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Error Message: Program was unable to load the necessary component.

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Dec 4, 2008, 11:12:03 AM12/4/08
I am running WinXP SP3, on an AMD64X2 machine with 1GB Ram.

I recently installed an upgrade of Neat Receipts from 3.1.3 to Neat Works
4.0. Apparently it's Twain Scanner Driver somehow has interfered with my
Canon MP970 Scanner Driver. The problem is I get an Error Message which says
at the top: TWAIN Data Source. The body of the message is: "Program was
unable to load the necessary component and it's going to terminate. Please
re-install your software." This message just pops up periodically and when I
clear it, it pops up again. If I clear it again, then it will wait several
minutes before it again pops up.

I uninstalled NeatWorks and re-installed it, to no improvement. Then I
re-installed the drivers for the MP970, to no improvement.

Is there a way to find out what program is causing the Error Message to be
displayed? If so, How? HELP!

Dec 30, 2008, 3:25:18 PM12/30/08
The following describes an error I reported to, along with
their response which proved to work. This error and the fix for it
might bear on the error previously reported by teenangel [On Dec 4,
11:12 am, Teenangel <> wrote:
> I am running WinXP SP3, on an AMD64X2 machine with 1GB Ram...]

Customer (D M) 12/29/2008 07:43 PM
Recently I purchased a Neat Receipts mobile scanner and digital filing
system [white] from my local Costco warehouse club. Installed it on
toshiba windows xp pro system. After the installation I have been
getting an error message: "TWAIN Data Source: Program was unable to

load the necessary component and it’s going to terminate. Please re-
install your software."

These messages keep popping up and usually appear in pairs: the first
error dialog box appears and I click OK, then maybe 30 to 60 seconds
later the second in the pair appears. After dismissing this second
one, it takes several (3 to 6) minutes for the next pair to
appear.This behavior appears to be similar to errors reported here
d/thread/54af053316da78f0?pli=1> on December 4 and by another user
here <
t185317. html> on December 9.

I attempted to backup the receipts database, but the Neat Receipts
program did not allow backup. Here is the error message: “Database Not
Running: NeatWorks cannot launch because a connection to the database
could not be established, possibly because the database is still
starting up. Please wait 30 seconds and then try re-launching
NeatWorks. If the problem persists, please contact NeatWorks technical
support for assistance.”

I uninstalled the Neat Receipts software through Add/Remove programs.
Even after removing, I am still getting the error messages. The only
differences are the messages no longer appear in pairs, and maybe they
occur a little less frequently.

It appears that the Neat Receipts installation also installed SQL
Server 2005 Express Edition. I think so because I viewed some SQL
Server log files remaining after the uninstall of Neat Receipts. It
appears that the SQL Server program files were uninstalled along with
the Neat Receipts program.

Following uninstall of Neat Receipts I examined the Microsoft Admin
events viewer to try to track down where the error message is coming
from, but the events viewer is not capturing the error message.

Please offer suggestions for help in stopping the above error
- - - - - - - - -
The following is neatco’s response:

Hi, D M

To stop the message about a TWAIN data source, go to C:\Windows

Remove the two folders there with names that begin with "Neat"

This message occurs when third party imaging applications attempt to
access our TWAIN interface. Removing these folders will not impact
scanner functionality within the NeatWorks program.

- - - - -
The above fixed the error message.

Nov 15, 2012, 10:07:35 AM11/15/12

> - - - - - - - - -
> The following is neatco’s response:
> Hi, D M
> To stop the message about a TWAIN data source, go to C:\Windows
> \Twain_32.
> Remove the two folders there with names that begin with "Neat"
> This message occurs when third party imaging applications attempt to
> access our TWAIN interface. Removing these folders will not impact
> scanner functionality within the NeatWorks program.
> - - - - -
> The above fixed the error message.
> D M

THANK you! I had been having this error message every time I tried to import images to Picasa - had NO idea it was an issue with a Neat file! I deleted the folders as you suggested and voila! No issue importing images!

Thanks a bazillion.


Jan 30, 2013, 8:32:40 AM1/30/13
I too am having the same problem and did as suggested. However when I went to the Twain 32, I have 3 files starting with Neat. They are labeled as follows: Neat ADF Scanner, Neatadf, and Neatmobile2008.Which 2 do I delete?

Feb 6, 2013, 1:49:15 PM2/6/13
Also, see 3 folders please let me know if you find out which ones to delete. And does deleting these folders do anything with the Neat program? I have alot of data stored on it and want to make sure this doesn't mess them up. Thanks

Mar 14, 2013, 9:50:26 AM3/14/13
I also purchased the Neat Desktop Scanner and ended up with the issue of the error message. On finding this area, I also attempted to delete the folders but ended up with errors due to privileges. After booting into safe mode on Windows 7, I removed all 3 Neat folders from the C:\Windows\twain32 folder. On reboot, and use of the scanner, I can verify that the scanner continues to work. The error in my case appears to be associated with the conflict in drivers for my Artisan 837 all-in-one printer/scanner.

In regards to the database on the Neat Scanner, the database is located in a separate area\folder and should also be backup up before making changes to program elements. Anyway, no ill effects on the Neat database. All items were retained and addition of new items functioned well with duplex scanning still also working well on the NEATDesk Scanner. Hope this is of help to anyone else having this problem.

My thanks also to the previous contributors as this really steered me in the right direction to remove the error message.

May 1, 2013, 2:42:22 PM5/1/13

> I had the Same problem. I'm running Windows 8 and ran into this problem when I tried to use my Neat scanner with QuickBooks "Attach Documents" feature. I removed all three Neat folders from the C:\Windows\twain32 folder and now it works.

Oct 7, 2013, 1:36:39 PM10/7/13
Thanks so much for helping me resolve this problem I have been having for many months. I can finally stop that stupid twain error message. It worked.

Nov 29, 2013, 8:21:26 PM11/29/13
Thanks and others that have posted to this thread. I have been having similar problems with the "Twain Data Source" error. After removing the following subdirectories from c:/windows/twain_32, the message disappeared: Subdirectories: SCNDRIU, NeatAdf, NeatMobile2008. (My environment is Win7 and I use several printers and scanners (including Brother MFC7820N and 7360N, HP Laser Jet 1020, PDF reDirect v2, and others).

Feb 19, 2014, 9:48:47 AM2/19/14
On Friday, November 29, 2013 8:21:26 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Thanks and others that have posted to this thread. I have been having similar problems with the "Twain Data Source" error. After removing the following subdirectories from c:/windows/twain_32, the message disappeared: Subdirectories: SCNDRIU, NeatAdf, NeatMobile2008. (My environment is Win7 and I use several printers and scanners (including Brother MFC7820N and 7360N, HP Laser Jet 1020, PDF reDirect v2, and others).

I actually installed neat on this pc a while back, but then soon returned it. only because the office manager didn't like it.

but I've been getting that error just simply scanning into adobe acrobat.

removed the old files from twain32 and twain64...error message gone.

Apr 27, 2014, 9:54:28 AM4/27/14
On Thursday, December 4, 2008 11:12:03 AM UTC-5, Teenangel wrote:
The simple delete "neat" folders was PERFECT and so very simple. Thanks.

Aug 1, 2019, 8:43:20 PM8/1/19
I am running Windows 8.1 and have no problems running the Neat Program until recently. I keep getting a "Error loading scanner components" message and the Neat program will not open. Any help would be appreciated!!!
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