Classic LR 7.3 and MIDI2LR 2.8 crash (Windows10) + how to debug

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May 11, 2018, 1:31:23 AM5/11/18
Hey, hello fellas

So I got a new PC and tried to setup my BCR/BCF... aaand it crashed the seconds I tried to populate the settings of midi2Lr. I got errors messages like "I can't write LUA files" and "missing settings.bin". I tried to revert back to an older version LR (7.2) : no luck. I tried then with an older version of midi2LR (2.7 IIRC) : and voilà ! I could try and populate the midi2LR settings. Just a glimpse of hope for y'all stuck out there : try revert back to midi2LR 2.7 and cLR 7.2 :) please report your experiences. Oh and btw, how do you guys get dumps for debugging ?

Thanks, y'all have a great day


Ernst Bokkelkamp

May 11, 2018, 5:36:54 AM5/11/18
From your description I would say that you have done something you should not be doing.

PC = Personal Computer ? Windows 10?

"Can't write" => are you sure that you installed the plugin in a directory where you are allowed to write ?
"missing settings.bin" => could be the same problem.

There is another potential problem that may be involved: do you have any special characters, meaning not a-z & A-Z in the path to your user profile ?


May 11, 2018, 5:59:47 AM5/11/18
Yes, Windows 10 I use. I'm pretty sure that there is no special characters in the path to the plugin. I also tried a few directories. I checked that I had permissions (full control as an admin) on everything. The only test I haven't done is to install to my user directory. Also, since I rolled back, with no other trick, without changing the plugin location, it works !). Thanks for your reply tho. G'day to you
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