Translation assistance needed: Application: Chinese traditional (zh-tw)

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Rory Jaffe

Jan 3, 2019, 3:03:33 PM1/3/19
In the upcoming release, the application will also be translated into the languages Lightroom recognizes. As part of that, I need assistance in translating the following strings. Note that the English version is on the left, the translated version on the right. I've made a first attempt, mostly using Google translate.

To help, please reply to this message with a copy of the following, with your edits to the translated side.


"CC Message Type" = "CC消息類型"
"Control value is 1 or greater when turned one way, and 127 or smaller when turned the other." = "單向轉動時控制值為1或更大,轉動另一個時控制值為127或更小。"
"Two\'s complement" = "兩個補碼"
"Control value increases when turned one way, decreases when turned the other." = "轉向時控制值增加,轉向另一個時減小。"
"Control value is near 63 when turned one way, and near 65 when turned the other." = "單向旋轉時控制值接近63,而另一個旋轉控制值接近65。"
"Binary offset" = "二進制偏移量"
"Control value is near 1 when turned one way, and near 65 when turned the other." = "轉向單向時控制值接近1,而轉向另一個時控制值接近65。"
"Sign and magnitude" = "標誌和幅度"
"127" = "127"
"0" = "0"
"Minimum value\r\n" = "最低價值\r\n"
"Maximum value" = "最大價值"
"Apply these settings to all similar controls." = "將這些設置應用於所有類似控件。"
"Apply to all" = "全部應用"
"Channel 0 Number 0" = "通道0編號0"
"Resolution" = "解析度"
"Adjust CC dialog" = "調整CC對話框"
"Adjust PW dialog" = "調整PW對話框"
"MIDI Command" = "MIDI命令"
"LR Command" = "LR命令"
"Sending halted" = "發送停止"
"Connected to LR" = "連接到LR"
"Not connected to LR" = "沒有連接到LR"
"MIDI2LR profiles" = "MIDI2LR配置文件"
"Save profile" = "保存個人信息"
"Enter filename to save profile" = "輸入filename以保存配置文件"
"Open profile" = "打開個人資料"
"Select a profile to open" = "選擇要打開的配置文件"
"Settings" = "設置"
"Version " = "版 "
"Halt sending to Lightroom" = "停止發送到Lightroom"
"Load" = "負荷"
"Clear ALL rows" = "清除所有行"
"Rescan MIDI devices" = "重新掃描MIDI設備"
"Save" = "保存"
"Minimum value" = "最低價值"
"16383" = "16383"
"Pitch Wheel" = "瀝青輪"
"Pick up" = "撿起"
"Disabling the pickup mode may be better for touchscreen interfaces and may solve issues with LR not picking up fast fader/knob movements" = "禁用拾取模式對於觸摸屏界面可能更好,並且可以解決LR沒有拾取快速推子/旋鈕移動的問題"
"Profile" = "輪廓"
"Auto hide" = "自動隱藏"
"Autohide the plugin window in x seconds, select 0 for disabling autohide" = "在x秒內自動隱藏插件窗口,選擇0以禁用自動隱藏"
"Select Profile Folder" = "選擇配置文件夾"
"Select a folder containing MIDI2LR Profiles" = "選擇包含MIDI2LR配置文件的文件夾"
"Choose Profile Folder" = "選擇配置文件夾"
"Enable Pickup Mode" = "啟用代答模式"
"New Version Available!" = "新版本可用!"
"New version %d.%d.%d.%d available" = "新版 %d.%d.%d.%d 可用")===";
Message has been deleted


Feb 21, 2019, 9:45:16 AM2/21/19
"CC Message Type" = "CC信息類型"
"Control value is 1 or greater when turned one way, and 127 or smaller when turned the other." = "旋轉旋鈕從數值1到127,可以正逆旋轉大小。"
"Two\'s complement" = "雙補碼"
"Control value increases when turned one way, decreases when turned the other." = "控制旋鈕旋轉增加數值,反之減少數值。"
"Control value is near 63 when turned one way, and near 65 when turned the other." = "單向旋轉時控制值接近63,而另一個旋轉控制值接近65。"
"Binary offset" = "二進制偏移量"
"Control value is near 1 when turned one way, and near 65 when turned the other." = "順時針旋轉值接近1,而逆時針旋轉值接近65。"
"Sign and magnitude" = "原碼幅值"
"Minimum value\r\n" = "最低數值"
"Maximum value" = "最大數值"
"Apply these settings to all similar controls." = "將這些設置應用於所有同類控件。"
"Apply to all" = "應用全部"
"Channel 0 Number 0" = "通道0編號0"
"Resolution" = "分辨率"
"Adjust CC dialog" = "調整CC對話框"
"Adjust PW dialog" = "調整PW對話框"
"MIDI Command" = "MIDI命令"
“LR Command”=“LR命令”
"Sending halted" = "提交暫停"
"Connected to LR" = "連接到LR"
"Not connected to LR" = "沒有連接到LR"
"MIDI2LR profiles" = "MIDI2LR配置文件"
"Save profile" = "保存配置"
"Enter filename to save profile" = "輸入文件名保存配置"
"Open profile" = "打開配置"
"Select a profile to open" = "選擇要打開的配置文件"
"Settings" = "設置"
"Halt sending to Lightroom" = "暫停聯結Lightroom"
"Load" = "讀取"
"Clear ALL rows" = "清除所有行"
"Rescan MIDI devices" = "刷新MIDI設備"
"Minimum value" = "最低數值"
"Pitch Wheel" = "音調調節輪"
"Disabling the pickup mode may be better for touchscreen interfaces and may solve issues with LR not picking up fast fader/knob movements" = "禁用拾取模式對於觸摸屏界面可能更好,並且可以解決LR沒有拾取快速推子/旋鈕移動的問題"
"Profile" = "配置"
"Auto hide" = "自動隱藏"
"Autohide the plugin window in x seconds, select 0 for disabling autohide" = "在x秒內自動隱藏插件窗口,選擇0以禁用."
"Select Profile Folder" = "選擇配置文件夾"
"Select a folder containing MIDI2LR Profiles" = "選擇MIDI2LR的配置文件夾"
"Choose Profile Folder" = "選擇配置文件夾"
"Enable Pickup Mode" = "啟用pickup模式"
"New Version Available!" = "新版本可用!"

Rory Jaffe

Feb 21, 2019, 3:03:38 PM2/21/19
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