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Re: Duplicate a page exactly, to repeat original format

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Stefan Blom

Mar 6, 2009, 8:54:09 AM3/6/09
The best you can do in Word (which is not a page layout program) is to
insert a page break and then copy and paste the contents.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

"thanks" <> wrote in message
> How do you copy or duplicate a page to repeat original format. I'm making
> a
> recipe book and want the pages A5 size, but I'll be printing onto A4 size
> paper. I made the page into 2 columns in portrait orientation. Then I've
> typed 2 recipes on the left side of the A4 page, then put a clip art
> border
> around it all, then brought the text forward. Now I want to copy that
> format
> to put onto the other side of the page,but I can't do it. I would also
> like
> to then duplicate that first page for the rest of the booklet so maybe I
> can
> just type over the original recipe with the next recipe for the booklet.
> There may be an easier way to do this??? Thanks

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Mar 7, 2009, 1:02:34 AM3/7/09
If you have a recent version of Word, there is a much better approach than
using two columns. In Word 2000 and above, you can use "2 pages per sheet"
under "Multiple pages" in the Page Setup dialog, which will allow you to
treat each half sheet as a true page (you can even use page borders). If you
have Word 2002 or above, you can use "Book fold," which accomplishes the
same thing but also automatically prints your pages in the proper order to
create a folded booklet.

To make it easier to enter your recipes, it's best to create a few simple
styles for the title, ingredients, instructions, etc.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Apr 10, 2017, 9:46:43 PM4/10/17
Hi Suzanne,
In Word, I resized a picture on one page now want to make similar pictures the same size. Is there a keyboard command which repeats the format/resize picture command I just used?
Many Thanks
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