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Failure loading XML containing Vertical Tab (XMLDomDoc30)

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Magnus Ellison

Apr 30, 2002, 5:17:25 AM4/30/02
When I load a text into a XMLDOMdocument30 an error occur:
"An invalid character was found in text content."
I have narrowed the problem down to a certain character, a vertical tab
(ASCII 11).

Is there someway to configure the DOMDocument to handle vertical tab?
If not what character should a replace the vertical tabs with?
In addition, I am curious to know if anybody know of any other character
that must be handled separatly?

Thanks in advance for any help
Magnus Ellison

Julian F. Reschke

Apr 30, 2002, 6:47:41 AM4/30/02
"Magnus Ellison" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> When I load a text into a XMLDOMdocument30 an error occur:
> "An invalid character was found in text content."
> I have narrowed the problem down to a certain character, a vertical tab
> (ASCII 11).
> Is there someway to configure the DOMDocument to handle vertical tab?

No, it's illegal in XML.

> If not what character should a replace the vertical tabs with?

There's no simple answer to that.

> In addition, I am curious to know if anybody know of any other character
> that must be handled separatly?

All control characters except TAB, CR and LF.

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