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"Restart numbering/Continue previous list" disabled.

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Bernard Swords

Aug 1, 2002, 10:51:33 AM8/1/02
I'm having problems with simple numbered lists (in Word
2000) when I select the first item in a subsequent list
and want it to start at 1 again.

When I select that first item and select Format--
>Numbering, both "Restart Numbering" and "Continue
previous list" are disabled.

Why are they disabled? How can I get the second list to
start at 1?

Apologies if this has been asked before but I can find no
reference to it.

Lisa Law

Aug 2, 2002, 12:12:17 AM8/2/02
I believe what is happening is that you are selecting a numbered list from
the "boxed" selections, then when you click on Format, Numbering again, it
does not automatically default to the same numbering selection you
previously chose. Try this in a blank doc to test:

Click on Format, Bullets & Numbering; select the Numbered Tab.

Click on the very first box to the right of NONE. (It should be outlined in
blue.) Click ok.

Create a short numbered list with junk text, maybe 3 entries.

Create the next paragraph without any numbering.

Click on Format, Bullets & Numbering again. (NONE should once again be

Click on the first box to the right of NONE again. The "restart numbering"
and "continued numbering" selections should once more be available.

My guess is that when you went back to your numbered list in Bullets &
Numbering, a different numbering "scheme" was highlighted.

Lisa Law
Help Desk/Trainer
Ervin Cohen & Jessup

"Bernard Swords" <> wrote in message

Kim Ang

Aug 5, 2002, 9:11:40 AM8/5/02
I have been trying to sort this problem for several months and still
experiencing "unstable" numbering. This is despite attaching built-in
styles to all my simple lists (with slight modification to space
after/before, etc done via Format>Style>Modify). I was using Word
97, but experienced a "corrupt document" last year and have now
changed to Word 2000 (I'm typing a 400-page medical book).

Examples of my simple lists are:
1. This would be "List Number" (with spacing after as 0 pt)
2. followed by another item, and so on
followed by "Body Text" paragraph

Further down the document, after several paragraphs, I'll have another
list that starts with a. eg
a. This would be "List Number1"
b. text here, and so on
followed by Body Text

Further on, another list that starts with
i. This would be "List Number2"
ii. text here, and so on.

Other styles, such as "List Number3", would have the same numbering
system as List Number, but have spacing after as 8 pt. I also have my
own styles for use in tables (Table Numbers, Table Bullets). In
total, I have about 30 styles in the document.

As you can see, outline numbering is not really suitable for me,
although I have read (via this NG) that Word2000's default numbering
is outline numbering. What do I do in this case?

When the List Number styles are first selected, the numbering all
starts at 1, but at every occurrence thereafter, it continues from
previous list. In fact, I have written a macro that "restarts
numbering". I thought I was doing fine until today! Some weird
- Some List Number styles had become "unnumbered"
- The List Bullet styles had become "numbered" instead of "bulleted",
or not bulleted at all
- Some List Number styles would not insert the numbers despite it
being listed as "numbered" on the Style menu.

So, after much "buggering" about in the document, the computer
crashed! ("Winword.exe had caused an invalid page fault in module
....." So took Terry Farrell's advice to "clean up" the computer).
This worked well for a while, until the computer crashed again the
next day with the same message.

To carry on working, I took to copying the styles again from the
template via the Organiser, and reapplying them where they've gone
"haywire". But this is not really an ideal solution, and I can't be
sure that the numbering will stay put. I have an awful feeling that
something nasty is going to happen ... So if anyone out there can
help, I would be SO grateful.

I really can't understand why the numbering and bullets do not work
when I am using Styles. Unfortunately, VBA is beyond me!

Kim Ang

Aug 11, 2002, 7:16:34 AM8/11/02
"Suzanne S. Barnhill" <> wrote in message news:<eRssfKBQCHA.1684@tkmsftngp09>...
> Yes, go through Format | Style | Modify, selecting your List Number 0 style.
> Select the pane in the outline numbering dialog that most closely resembles
> the numbering you want your numbered levels to have and press Customize...
> Then, for Level 1, which you'll link to List Number 0, choose "(none)" for
> the numbering format.
Dear Suzanne:
> Did all the above, but numbering still did not restart. In fact,
something weird happened when I opened a new document to
practise(still using the same template). When I went into the Outline
Numbered tab, a different window was highlighted to the one that I
originally set up. Instead of the first window next to None, it had
gone to the second window (from the left) on the bottom row - which is
allocated to heading styles. Despite resetting this window to default
and reselecting the correct window (and ADDing TO TEMPLATE), everytime
I open the document, it goes back to the "wrong" window. Why is this?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Aug 11, 2002, 11:30:31 AM8/11/02
What do you mean by "it goes back to the 'wrong' window"? How are you
approaching the Numbering dialog, and what are you trying to do? Once the
numbering is set up, it should be restarting automatically after a higher
level. Are you using your List Number 0 style to restart numbering at Level

