at a time. Every step is crucial to getting it all setup correctly.

I hope I have been some help. 


Sep 2, 2017, 7:47:47 AM9/2/17
Hello Joseph

Sorry if I've missed something but I can't seem to get the link to the assets to work. It comes back with a drop box error message saying files not found. Is it still possible to get access to these files? I appreciate the work you have put in and would love to use them with my new x-touch mini.

Have a great day.

Seemanta Dutta

Sep 2, 2017, 8:47:50 AM9/2/17

You are the man, my friend! I just purchased the Xtouch mini and liking it. I know you have put in several hundred hours in making the config settings - so I understand if you don't want to share it anymore. But if you are sharing it, then would you be kind enough to share it once more ? Because the dropbox link is not active anymore :-(

Thanks again for your work, if you are in CA, USA I would buy you a beer, seriously!

Paul De Meersman

Sep 2, 2017, 10:04:17 AM9/2/17

Paul De Meersman

Sep 2, 2017, 10:04:28 AM9/2/17

Joseph Naim

Sep 2, 2017, 12:59:45 PM9/2/17
Thanks for resharing the Google drive link.
Sorry to those that have had a hard time finding the link. Unfortunately these Google pages don't work like a forum so I can't update the first post.
If there are any suggestions on how to share this any better, please let me know.

Thanks for all the positivity guys. :)

Seemanta Dutta

Sep 3, 2017, 1:30:37 AM9/3/17
I can't thank you all enough! I just got the google link and I am going to configure my XTouch Mini with it now.
Thanks a lot my friends!


Sep 3, 2017, 1:56:23 AM9/3/17
Thank you so much for your hard work Joe, this is amazing. Also thanks to Paul for sharing the link. Life just got so much better.


Sep 5, 2017, 12:47:02 AM9/5/17
Hello Joseph,
My turn to thanks you so much for sharing your work and your time.
I've use your layout to start just after receiving the midi controller, then re-mix it up with the MiniMal config, and finally add some functions to suit my desire :
library filters, effects (post crop vignette, grain), local adjustements...
It's more a step more complexe then yours (9 profiles) but anyway, the most important is that every one find its way for efficiency.
Again, thanks a lot for sharing everything you've done, even your photoshop very clean and organized layout !

Behringer Template vDawdle.jpg

Prestley Moris

Sep 5, 2017, 10:58:27 AM9/5/17
Very nice and clean settings !
I would really be interested if you could share your settings and templates because the setup you shown seems close to what I use to do in LR !
Many thanks in advance Looking forward to your answer.


Sep 5, 2017, 11:44:58 AM9/5/17
Of course I will. Glad you like. I have not shared it at first post because I need some time to "Internationalize" the complete work. I've first made it for my particular use.
So give me some time to clean it a little bit (names of profiles, clean layout of photoshop). 
And I might need to explain one or two things ^^
I'll try to post something this night.


Sep 5, 2017, 9:47:11 PM9/5/17
Hello Prestley Moris
Here you'll be able to download the setup :

Don't miss the "download button" on the top right of the popup window, instead of browsing into the zip file ^^
Kind regards

Le mardi 5 septembre 2017 12:58:27 UTC+2, Prestley Moris a écrit :


Sep 14, 2017, 10:04:34 PM9/14/17
Any comment Prestley ? Have you tried it ?
Does it fit your process ?


Sep 19, 2017, 10:56:18 AM9/19/17
Good morning to everyone.

Many thanks for your hard work. I have one quick question. Can you please tell me which are the exact measures for printing the psd file? 9,4cm x 26cm?



On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 1:38:27 PM UTC+2, Hugo Miguel António wrote:
Hi Joseph !

Congratulations for the great work you're doing here !
Also, thanks for sharing it with the community.
Just a reminder - currently the .rar file for V2.02 on google drive is missing the "MIDI2LR Lightroom Settings Preset v2.xx.txt" file.

Cheers mate !

On Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 8:52:26 PM UTC+1, Joseph Naim wrote:
v2.02 Update:
- Renamed profiles with preceding numbers. ie 1 Default, 2 Hue, etc... 
(MIDI2LR will automatically load by alphabetical order – so Black & White was being loaded at start-up instead of Default.xml)

I have now added the German Overlay template into the Google Drive folder (Thanks to Martin Kukielka).


Sep 21, 2017, 4:36:40 PM9/21/17
Good Afternoon, 

Is there a recommended media (label paper) for printing out the template? My apologies if this has already been addressed in the forum.
Message has been deleted


Sep 22, 2017, 9:10:53 PM9/22/17
Hello Miguel,

Maybe try on a A3 format (29,7x42 cm) at 100%.
It was fine for me.


Sep 22, 2017, 9:14:36 PM9/22/17
Hello LGrantMorris,
I have printed it on a basic paper, but from a laser printer. Just simple and perfect.
Then I've used some spray glue !
If it helps...


Sep 23, 2017, 4:48:50 AM9/23/17
Thanks again for all the work from everyone who has contributed. 

I am unfortunately not tech enough to make something like this and it also looks like I am not smart enough to get it working. I have followed the instructions to the letter and I still can not get the MIDI2LR to connect to Lightroom. It has the red bar and 'Not connected to LR' in the top right corner.
I have also tried all the different ways to troubleshoot the issue but still no luck.
I am running Mac OSX Sierra and LRCC latest version. I used Parallels to load the X-touch Mini with the presets and I have tried disabling firewall to solve the issue but it stays disconnected. I have attempted to scan for open ports, see attached screenshot, and I have tried numerous uninstalls and reinstalls. 

There is one step I am not sure I quite understand. Where it says,

"Locate the MIDI2LR.lrplugin installation folder. 

Windows: %appdata%\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Modules\MIDI2LR.lrplugin Mac: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules/MIDI2LR.lrplugin 

Copy folder “Behringer X-Touch Mini Profiles” into ‘MIDI2LR.lrplugin’ folder."

I can not copy the Profiles folder into this because it is a .lrplugin file. Am I meant to copy the Profiles into the folder containing the MIDI2LR.lrplugin file?...this would be the Modules folder? I have attached a screenshot to show what I mean

So far the only thing I have been able to do is print the template onto sticky paper at the correct size. Which looks great by the way.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Screen Shot 2017-09-23 at 10.46.34.jpg
Screen Shot 2017-09-23 at 10.59.47.jpg


Oct 1, 2017, 7:59:47 PM10/1/17
Hey Joseph, 
Question for everyone who has fiddled with midi2LR and this controller :
I was wondering whether it would be possible to keep a button lit : when I'm switching to Layer B, the button associated with the mode I'm on could be lit the whole time, I wouldn't even mind keeping it on always, when I'm in Layer A as well.

Joseph Naim

Oct 3, 2017, 3:56:47 AM10/3/17
LGrantMorris (and others),
If you print the template to 100% scaling it should fit perfectly over the X-Touch. It will fit on any A4 size paper. 
You can use self adhesive paper, but I have found 180GSM+ paper works with blu-tack or a few pieces of double sided tape works the best as it can be removed with little fuss (especially because I sometimes use the controller for music production too). 

I can't comment on why there is no connection to LR. Even without my x-touch plugged in, midi2LR still shows "Connected to LR". I would suggest reinstalling both LR and Midi2LR and see if that resolves anything. 
Judging by your first screenshot, the profiles have been loaded correctly, as the "1 Default.xml" profile has been loaded and the buttons all have their correct allocations. 
I think your main problem is the fact that Midi2LR is not connecting to LR. 

I have looked into making buttons stay lit, but unfortunately this seems impossible to do with this hardware.  
Within Behringer X-touch editor, the buttons can be changed to "Toggle" rather than "Momentary" which would make the buttons stay lit. Unfortunately, there is no way to make selecting a different profile "toggle" the other profile to turn off. 
Also, midi2LR can't "turn off a profile" when using the "toggle" settings.
Unfortunately, you just have to remember what mode you're currently in or just make sure "Notify when profile changes" is checked in the midi2lr settings within LR. 

