Making color sliders output the color to midi for multicolor LED devices

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Max S

Mar 16, 2020, 6:51:39 PM3/16/20
so i own a midifghter twister and its a lovely controller. 
i just started using it with midi2lr and its awesome!

Just one thing:
i'd love to make color sliders (hue, temperature) to give out the color to the leds of my midifighter.

I contacted DJTT and this is what they replied:

"Thanks for your message.
While this is great idea, sending color information from MIDI2LR back to MF Twister is not currently possible to accomplish due to MIDI2LR software limitation.
You might want to reach out to creator of MIDI2LR and let him know about your awesome idea. But since each controller is using specific midi velocity range values to display certain colors they should design the interface which allows users to link each color (and it's shades) to the specific velocity value in order for unit to successfully recognize and update corresponding colors on RGB LED Indicators."

Could you make this happen?

That would be amazing! :)

Thank you so much for the great work, i'll make sure to make a donation once corona is over and i earn money again.



Rory Jaffe

Mar 17, 2020, 6:20:59 PM3/17/20
I'm considering that. Note DJTT's response--one of the problems I'm facing is that the color-setting protocol is different in different controllers, so this would have to be either completely customizable or have preloaded protocols for certain controllers. 


Mar 18, 2020, 1:06:45 PM3/18/20
I use two MFTs, and just did the colors using the MFT app. Honestly it doesnt make a ton of sense to me for Midi2LR to invest the engineering into this, for two reasons:

1. Once you have the muscle memory of which knobs do what, you wont be looking at the controllers anyway.

2. You only really need to do the color mapping once, when programming the controllers, so the barrier to doing this is low for users. This is the page I have set up for BW/Hue/Sat/Luma for each color channel:
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