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COuld be a engine based module in teh end key constant turbine BLOU BLOU out!

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Nicholas R Forystek

Feb 21, 2016, 7:45:23 PM2/21/16

@@ 1 @@ Description and theory @@

Windows Greatest Protection Klipping

Theory - Pretty Good Privay start and final blocks that similar don't let
instruction collsion between control character and building complexities of
passing through except that instead of such with pretty good privacy the
start and final are cause to mathematical collapse ocmplexitied internally
in constant motion of every final block that is forward genreated in time to
the gerenated delivering timer lateral set in motion precieved to leave the
actaul proposing gernating machine.

@@ 2 @@ Control Caracter Legend @@

Control characters are those that do not containg literal byte to symbol
meaning and operate to a different degree against a concentrate or total of.
When you open up a telnet to anywhere and begin to enter data, the
impression some might form as depending on the terminal you use is that such
as a delete character or backsapce really adds to the bytes sent and doens't
form as if viewing in delviery. The following cntrol characters are the
most I can't find in teh ASCII character or 101 keyboard style set that can
be used for the advent disolving solutions to Pretty Good Privacy similars
or waht well try to define in Windows Greatest Protection Klipping.

- =Backspace
+ =Delete

Backspace and Delete are control character that remove the presence of a
character they are immedatly next to on either side with backspace removing
the left character it bonds with and delete removing the right character it
bonds with. These two are aldo different in teh fact that when you view a
sentence o rline of ASCII character stranded up in one and move the dursor
to the center, one of them will move the cursor to the operation left and
anything after it, the other will not move the cursor but everything after
it. Generally speaking starting from the beginning of the line in coupleing
this is a little offset tool too when understanding it in formations
predefined that occur instantly and may abstract more then on strand of
ASCII uses and needs to be in the runing collective mathematicall correct.

? =Carriage Return
! =Line Feed

Carriage Return and Line Feed are different for two reasons each, and they
are that a carriage return is somewhat like viewing the way a bolt action
load would move sliding against a carriage of contact return, and the line
feed is more similar to like that of a printer, each time you pass one in
the text operation a new line prints out. Together they ahve a combined
meaning of the carriage return line feed and it stays this order and not the
oppostie due ot the Windows and Linux systems in combination. Windows uses
the carriage return and/or line feed sometimes, and Linux uses only the line
feed but can contain the carriage return memory wise logically. Seperate
the on carriage return doesn't really do anyhting but the meaning of the two
words does in describing udnerstand them is not just similar to line feed.
Alone, line feed can act as a new line in the WIndows sytem for some
applications just as well as it can in Linux which uses only the line feed
for all new lines in text view. A huge part I believe about these two in
combination is seeing them backwards and it stacks of conclusion, liek three
line feeds can be impressed with three carriage returns by simultanious self
equating compounds of it self backwards in a farwards finish fashion.

& =Tab
# =Null

The Tab control character is unique and of sort couples with the null or
definition invalid cahracter, zero, but they really only play key roles in
vision and that is a big part of understadning the control character in a
single progressive line that really has in vision deletes and backspaces.
Tab is one that unlike all other cahracters is defined with the size of
about three to fine in one control character. This makes huge sence that
the null or no definition character is it's contorl opposite like that of
Chr(0) which passed for vbNUll and vbNUllstring in VisualBasic. It is
neither a remove or delete but it is a spike of impacting that is onl
ybalanced by the tab and that of in vision to them both because the tab is
not couples spaces, it literally is defined differential in balance like
covering all sized one characters and the null reverence covering no t a
single one in size and display.

@@ 3 @@ Mathematical Huntdread Cluster @@

[Combine] Types that inner or recusivly have grater crunch effect

[Complex] TYpes unique that present need dispositional exact crunch

[COllape] Types that may wind a differing compouned into one blow

@@ 4 @@ Posture of Control Flow Layout @@

[STARTBLOCK] Start block like BEGIN for PGP

[PRIVATEWON] Any privatized exclusion data

[PRIVATETWO] The main data being key'd round

[FINALBLOCK] End clock like END for PGP

[OUTSIDETOO] Matching any privatised to pub

[OUTSIDEWIN] The disappearance of all to re

....[REPEAT] Possibility that any above start

@@ 5 @@ Complicated in Derived Blinds @@

!!??-+&?!--+-& Spins CRLF around taking two layers forward one
CRLF and leaves a original CRLF (all lines at once ini topdown)
This also presents them upon two tab distance contra co-deflect.


NO DONT!!! Drop the above line in a closed socket using rev on the handle NO
idk.. the nulls just padding for the two mroe then onespace tabs that rub
should balance... eh eh eh.. ? idk .. go head of where else this goes first,
a try.

I my self believe that may be a method of sexpirimentation but I woulnd't
attemp on
a connection. I would not even attempt knowing what could be easy like
SendKeys and
a open cmd.exe telnet to the reality, yoru then over the connection, I
haven't start.

You just all want a play with me and I got my own isn't good enough with
ego's in the
way so here is my message to thsoe who dont' think straight and need
friendly packets:

Fucked in the head.

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