Now Available - Version 2.03
Change log:
Adjusted template size for printing on A4.
- User guide and installation updated.


Greg Coltman

Nov 6, 2017, 4:39:26 PM11/6/17

Hi All,
APologies, newbie here trying to figure this out.

Is this profile the same set up as the pfixer minimal? I have a minimal (x touch mini) I purchased second hand, so I would like ot configure midi2lr in the same set up as the pfixer.

Is this possible, or has anyone got a profile they could share with me. Other wise I will do it manually I guess.

Many Thanks all

Paul Williamson

Nov 10, 2017, 9:03:04 AM11/10/17
I had a hard time cutting out the template perfectly with an Xacto knife. I have access to a laser cutter, so I created the attached DXF file to automate the process.

The outer outline is in green, while the inner cut-outs are in red. The idea is that you'd first engrave the green lines on a piece of scrap material, then use that to line up the printed template on the laser bed. Once you have perfect alignment, you'd cut the red lines and, optionally, the green lines.

I haven't actually tried this on a laser cutter yet.

Template cut-out.dxf

Henrik Kjellberg

Nov 10, 2017, 1:23:22 PM11/10/17
to Paul Williamson, MIDI2LR
Brilliant! Thank you Paul!

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Agaesse Fotografia

Nov 23, 2017, 5:46:32 PM11/23/17
I finally bought one Behringer Touch Mini (it was no easy task!!! It seems to be out of stock everywhere...) and just suited it to my needs... Here is a print screen of my overlay and respective tasks:

Where the bird will probably fit it where the behringer logo is...

The A and B in the bottom (white and green) will replace the A and B in the layers button so It matches all my design.
And the develop presets info will be held in the front lower panel, so that I can know what presets I'm choosing, and I can replace it without touching the entire template.


Nov 30, 2017, 6:41:06 PM11/30/17
Amazing stuff all around here! Thank you all for the work and sharing!

I'd like to make some of my own customizations. Reassigning buttons and encoders is a no-brainer. I'm struggling with moving the buttons assigned to changing profiles to layer A. Specifically, I want to move the Basic, Hue, Saturation, Luminance profiles that are currently in Layer A to Layer B instead. For whatever reason, when I reassign a button in Layer A to a profile is doesn't save - it reverts back to whatever that button is currently stored as. Is this possible? Am I doing something wrong? And if I want to create an additional profile, can I just customize the encoder settings, export the profile, and then assign that to a button on Layer A or B giving me more profiles?

Lastly, how do .bin files work - after the initial load in the XTouch.exe app do I need them? Do they get edited when I change settings or do I need to save my settings to a .bin file in the event I need to restore or switch PCs?

Thanks again - this is truly awesome!!!

chi hoang

Dec 17, 2017, 5:03:03 AM12/17/17
Hello Joseph,
Thanks so much for all your efforts. I really appreciate it. I have one question: I press Layer B, the light is on indicating Layer B is activated but all the knobs #1 thru #8 and the buttons still have the same functions when they are in Layer A. For example, knob #1 is still Exposure, not Temp/Amount. Or Esc is still Esc. Can you show me how to fix this? Thanks.

On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 4:58:18 PM UTC-7, Joseph Naim wrote:
Hi Daonei,

1. When using the profiles, they function in LAYER A. So to use the profiles, press LAYER B, choose profile, press LAYER A. I did it this way because I wanted to keep Layer A the primary layer for workflow and Layer B as a subsidiary. 

2. There are a few functions that utilise shortcut keys as apposed to the built in functions MIDI2LR provides. So I had to input a few keyboard shortcuts in the MIDI2LR settings within Lightroom. 
And to confirm, I am using Windows, so the shortcut keys will be different to a Mac. 
But you can change them easily.