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:

"Kim Ang" <> wrote in message

Steve Hudson

Aug 11, 2002, 11:22:41 PM8/11/02
G'day Kim,

once you attach a style to a list template definition, the definition
is then stored in the document. The 'windows' (list templates) you
talk about in the dialog are mainly from the registry settings,
however they have to fiddle in your actual list template you chose. In
the case of outline numbering, the last list template is always
heading numbering style (LTHeading) and so the second last one then
gets loaded with the list template you set up.

So DO NOT worry about the new list template (window) position, it's a
fake to get your previous settings into a dialog that is based on a
registry key NOT the document in question. This way users who do NOT
use styles do get some consistency across their templates. (Kim Ang) was spinning a yarn that went like

Steve Hudson -- Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
"Player One needs work... badly."
Freelance teacher, trainer, tutor, writer, developer
Email: Blog and FAQs:
You agree by writing to me personally that any material can be reused publicly unless you explicitly disclaim it. (For List and blog use.)

Margaret Aldis

Aug 12, 2002, 4:06:47 AM8/12/02
Hi Kim -

When you say you are setting the numbering on List Number 0 to 'none' I
wonder if you mean you are choosing 'None' in the list gallery (the set
of mini windows that appears in the first Bullets and Numbers dialog).
If so, this is the source of your problems. List Number 0 needs to be
part of the same outline numbering scheme as the styles for the lists it
is to restart. If you don't want it actually to have a number (though it
hardly matters if it is a hidden style just used for restarting) then
you set this within the 'Customize' dialog.

If you are still stuck after this (and anyway if you want to set up a
firm linking between the styles and the numbering that will survive
updating from template) you'd do well to use VBA code to set up the
numbering rather than mess about in the dialogs. There is up to date
information on this on the www/ site - but FWIW code below
is extracted from my original post on this (Feb 99 I see - and still we
have this problem!) Note that you only need to run the code once to set
the styles up - after that the styles behave themselves as you might
hope (and not (depending how long you've been playing with this) as you
might expect!)


Whether or not you want more than one level of numbered list, set the
list up as outline numbered, with the top level a 'dummy' paragraph
style that doesn't print a number. This paragraph style can then be used
to restart numbered lists.

For example:

Set MultiList = ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Add(OutlineNumbered:=Tr
With MultiList.ListLevels(1)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.TabPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1
.LinkedStyle = "List Breaker"
End With
With MultiList.ListLevels(2)
.NumberFormat = "%2"
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0.5)
.TabPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0.5)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1
With .Font
.Size = 10
.Name = "Humanst531 BT"
End With
.LinkedStyle = "List Number"
End With
With MultiList.ListLevels(3)
.NumberFormat = "%1%3"
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseLetter
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0.5)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(1)
.TabPosition = CentimetersToPoints(1)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1
.LinkedStyle = "List Number 2"
End With
With MultiList.ListLevels(4)
.NumberFormat = "%1%4"
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseRoman
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(1#)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
.TabPosition = CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1
.LinkedStyle = "List Number 3"
End With

In article <>, Kim Ang
<> writes


Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important
operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in battle - they are
strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must
only be made at decisive moments." A N Whitehead

Kim Ang

Aug 13, 2002, 5:31:01 AM8/13/02
Margaret Aldis <> wrote in message news:<>...

> When you say you are setting the numbering on List Number 0 to 'none' I
> wonder if you mean you are choosing 'None' in the list gallery (the set
> of mini windows that appears in the first Bullets and Numbers dialog).
YES I did - initially.

>List Number 0 needs to be part of the same outline numbering scheme
as the styles for the lists it is to restart.

