Version released — Beta CLOSED

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Rory Jaffe

Mar 7, 2019, 7:57:09 PM3/7/19
This beta is closed. Major change from is improvement in Chinese-language handling.


Feedback is needed, particularly from MacOS users and non-English users—please post feedback in the MIDI2LR Google Discussion Group. And there is a major change to the app interface for languages other than English.

NOTE that errors have been found in the keystroke sending code for MacOS that will be fixed in the next release candidate.

App now translated into all Lightroom-supported languages

  • Major upgrade. MIDI2LR app should be fully translated into the language you are using for Lightroom. Testing in languages other than English greatly appreciated, particularly with the CJK languages, as I had to change the application interface font to accomodate CJK text.
  • Improvement. Major changes to application database and way the program is handles menus. This enables 1) easier additions to commands and menu structure, 2) dynamic loading of app menu, 3) full translation of app.

MacOS-specific Changes

  • New MacOS Mojave-compatible installer.
  • Bug fix. MacOS Mojave security was blocking keystrokes from app to Lightroom. Now you should see a dialog box the first time MIDI2LR attempts to send keystrokes to Lightroom. See the Wiki's installation instructions for more on enabling keystroke sending. This was mostly Apple's bug—this issue caught a lot of developers by surprise and the fix was not provided by Apple.
  • Bug fix. MacOS keystrokes that weren't in the key-value map caused an exception. Now you should see a dialog box listing the key that isn't supported.
  • Bug fix. MacOS no longer blocking the application when it checks for updates.
  • Enhancement. Keystrokes now accepts shifted keys as well as unshifted keys.
  • Note. I still need help from Mac users to evaluate and debug the keystroke changes.

Other Changes

  • New actions (only available in Lightroom versions 7.4 and later).
    • Rotate Left and Rotate Right (General submenu). Rotates all selected photos 90 degrees left or right.
    • Show Full Screen and Hide Panels (General submenu).
    • Show Full Preview (General submenu).
    • Edit in photoshop (Library submenu).
    • Reset all transforms (Develop submenu).
    • Export, open export dialog (Library submenu).
    • Export, using previous dialog settings (Library submenu).
    • Enable tone curve (was originally in MIDI2LR, removed when it was discovered Adobe LR failed to support it, now back as Adobe has fixed its 6-year-old bug).
  • Improved actions in Lightroom versions 7.4 and later. Autotone and White Balance Auto are no longer experimental. Lightroom now supports those two explicitly with functions. As a result, auto tone should behave like the autotone button in Lightroom.
  • Behavior change. Apply keyword now applies it to all selected photos, not just current photo.
  • Bug fix. Crash on CycleMaskOverlayColor fixed.
  • Bug fix. Control Options display now shows correct channel.
  • Minor bug fixes, code cleanup, refactoring, work on reliability.
  • MIDIProbe again in the installation package for debugging use.
  • Improvement. Better unicode handling.
  • Bug fix. Pitchwheel ranges weren't being saved. Fixed.
  • Change. settings.bin is now settings.xml. The program will read old settings.bin if settings.xml not yet generated (picks up settings saved in the former format then saves it in the new format).
  • Improvement. MIDI2LR no longer writes to the plugin directory. This makes it easier to choose a directory for installation, as you don't have to worry about directory privilege settings.
    • In Windows, all files (except for profile files), will be written to the %appdata%\MIDI2LR directory (type that in the address bar of the file explorer to jump to the correct directory).
    • In MacOS, log files go to ~/Library/Logs/MIDI2LR/ and other files go to ~/Library/Application Support/MIDI2LR/.
  • Files that MIDI2LR writes are:
    • default.xml — default mapping if profile file not found on startup
    • MenuTrans.xml — menus for application in language that Lightroom is using — this is dynamically loaded by the application to enable on-the-fly translation of the application interface.
    • MIDI2LR.log — log file from app showing settings and errors, useful for debugging
    • MIDI2LR.xml — default settings for app (e.g., profile directory, pickup mode)
    • MIDI2LRinfo.txt — report from lua plugin for debugging
    • settings.xml — MIDI controller settings (e.g., twos complement controls, pitchwheel limits, etc.)
  • Deprecated. Selective paste no longer supported.

File hashes for installers. File hashes not provided for debug versions. Always download debug versions directly from, never from a secondary source.

  • Windows
    • CRC32: 15B4AD20
    • MD5: E548B3FDEE30FBE092C04F283EB0C045
    • SHA-1: 187CA65BE116F5ACE59A047A0FCC4248309664D7
  • MacOS
    • CRC32: 5B71297B
    • MD5: 8F9E66D0978F7B2AB6EFDE14AC3FF38B
    • SHA-1: 1FFF7A6C7F5608FE2142E47342CAB8F495567092

Guil Lo

Mar 8, 2019, 3:33:40 AM3/8/19
Thanks for your job !
Two problems :
- it's still not possible to map a keyboard shortcut (I've tried with "Shift+s" [before/after] and "p" [flag] and it do nothing in lightroom)
- when I try to load an old profile I use, there is this error :
Ready to test =)

Guil Lo
MacOS Mojave 10.14.3, language french, keyboard swiss-french

Le vendredi 8 mars 2019 01:57:09 UTC+1, Rory Jaffe a écrit :
Available at Major change from is improvement in Chinese-language handling.

Release Candidate

Feedback is needed, particularly from MacOS users and non-English users—please post feedback in the MIDI2LR Google Discussion Group. There are several big changes in the Mac version that should address the issues sending keystrokes to LR. Read below for details. And there is a major change to the app interface for languages other than English.

Rory Jaffe

Mar 8, 2019, 11:34:48 AM3/8/19
That unmapped issue is caused by a spelling error in the profile. If you could open the profile xml file and change "Unmapped" to "unmapped" it should fix the load issue. Not sure what's happening with the keyboard shortcuts. Do you have XCode on your machine?

Guil Lo

Mar 8, 2019, 12:00:55 PM3/8/19
Perfect for unmapped. I've changed it in all my files and all is ok.
No evolution with keyboard shortcut. I can install XCode on my machine. I have never used it but I learn quickly and I help you willingly.
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Kristine T. Paulsen

Mar 8, 2019, 4:48:21 PM3/8/19
Thanks so much for your work on this. I just installed the update and got this error (after the Unmapped error the other individual wrote about. I followed the instructions you mentioned there and that worked.) Here's the error I'm seeing: 

Image 2019-03-08 at 2.43.23 PM.png

Rory Jaffe

Mar 9, 2019, 12:05:04 AM3/9/19
No need to install XCode. I figured out a way to debug the key sending code, made some fixes that will be in the next release that should fix everything.

Rory Jaffe

Mar 9, 2019, 12:17:57 AM3/9/19
I apologize about the Unmapped error--it actually should be "Unmapped" not "unmapped". I've fixed that in the next release.

Guil Lo

Mar 9, 2019, 3:20:36 AM3/9/19
Now, if you need it, I instaled it ;).
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