All you would need to do, is to go into Lightroom > File > Plugin Extras > MIDI2LR > Options > Other.. (tab) 

Keyboard shortcut 1: \ (Toggle Before/After)
Keyboard shortcut 2: ctrl+u (Auto Tone)
Keyboard shortcut 4: ctrl+alt+v (Paste Settings from Previous)
Keyboard shortcut 6: ` (Toggle Flag)
Keyboard shortcut 7: i (Cycle Info Display)
Keyboard shortcut 8: l (Next Light Mode)

From looking up Lightroom shortcuts, all of them should function except 2 and 4. Change these to CMD+u and CMD+OPT+V respectively and you should be good to go. 

Finally, I'd love for you to share the MIDI2LR preset for Mac once you're done. That can be done by going to File > Plugin Extras > MIDI2LR > Export Preset > save the txt file.

3. Yes, each profile is like a brand new set of commands. So theoretically, you can have a profile that completely changes every function in both layer A and B (Baring in mind, you'll always want a constant button to switch profiles).
So say, for example, you wanted to change the "Auto Tone" button to something else. You could reassign it to something different within MIDI2LR and save it, but it will only be saved in the BASIC.xml.
If you want that function to work regardless of what profile you are in, you would have to switch to each profile and change the same button in all profiles (and save them!).

I hope that has helped clear things up for you. 

On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 06:14:39 UTC+10, daonei wrote:
Hi Joseph! 

Thanks so much for this package! I had a few questions I was hoping you could help me with. 

1. When I press Layer B and switch through the five profiles you assigned across the first row, nothing changes . Regardless of whether I press profiles 1 through 5, the knobs only control the same things. I was assuming each knob corresponds to changes in color for hue, saturation, and luminance, but I only see the knobs changing the default temperature, tint, sharpness, and saturation across all five. Am I misunderstanding something? One thing I noticed is that when I press on profiles 1 through 5, the buttons do not stay lit orange like I thought should happen when we are under profiles. 

2. I am on a Mac, but MIDI2LR keeps crashing when I press on certain buttons that look like buttons that are programmed to correspond to certain Keys. Is this because this is configured for a PC? Do I need to edit the Keys within Lightroom? 

3. Finally, when you say that we have to save for EACH preset when making changes, does that mean that when I change something in MIDI2LR, I have to save and overwrite all 5 xml files when I try to save within MIDI2LR? I just don't save over the Basic.xml file?

I've been struggling with this for the past week or so and any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you so much!

On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 2:01:27 PM UTC-5, Joseph Naim wrote:
Certainly! I designed the layout for MY workflow, but obviously everyone is different.

Basically, all you need to do is open midi2lr and press the button on the x-touch. Midi2lr will take you to that button. Now all you have to do is reassign that button to whatever function you prefer. Don't forget to save.

Keep in mind, because I have presets, that button/function would have to be programmed and saved for EACH preset to function the same regardless of what preset you're using.

chi hoang

Dec 17, 2017, 6:10:26 AM12/17/17
For clarification, I read from your pdf guidelines, "To change to a different profile, choose Layer B and then select one of the following Default - FX/ADJ - Filter - Advance". For example, I press Layer B, then press FX/ADJ but the last 3 encoders are still Blacks/Clarity/Vibrance and not the change grain.

Luis Matias

Dec 19, 2017, 11:21:14 AM12/19/17
Hi G. Dawdle

I just installed your package but I believe that I wil do some tweeks to it.
I like the PFixer setup also too.
Joseph Naim did a very good job.
Congrats to both.

Can you help me with the template
I noticed that you both did .PSD files but I don't have Photoshop.
I like your template design, but I like the Joseph Naim design to, so I´m thinking to do a mix of both.
How did you make the template? With vector drawing software? Inkscape? CorelDraw?... Or directly in Photoshop?
Where did you find the logos?

I will give some feedback on your setup...


Luis Matias

Dec 19, 2017, 11:38:44 AM12/19/17
Hi Joseph Naim

I like very much of your work on X-Touch Mini settings.
I will use your setup, and G Dawdle's, to make my one.
Just with a few tweeks to adjust to my workflow...
Congratulations. Good job.