I have now changed it so that List Number 0 becomes part of the same
outline numbering by changing the &#8220;Number style&#8221; to
&#8220;(None)&#8221; in the Customise dialog, rather that the "None"
in the list gallery. So now, when I want to modify the styles, I go to
Format, Style, select List Number 0, Modify, Numbering, Customise
&#8211; and List Number 0 has &#8220;None&#8221; attached to
&#8220;Number Style&#8221; and &#8220;Link Level to Style&#8221; is
&#8220;List Number 0&#8221;. I made sure that all boxes were ticked
for &#8220;Restart numbering after Level x&#8221;. Basically, I think
I&#8217;ve done everything as prescribed, but I&#8217;m still

> If you are still stuck after this (and anyway if you want to set up a
> firm linking between the styles and the numbering that will survive
> updating from template) you'd do well to use VBA code to set up the
> numbering rather than mess about in the dialogs.

Looks like I had better give VBA a go, and would be grateful for more

I had a go at Bruce Brown&#8217;s LISTNUM field method, but I&#8217;m
still puzzled by a few things &#8211; I&#8217;ve written a separate
message to him about this. It seems that both the LISTNUM field and
the VBA code are the keys to my sanity (once I&#8217;ve
&#8220;mastered&#8221; it, if that is possible). So I&#8217;m keen to
learn EVERYTHING about them now!!

I&#8217;m sorry to sound &#8220;dumb&#8221;, but when you say,
&#8220;use VBA code to set up the numbering rather than mess about in
the dialogs&#8221;, where and how do I set this up? And how do I use
it when it&#8217;s set up? Is it like setting up a macro?

I typed the example you gave (with some modifications) into the Visual
Basic Editor window (through Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor) but
not sure what to do next. Tried to get help from Visual Basic Help
but I am still lost. After much &#8220;fiddling about&#8221; I see
that I have somehow set up a Module under the Modules folder (top
right hand corner in Microsoft Visual Basic window) &#8211;
can&#8217;t remember how I did that though. Is this correct

I managed to test run the code by selecting Tools, Macro, Macros,
selecting the macro which I have managed to name NumberingList, and
then Run. UNFORTUNATELY, the list is still not restarting at 1. I
select List Number 0 at the beginning of each list that I want to
restart numbering. Perhaps I&#8217;m not setting the code up

Could you have a look at my code and tell me what I am not doing
right, please?
Sub NumberingList() (This line was produced automatically)

Set MultiList = ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Add(OutlineNumbered:=True)

With MultiList.ListLevels(1)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)

.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1

.LinkedStyle = "List Number 0" (Your &#8220;List Breaker&#8221;)

With MultiList.ListLevels(5)
.NumberFormat = "B" (This should be bullet)
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListBulletStyle
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(2#)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(2.5)
.TabPosition = CentimetersToPoints(2.5)

.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1
With .Font

.Size = 8
.Name = "Symbol"
End With
.LinkedStyle = "List Number 4"
End With
With MultiList.ListLevels(6)
.NumberFormat = "B" (This should be bullet)
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListBulletStyle
.NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(2.5)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(3#)
.TabPosition = CentimetersToPoints(3#)

.ResetOnHigher = True
.StartAt = 1
With .Font

.Size = 8
.Name = "Symbol"
End With
.LinkedStyle = "List Number 5"
End With
End Sub
1) The last two levels (Level 5 and 6) of my list are bullets, instead
of numbers. Can I use a combination of numbers and bullets in one
list? What is the code for inserting a &#8220;filled bullet&#8221;
and a &#8220;clear bullet&#8221; having a size of 8 points.
2) What is &#8220;Humanst531 BT&#8221; on the line .Name (in your
second list level)? My default font is Times New Roman 10.
3) Do I leave the Outline Numbering that I have originally set up (and
linked to all the list number styles including List Number 0) in the
document? This was set up before I created the macro. Are these two
entities linked and inter-dependent?
4) Or do I reset all the List Number styles back to the default,
setting the numbering to just Numbered, rather than Outline Numbered?
With the exception of List Number 0 which is a user-defined style?

I thought I have read everything there is to read on the word mvps
website about numbering, listnum, seq and vba &#8211; and I&#8217;m
still completely lost. Would be very grateful for help to get out of
this jungle!

Kim Ang

Aug 13, 2002, 5:34:54 AM8/13/02
to (Bruce Brown) wrote in message news:<>...

Hi Bruce:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for clearing the muddy waters of Listnum for me!

