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Inconsistent Page Numbering

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E.C. Driver

Nov 24, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/24/98
Is there a way to start numbering pages in a document on page 3 and then
continuing to the end? Using the auto-numbering scheme will only allow
you to start on page 2. I have gotten around this by using a text box
and typing the individual page numbers but this is so time consuming. I
am using Word97. Thanks for any info.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Nov 24, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/24/98
If you have the type of document that requires two beginning pages with no
page number, then you probably have a document whose first page is a title
page or cover sheet/letter or something else that can be formatted as a
separate section. Insert a Next Page section break between pages 1 and 2,
then start your numbering in the second section. I'm not familiar with the
way auto page numbering works, as I insert page numbers using the button on
the Header and Footer toolbar, but if you select "Different first page" on
the Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog box, you can have different headers
and footers on the first and subsequent pages, permitting you to begin
numbering on the second page. Provided you don't restart numbering in the
second section, it will be continuous from the first page.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Words into Type

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Bill Coan

Nov 24, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/24/98
Hello E.C.

Word's page numbering scheme isn't directly obvious but it isn't needlessly
complex, either. Indirect might be a good term for it. Once you understand
how it works, all sorts of possibilities open up. Unfortunately, the
built-in tools that simplify the insertion of page numbers also happen to
make it more difficult to tell what's really going on. So, for the moment,
forget everything you've learned or think you know about page numbers. Let's
start at the beginning, since it won't take too long . . .

First some background, consisting of four big ideas:

BIG IDEA #1: A new blank document consists of a single section. Each time
you insert a section break into the document, the document gains a section.

In other words, if you create a new blank document, then choose Break on the
Insert menu and select a Next Page section break, the document will
thereafter consist of two sections: Material from the start of the document
up through and including the break represents Section 1. Material after that
represents Section 2. (In some cases, Word inserts section breaks
automatically, such as when you change the number of columns in part of a

BIG IDEA #2: Page numbers are a section property, not a document property.
A page's number is determined by only two factors:

1. The "start at" value assigned to the document section.
2. The location of the page within its document section.

In other words, if a document section has been told to "start at" page 5,
the first page of that section will be page 5, the second page will be page
6, the third page will be page 7, and so on.

BIG IDEA #3: Just because a page has a number doesn't mean the number will
appear somewhere on the page. Far from it. In fact, ALL pages have numbers.
The number never appears unless you tell Word to display it.

BIG IDEA #4: The easiest way to tell Word to display a page's number
somewhere on the page is to insert a field code as follows:

1. Position the cursor where you want the number to appear. (Often, this is
the header or footer. To position the cursor in one of these locations,
choose Header and Footer on the View menu or double-click the location in
Page Layout view.)
2. Press Ctrl+F9 to insert a pair of field braces: { }. (Don't just type
them. You must use Ctrl+F9.)
3. Between the field braces, type "PAGE" without the quotation marks. (This
will look as follows: { PAGE })
4. To control the numeric format of the number, add a "switch" by continuing
to type until your field code looks as follows:
{ PAGE \* Arabic }
{ PAGE \* alphabetic }
{ PAGE \* roman }
5. Right-click anywhere between the braces and choose Toggle Field Codes.

The "PAGE" field code is as uncomplicated as it looks. It has no effect on
Word's page numbering scheme. It simply tells Word to display the number of
the current page at the field location. As noted above, the page's number is
dependent on:
1. The "start at" value assigned to the document section.
2. The location of the page within its document section.

This raises a question: How can you get your hands on the all-important
"start at" value? After all, what good does it do to insert a PAGE field
only to find out that Word thinks the second page of your document is page
102 because the "start at" value has been set to 101?

To change the start at value, proceed as follows, strange as it may seem to
do so:
1. Position the cursor in the section of the document whose start at value
you want to change.
2. Choose Page Numbers... on the Insert menu.
3. Choose Format...
4. Click Start At and enter the desired value.
5. Click OK to close the Format... dialog.
6. Click CLOSE to close the Page Numbers dialog. (Don't click OK or you'll
insert a new {PAGE} field!)

The following big ideas are presented for extra credit only. Please see me
after class if you're worried about your grades.

BIG IDEA #5: If a document is divided into multiple sections, the headers
and footers for each section start out with their "same as previous"
property turned on. This feature lets you insert a { PAGE } field into the
header or footer for Section 1 and automatically have it appear in the
headers or footers for all other document sections. (If you want to make
changes to the header or footer for Section 1 without having those changes
show up in the header or footer for all other document sections, you must
turn off this feature by viewing each header and footer and clicking the
Same As Previous button on the Header and Footer toolbar until the button is
no longer depressed.)

BIG IDEA #6: Each section of a document can have up to three headers and
footers: the first page header and footer, odd page headers and footers, and
even page (aka "primary") headers and footers. The actual number of headers
and footers available in a given section is determined by the Different
First Page checkbox and Different Odd and Even Pages checkbox in the Page
Setup dialog. To view these settings, position the cursor in the document
section you're interested in, then choose Page Setup on the File menu.
Changes made to the first page header have no effect on the odd page header
or the even page header and vice versa all the way around.

BIG IDEA#7: Now that you know about { page } fields, you're just two steps
away from some truly amazing possibilities, made possible by two other
fields, the formula ( = ) field, and the If field. Consider:

Want to force Word to display a number that's one higher than the real page
number? Try using the following field, where braces are inserted using

{ = { PAGE } + 1 }

Want to tell Word to display a page number on pages one, two, and three, but
not on any other pages?

Try using the following field, where braces are inserted using Ctrl+F9:

{ IF { PAGE } < 4 "{ PAGE }" "" }

Want to tell Word to put the "real" page number on pages one, two, and
three, but a higher-by-one page number on all other pages? Try using the
following field, where braces are inserted using Ctrl+F9:

{ IF { PAGE } < 4 "{ PAGE }" "{ = { PAGE } + 1 }" }

Have fun!
Bill Coan
Neenah, Wisconsin

E.C. Driver wrote in message <>...

Bill Coan

Nov 24, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/24/98
Step 4 of my earlier post should have been as follows, with the changes
shown in ALL CAPS:

4. To control the numeric format of the number, add a "switch" by continuing

to type until your field code looks like ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:

{ PAGE \* Arabic }
{ PAGE \* alphabetic }
{ PAGE \* roman }

Bill Coan
Neenah, Wisconsin

Bill Coan wrote in message ...

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