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Messages from wsdl.exe processing multiple wsdl and xsd files.

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Bob S

May 4, 2010, 11:45:01 AM5/4/10
The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship
for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

My question involves messages from wsdl.exe. I have a bunch of
wsdl file xsd files from server I need to communicate with via SOAP.
I have a command which generates a CS file which works at least for
logging into the service. However, wsdl.exe produces a bunch of
error messages but generates CS code.

Schema validation error: Schema with
targetNamespace='' has invalid syntax.
Type '' is not declared. Line 14,
position 6.
Schema validation error: Schema with
targetNamespace='' has invalid syntax.
Type '' is not declared. Line
28, position 6.
Schema validation error: Schema with
targetNamespace='' has invalid syntax.
Type '' is not
declared. Line 62, position 6.
Schema validation error: Schema with
targetNamespace='' has invalid syntax.
Type '' is not declared. Line
101, position 6.

The command is:
wsdl.exe /language:cs /o:D:\Temp\Wsdl-cs\PCMSoap.cs /sharetypes
/protocol:SOAP /namespace:PCMSoap ^
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\adjunct.xsd ^
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\AdjunctFeatureServiceTypes.xsd ^
... bunch more xsd files ---
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\toddow.xsd ^
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\tp.xsd ^
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\LogonService.wsdl ^
... other wsdl files ...
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\MessagingService.wsdl ^
file://D:\Temp\soap\wsdl\PseudoService.wsdl > d:\Temp\zmsg.txt

If I take off the /sharetypes parameter, the command runs with no errors.
However, it does not define all the classes it needs. In particular, it
out the login/logoff class which is basic to getting anything to work.

Is there something I can change to get a clean run and generate
the required classes or can I ignore the messages?

Robert E. Styma
Principal Engineer (DMTS)
Alcatel-Lucent, Phoenix

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