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SSL Certificate and Code Signing Reputation Model:

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Nicholas R Forystek

Mar 25, 2016, 9:26:26 AM3/25/16
The code signing certificate and SSL website certificate model
work together in constant motion and time. The SSL if you can visualize is
like a web literally like a spider web with little feelers coming off of
each connection and corner. If where the web meets a conjunction is
considered a location of a website and every strand of web that leads to
stop in nowhere is a pull from the website then the web is in constant
motion of that from the start of any web certificate to the final download
to the user machine. Any time a web certificate is created for a website it
is placed up as if in still constant motion from it's start and then in sync
with ever other web certificate already in play in a one way order to the
flowing data that arrives at users machines by contacting the web site and
downloading. So while this web is in constant motion flow control, there
are also code signing certificates that are built in the time of the
creation and stay static to the location and time of the web certificate.
Say the code signing certification is a non in motion spider web similar to
the SSL one but just under, and say it does not have strands of web from
point to point it just has simply each point representing each code sign,
and as new certificates are purchased these points same in relation to the
SSL become created in time where they stand against the SSL flow. Thus each
and every code sign at all times when touched or downloaded, lands on the
machine duplicating the original form the point of location it originates
but starts into the flow as if a brand new code signing certificate was
made, rather, a time chain of the first just like a first, and they all get
continuous etching from the constant motion of the SSL flow. Thus there is
already bad reputation and good reputation, such that if a reputation is
marked by the use or reported use of it will drag into the bad reputation or
good reputation and continue a one way growth, however, if one is for
instant with in time placed against itself to be changed, the flow of all
the others will be effected on the time line scale that it already has in
the constant one way flow of the code signing of every reputation and SSL
flow by the websites and the acquiring of the downloads.

When you consider the timeline of for instance a certificate of
SSL that is purchased even for one year in the past, whether it is renewed
or not, it would hold constant reputation of the delivery of information and
not the delivery of a specific program, and if a specific program were to be
later code signed, that program would fall into the reputation of the
propagating SSL information unless it became deemed otherwise by reputation
building. So for instance if a new SSL certificate is acquired then it as
well chain links information similar in the constant flow of reputation from
the original but not directing its past. Flow of code signed information
would remain static just to the time between both. There is not fault for
certificates of only a period of time in purchase rather just statement of
renewal is to ensure of secure traffic communication rather the latter which
also includes collective reputation among all for the security factor of it.
Another factor of that part of security which should not be overlooked is
the overlooking of signatures in the physical manifest about the issue of
keeping it in connection to the actual indication of reputation that is
succeeded in growth only by the next link in connection to from the
communication there of signatures.

Nicholas R Forystek

Mar 25, 2016, 9:26:27 AM3/25/16
communication there of signatures. In the interest of following the
certificates those of the nature of it's use become responsible in
conjunction to each other for their rightful signature.

Nicholas R Forystek

Mar 25, 2016, 9:44:53 AM3/25/16
It does count for instace in a override, it will be considered unreversable
in tamper, and or my purchase invalid like from who sells it, another
directive in locate the tampering. It does count, when they take it back,
or they do not follow the conneciton, then they have it in the name of the
signature as the only lead. To halt the total reversal of reputation to
all, ipso facto.

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