You&#8217;re right &#8211; I&#8217;m not having trouble with the
heading styles for chapters and subheadings because they are not

I am happy to report that I managed to create a ListNum field that
produced a list which starts at 1, continue as I want it and restart
another list without any problems, which is GREAT. However, it seems
to me that I have to apply the field code on every line, which is
quite tedious &#8211; I can see the reasoning behind this though. To
save a couple of clicks, I would put a button on the toolbar and click
on it everytime I want to use it, is this what you would recommend

Could you clarify a few issues for me please:

1) You say &#8220;To see the numbering styles for each default, use
the level switch to test each level from 1 to 9&#8221;. Not sure what
you mean. Are you talking about the different levels as in Level 1,
level 2 of an outline numbered list? Are you saying that if I want to
type a level 2 list (as in an outline numbered list), I would type in
between the curly braces LISTNUM NumberDefault \1 2 \s 1? Did that,
but it did not make any difference. No matter what I type after \1, I
get the same answer &#8211; &#8220;1)&#8221;.

2) In fact, I want my second level to start with a. How do I get it
to insert a. or i.? It will automatically insert a. if the two
autotext entries are on the same line or paragraph. Unfortunately,
the example given in my Help did not show me how the numbers (i),
(ii), (iii) were generated.

3) Some of my lists have bullets, filled and clear. Should I be using
LISTNUM field code for these too? How do you get it to insert a
bullet? Or should I use the List Bullet style when this occurs?

4) When you say &#8220;set up the paragraph the way it appears in the
list&#8221;, how do you do this? I want the number position to be at
0 cm, and the text position to be 0.5 cm. However, when I set up the
paragraph via Format, Paragraph, Indents and Spacing, select Left
indentation 0.5 cm, the result is that the whole paragraph including
the number starts at 0.5 cm (this would be using Normal style with
direct formatting applied). If I apply Body Text Indent to the
paragraph, the same thing happens.

As you can see from another message, I&#8217;m going to give VBA a go
too &#8211; can&#8217;t let it beat me!

Thank you so much for your help.

Kim Ang

Aug 13, 2002, 10:34:22 PM8/13/02
Hi Bruce:
I have found answers to some of my previous questions posted on 12/13
Aug. I&#8217;m sorry to have wasted your time unnecessarily, but I
still need answers to the other questions though.

Questions to which I have found answers are:
Question 1) You say &#8220;To see the numbering styles for each

default, use the level switch to test each level from 1 to 9&#8221;.
Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the different levels as
in Level 1, level 2 of an outline numbered list? Are you saying that
if I want to type a level 2 list (as in an outline numbered list), I
would type in between the curly braces LISTNUM NumberDefault \1 2 \s
1? Did that, but it did not make any difference. No matter what I
type after \1, I get the same answer &#8211; &#8220;1)&#8221;.

Answer: Silly me - I typed in 1 (one) instead of l (lower case L)
&#8211; they both look the same to me, but nonetheless an obvious
solution which I should have thought of before I posted the message!

Question 2) In fact, I want my second level to start with a. How do I

get it to insert a. or i.? It will automatically insert a. if the two
autotext entries are on the same line or paragraph. Unfortunately,
the example given in my Help did not show me how the numbers (i),
(ii), (iii) were generated.

Answer: Sorted, see answer above.

Questions to which I still answers are:

1) I am happy to report that I managed to create a ListNum field that

produced a list which starts at 1, continue as I want it and restart
another list without any problems, which is GREAT. However, it seems
to me that I have to apply the field code on every line, which is
quite tedious &#8211; I can see the reasoning behind this though. To
save a couple of clicks, I would put a button on the toolbar and click
on it everytime I want to use it, is this what you would recommend

2) Some of my lists have bullets, filled and clear. Should I be using

LISTNUM field code for these too? How do you get it to insert a
bullet? Or should I use the List Bullet style when this occurs?

3) When you say &#8220;set up the paragraph the way it appears in the
list&#8221;, how do you do this? I want the number or bullet position
to be at 0 cm, and the text position to be 0.5 cm (or in some cases,
the number position to be at 0.5 cm and the text at 1 cm). However,

when I set up the paragraph via Format, Paragraph, Indents and
Spacing, select Left indentation 0.5 cm, the result is that the whole
paragraph including the number starts at 0.5 cm (this would be using
Normal style with direct formatting applied). If I apply Body Text

Indent to the paragraph, the same thing happens. I cannot see any
reference to this in the newsgroup.