Can you help me with the template
I noticed that you both did .PSD files but I don't have Photoshop.
I like your template design, but I like the G Dawdle design too, so I´m thinking to do a mix of both.

john sable

Dec 28, 2017, 7:33:38 PM12/28/17
I'm excited to get my X-Touch Mini up and running.  I'm having a strange problem, and hoped someone here knows what's up and could give some guidance.  I downloaded the X-Touch Mini Editor, but I can't get it to install (Windows).  I dbl-click the icon and it does absolutely nothing.  I tried running it in Administrator mode and that brought up a confirmation screen asking if it was okay to install on the computer... but then nothing. Is there some trick I'm not aware of?

Ernst Bokkelkamp

Dec 28, 2017, 7:50:14 PM12/28/17
The download is a zip file, when you open this file you will find a ReadMe.txt file which contains the following:

Editor operation - quick introduction:
- Download the editor from

- Unzip to the desired location (e.g. programs folder or desktop)

- Open the "X-TOUCH EDITOR" folder

- Double-click on the X-TOUCH application to start the editor


Apr 12, 2018, 12:57:10 PM4/12/18
Hi Joseph,

Thanks a lot for your work. I've downloaded your files and wating for the Xtouch these days....



Apr 15, 2018, 6:33:44 PM4/15/18
Hi Joseph,

AMAZING WORK ! So many thanks to you!!! ....... We all love you !!!!

I should receive on wednesday the Xtouch and have a question... you programmed the fader as Exposure... Do you think it is possible to program it for the fine rotation ? As the fader is bigger than a knob, it will be perhaps easier....




Apr 17, 2018, 1:05:40 PM4/17/18
Hi Every one,

May someone help me please ? I have several questions :

I downloaded the Joseph great work but, some functions are not mapped as they should be: ( for example the flag in mapped on key1 but does not work...
I have 2 solutions : mapp to 'set pick flag' or..... I mean what is key 1 ???? Where can i find what the key 1 shortcut does?

The copy and paste button are also unmapped ! Does someone have the same issues ???

The 2nd questions : If i change some mapping.... Where to save them? to The default Midi2LR.XLM profile?

Many thanks for your precious help


Joseph Naim

Apr 17, 2018, 1:26:43 PM4/17/18
Hi Vlad,
Please check you have followed all instructions in my pdf. Pay particular attention to step 4 - installing the preset in Lightroom.

I use 5 profiles for my setup (default, hue, saturation, luminance and black & white). If you change a button/function in one profile, you will probably want to change it and save it across all profiles.


Apr 17, 2018, 4:35:39 PM4/17/18
*many Thanks Joseph.... The problems came probably because i have an AZERTY keyboard. I had to remap some things.....

Another question : how do you ask a button where to go? i try to create a profile that controls the graduated filter but i don't understand the way LR recognizes that he has to switch on the Filter controls !

Regards, Vladimir

Haree N

Apr 26, 2018, 6:39:08 AM4/26/18

Really appreciate the effort. Everything worked well. Just changed the Fader behaviour, when in Layer A, I made it change the temperature. While adjusting exposure, it will be good if temperature also could be adjusted without the need of switching and vice-versa. Went with the clear vinyl option for printing the overlay template, and it looks okay (clarity wise not a great option, still usable).

However, the fader adjustment is not very useful as it requires to catch-up with the existing value before it can actually adjust the value. Made me wonder, whether it will be possible to use the fader alone for controlling some other purpose, like changing the Windows audio volume. It is possible to make it learn using VolumeMeeter, but once it is started, MIDI2LR no longer recognizes the device. Is there a way to make the two work together?


Apr 26, 2018, 11:35:42 AM4/26/18
Hi Joseph,

I've made some change for my own workflow and would you be so kind to tell where you had find the pictograms used ? Many thanks to you.


Le mardi 17 avril 2018 14:26:43 UTC+1, Joseph Naim a écrit :
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