Fwd: Fw: Re your article : "Rushdie in the news again: Free speech rights linked to responsibilities"

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Aug 20, 2022, 5:35:20 PM8/20/22
to Mics


A very informative piece indeed. I urge those in my e-list to read it, as some facts mentioned in your piece are not well known. There are negative readers' comments on your essay, from the usual hate mongers, but they are best left alone as each dog has his right to bark.

Sheikh Deedat who actually read the book has provided excellent rebuttals.

I posted the following comments but do not know if the Mirror would publish it.

"The Western mind has been so lobotomized by the repeated messages of hate against Muslims and Islam that to read the well researched and academic essay like that of Izzadeen makes them jump into the foray of denigrating his opinion.

Further, what is good for the goose must also be good for its gander, so comparing the lack of condemnation by the West of Israel's atrocities against Palestinians to the extreme condemnation of Rushdie's attack is found objectionable by some commentators here, due to their hypocrisy and subconscious hate towards Muslims, nurtured by the media and politicians and antiMuslim writers." click the above link.


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