These are additional questions:
4) Listnum and cross ref and indexing fields. The document that I am
typing (when it is finished) will have about 400-odd pages &#8211; in
addition to lots of lists, there will also be lots of graphics,
cross-reference and index fields &#8211; will this muck up the
document (I have 128 RAM using Win 98)?

5) SEQ vs Listnum. Some people on the ng are saying that SEQ is
better than Listnum, but I think they were referring to Word 97. I am
using Word 2000, which presumably has been greatly improved (as far as
Listnum is concerned). In fact, John McGhie (an MVPS) said in one
posting (12Feb2000) that OPEN QUOTE ListNum is an unweildy beast that
takes special magic incantations &#8230; Use Listnum only where you
want multi-level numbering. For single-shot numbering (eg numbered
lists) use the SEQ field CLOSE QUOTE. Now that has truly confused me
further. I hope he was referring to Word 97. In my document, there
is a mixture of multi-level numbering and single level numbering.
What do you think?

6) A follow on question from the above then is: I cannot see why I
cannot use Listnum for single level lists by just using the paired
autotext entriesy (LISTNUM NumberDefault \1 1 \s 1) and (LISTNUM)
every time I restart another unrelated list. Am I on the right track?

Now, if only I can get the paragraph and the bullets to work the way I
want it &#8230;.

Thanks again.

Bruce Brown

Aug 14, 2002, 1:14:30 AM8/14/02
Kim -

Sorry for the delay. Didn't see your reply to my reply.

The numbering style in the LISTNUM field is determined by two things:
the default numbering style (or named list template) and the level.
The styles you asked for can all be created with NumberDefault as

a. = { LISTNUM NumberDefault \l 8 \s l }
i. = { LISTNUM NumberDefault \l 9 \s l }
(i) = { LISTNUM NumberDefault \l 6 \s l }

Yes, List Bullets from the style list are probably your best bet for
bullets. Change the bullet style for List Bullet 2 by modifying the
numbering from black bullet to clear white bullet.

Yes, you can put two LISTNUMS on the same line. Unless there are
specific level instructions, the second LISTNUM will jump up to the
next higher level.

If you want no indentation for the number, place the LISTNUM field on
the left margin and add a tab. To indent, use Body Text Indent or
Body Text First Indent styles. The main idea is to set up the
paragraph with the LISTNUM field exactly the way you want it to appear
each time, then create your AutoText entry. Whatever style or direct
formatting you use in the AutoText entry, that's the way it will
appear throughout.

I suggested the LISTNUM method because restarting was your priority
and you wanted to avoid VBA. But you're quite right about fields
being harder to apply. Styles are generally preferred for numbering
because they're easier to apply, give you control of formatting and
indentation for both the number itself and the text that follows it,
and mark Table of Contents entries automatically, without the
necessity of an additional field.

By all means, try the VBA code that Margaret Aldis sent you. (Ms.
Aldis is justly famous on these threads for inventing the dummy

It will help, as she said, to FIRST CREATE the styles you're linking
to BEFORE you attempt the VBA code that links them. When you create
the new styles with the names she gave you, go first to the top right
corner of the new style dialog and specify the level you want for the

It would help those of us following your dilemma if you told us
whether the 400 pages of text has already been typed and styled and
you're restyling the whole thing, or whether you're still typing new
paragraphs from scratch, or just what that particular situation is.

Also it would be helpful if you specified exactly what the numbering
for each of the five or so independent lists looks like, just as you
indicated that level 2 is an a.

Stiff upper lip, Kim.

- Bruce (Kim Ang) wrote in message news:<>...

Kim Ang

Aug 14, 2002, 5:43:11 AM8/14/02
"Suzanne S. Barnhill" <> wrote in message news:<eUMAU0UQCHA.2752@tkmsftngp12>...
> Hi Suzanne:
>What do you mean by "it goes back to the 'wrong' window"?
Sorry about the lack of clarity. I mean a different window/pane shows
in the Outline Numbered tab when I re-visit the style through Format,
Style, Modify, Numbering Style. I think Steve Hudson has explained
why it happens (thanks, Steve).

> How are you approaching the Numbering dialog, and what are you trying to do?

Through Format, Style,Modify, Numbering, trying to customise a
particular style/s.

>Once the numbering is set up, it should be restarting automatically
after a higher level.

One would think so!

>Are you using your List Number 0 style to restart numbering at Level

Yes, Level 1 is linked to List Number 0 (dummy style), and Level 2 is
linked to List Number (built-in style). I think this was Dave Rado's

By the way, do you know why my quotation marks and apostrophes are
appearing as coded numbers?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Aug 14, 2002, 9:35:43 AM8/14/02
> By the way, do you know why my quotation marks and apostrophes are
> appearing as coded numbers?

When you compose a reply offline (in Word, with "smart quotes") and then
paste it into a Web form, the form may convert your quotes to HTML code
instead of straight quotes. I know that this is a problem when posting
through the Microsoft Communities (CDO) interface; it appears that you are
posting through Google Groups, which evidently has the same deficiency.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:

"Kim Ang" <> wrote in message

Kim Ang

Aug 14, 2002, 10:18:06 AM8/14/02
to (Bruce Brown) wrote in message news:<>...
Bruce: thanks for your very helpful comments.

Re setting up the paragraph indentation. It is not as simple as it
sounds. What I&#8217;m hearing is:
1) Place the LISTNUM field on the left margin.
2) Press Tab
3) Select Body Text Indent style.
Yes, but when you do this, the whole paragraph indents including the
numbers. So it looks like this:
1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the
lazy dog.

What I would like the list to look like is this:
1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox
over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
a. And the lazy dog just kept on sleeping, so the quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog while it slept and slept and slept
i. And so on

To produce the desired result, I did the following:
1) Using Body Text Indent, type the LISTNUM field from the left
2) Press tab (at this stage, the field is indented 0.5cm from margin)
3) Press Enter
4) Take cursor back to beginning of field line, and backspace so that
field is on the left margin
5) Select Format>Paragraph>select Hanging and type in 0.5 cm, close
6) Select back to beginning of line where the listnum field is
7) Click New on autotext toolbar, and give it a name
8) Press Enter.
Note that the indent is different in the Body Text Indent style
gallery. In the style gallery, Indentation is at 0.5 cm, and there is
no Hanging. However, in the Paragraph tab (via Format), Indentation
is 0, and Hanging is 0.5 cm. Obviously, direct formatting overrides
the style.

I am not sure if that is the correct way, but it seems to work ok for
now. I am wondering about creating new styles for the sole purpose
of attaching them to lists set up using Listnum fields, but not sure
what the advantages would be. Will have to think a bit more about

So here is my story about &#8216;the book&#8217;: some of the readers
may have seen my first posting on the newsgroup when I encountered a
corrupt document back in December 2001. At that stage, the book was
almost completed except for running the table of contents and general
tidying up before I sent it to the authors for proofing. The book is
about child health in Papua New Guinea, the productions costs of which
are being subsidised so that it is available free or at minimal costs
to doctors working in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. The
authors do not receive any payment for the book. I was approached to
help type the book (because I was a secretary for one of the authors
but am now a fulltime mother with two pre-schoolers). I must admit
that when I took on the job I did not realise the enormity of it!
Anyway, it has been a challenge and by the looks of things,continue to
be a big one!

Back to the book &#8211; yes, all the text has already been typed and
styled, although the only styles I used in the document were Body Text
and Headings (I was a real novice at MS Word then and had not had any
experience typing such a big and complex document). I was doing all
the wrong things &#8211; using Master Document, not importing graphics
correctly, using the Format, Bullets & Numbering buttons for
numbering, etc. I had not heard about the numbering nightmares then.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, John McGhie very kindly came to my
rescue and &#8220;cleaned&#8221; the document for me. He also gave me
some very helpful pointers about what to do and what not to do. I was
using Word 97, but have now upgraded to 2000.

So I&#8217;m happily re-formatting the document (now in Plain Text
with all the formatting stripped) with my newfound knowledge &#8211;
applying proper styles - when I encountered several error messages eg
illegal operation by winword.exe (cleaned up computer following Terry
Farrell&#8217;s article). The bullets and numbering had gone crazy
too and this is despite using styles. Investigated and tried every
possible recommendations that I could find on the ng &#8211; at this
stage it seemed like I was forever chasing my own tail! Then I posted
my cry for help again &#8230; and here I am.

Regarding the different lists and levels, here are some examples. A
list might look like this:
1. Clear and maintain the airway
a. Nurse the child on his/her side in coma position
b. Gently suck out secretions or vomitus
2. Prevent CNS damage by correcting hypoxaemia and hypoglycaemia
a. Give oxygen if available by nasopharyngeal catheter, prongs
or mask
b. Give IPPR if child is not breathing
i. Bag and mask
ii. Nasopharyngeal oxygen (2-4 L/min)
iii. Endotracheal tube if prolonged apnoea
c. Check for hypoglycaemia with dextrostix.
3. Stop the fit
a. Use either:
i. Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg IV or
ii. Paraldehyde 0.2 ml/kg deep IM injection
b. Repeat if no control after 10 min
4. Treat the cause of the fit
a. Do a careful physical examination
b. If the child is febrile:
i. Investigate
* do a lumbar puncture (where * is a bullet)
* do a blood slide
ii. Treat
* If the CSF is turbid or blood stained
* treat for meningitis with chloramphenicol,
* treat for cerebral malaria with Artemether
*If the CSF is clear
* treat for cerebral malaria
* treat for hyperthermia
c. If the child is afebrile:
(repeats the sequence)

The above example uses up to 5 levels. This is one of the more
complex one. Most of them are simple, one level ones, like this:

On admission to hospital:
1. Give oxygen and gradually rewarm the child.
2. Intubate, and arrange for tracheostomy, if necessary.
3. Pass a nasogastric tube and aspirate stomach contents etc&#8230;

Or the list may just contain bullets,for eg:
Subsequent management involves:
* adjustment of the inspired oxygen concentration
* administration of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate IV etc &#8230;

On a personal note, I &#8216;work&#8217; from home and do not have the
luxury of the support of an organisation as such, so the newsgroup is
an important link and useful resource for me. I do think that
it&#8217;s wonderful that there are so many people who are so
generous with their time, knowledge and willingness to help others.
For that, I am especially grateful to all of you.

By the way, if I were to use Listnum fields, there would be a lot of
fields in the document including those of cross-references and
indexing &#8211; will it muck up the document? I couldn&#8217;t bear
to encounter another corrupt document!


Kim Ang

Aug 18, 2002, 4:32:36 AM8/18/02
I have set up some LISTNUM fields as Autotext entries (putting these
on the toolbar so all I have to do is click the button). I am happily
reinserting these WITH NO PROBLEMS on some already typed text that had
List Number styles attached (ie changing them from List Number style
to LISTNUM fields because of my ongoing problems with numbering), when
two hours later I encountered something strange. Where the fields
{LISTNUM NumberDefault \l 7 \s 1} and {LISTNUM} should be a series of
numbers appear - 23362465 - instead of 1., 2. Pressing ALT F9 brings
up the LISTNUM field content and 23362465 alternately. And then,
after pressing ALT F9 several times, the numbers (23362465)disappear
and the numbering (1, 2) appear.

The other weird thing that happened was that the numbering sequence
and style changed without my instruction. For eg I had a list that
went a., b., c., d., e., and when it should be followed by f., g., it
produced 1) and 2). I am positive that I did not have a field that
said 'I want this line to be numbered 1)'.

To work around this 'hiccup' I deleted and retyped the text
(fortunately not a lot), including the paragraph marks. The problem
did not occur again.

Can anyone explain why this is happening? Is it an early warning sign
that something nasty is going to happen to my document???

Bruce Brown

Aug 19, 2002, 7:45:17 PM8/19/02
Kim -

I have never encountered your problem of the LISTNUM field bunching up
into 23362465. You say repeated Alt-F9s fixed it? You might also try
selecting the LISTNUM fields in question and pressing F9, which
updates a field.

Remember that with the LISTNUM field you can always control the
results by specifying the numbering default, level and start number.
When for some reason it goes wrong, use those weapons to shape it up.
Once you've got the first of a consecutive series right, the rest
should fall into place.

Here's hoping someone who's had the same problem with the LISTNUM
field, and conquered it, will jump in and tell you what to do.

- Bruce (Kim Ang) wrote in message news:<>...

Kim Ang

Aug 20, 2002, 9:48:30 PM8/20/02
Thanks, Bruce.
Since I posted the previous message, I've had yet another experience
of LISTNUM doing weird things and have opened a new thread entitled
'LISTNUM fields gone crazy'. This time, apparently it was due to a
'buggy' table, but since I retyped it, the problem has not resurfaced
(so far).


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