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Setting Up Outline Numbering

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Vivian Carroll

Apr 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/17/99
Is it really quite a tedious job to set up Outline Numbering with a custom
scheme or am I going about things the hard way? This is what I do (I have a
table with rows for each style and columns for most of the things below so
that I can keep track of what I've done as I set up the numbering):

1. Figure out where tabs need to be so that for the font I am using, the
distance from numbers to text will be adequate (allowing room for "20.20.20"
in level 3).

2. Use Format, Styles to create a style called "No Number" and assign it
the font, paragraph space after, language, and tabs (the ones determined in
Step 1).

3. Stay in Format, Styles and modify Heading 1 style as follows:
a. Base it on No Number style.
b. Follow it by Heading 1 style.
c. Modify as follows:
c.1 Set the font.
c.2 Set the paragraph space after and Keep With Next - but NOT
left alignment or hanging indent (these appear later by themselves after I
set the numbering later).
c.3 Skip setting tabs and language (they are inherited from No
Number style.
c.4 Set Numbering, Outline Numbered, Customize as follows:
c.4.1 Select Level 1, tell it to start with 1.
c.4.2 Pick the numbering style 1, 2, 3...
c.4.3 Tell it to start at 1
c.4.4 Number position = left
c.4.5 Tell it to align at 0 (later - for Heading 2, tell
it to align at 1st tab)
c.4.6 Tell it to indent at the first tab (later - for
Heading 2, tell it indent at 2nd tab)
c.4.7 Link it to Heading 1 style
c.4.8 Tell it to follow the number with a Tab

5. Repeat step 3 for Heading 2-9 styles.

6. Close out of Format, Styles.

7. Just in case Word messes up my styles (as it does when it inserts
AutoText containing these styles), go to Format, Paragraph (or Format,
Styles, Modify, Paragraph) and record the Indent from Left (should = 0 and
the Hanging Indent amount (should = first tab). (later - for Heading 2,
left indent should = tab 1 and hanging should = the tab 2 minus tab 1).

I'm sure it sounds like the amount of work it feels like. And the number of
dialog boxes to drill down through!
Is there an easier way?

Vivian Carroll

Margaret Aldis

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
In article <>, Vivian Carroll
<> writes

>Is it really quite a tedious job to set up Outline Numbering with a custom
>scheme or am I going about things the hard way? This is what I do (I have a
>table with rows for each style and columns for most of the things below so
>that I can keep track of what I've done as I set up the numbering):

Any custom scheme set up using the List Gallery seems liable to
corruption (styles attach to wrong list format) unless you use VBA to
set up a new List Template object and link to style, as per our e-mail
exchange. However, Heading styles seem more robust than most, probably
because you are always working with a single List Object for the whole
document, so standard customised list formats set up from the dialogs
may work for you.

Detailed comments on your method follow:

>1. Figure out where tabs need to be so that for the font I am using, the
>distance from numbers to text will be adequate (allowing room for "20.20.20"
>in level 3).
>2. Use Format, Styles to create a style called "No Number" and assign it
>the font, paragraph space after, language, and tabs (the ones determined in
>Step 1).

There's no real point in setting the tab here (except perhaps to make
sure tabs are clear) since tabs (and indents) in a numbered style are
set up from the list format. Note also that if your tab calculation is
less than Word's, you will get the Word default overriding your tab
unless you use VBA code to set the tab for the list format. (You can
see what I mean if you record a macro when you set the list format - the
VBA code includes a tab setting, which is normally the same as your
hanging indent, but larger if Word deems it necessary.)

>3. Stay in Format, Styles and modify Heading 1 style as follows:
> a. Base it on No Number style.
> b. Follow it by Heading 1 style.
> c. Modify as follows:
> c.1 Set the font.
> c.2 Set the paragraph space after and Keep With Next - but NOT
>left alignment or hanging indent (these appear later by themselves after I
>set the numbering later).
> c.3 Skip setting tabs and language (they are inherited from No
>Number style.
> c.4 Set Numbering, Outline Numbered, Customize as follows:
> c.4.1 Select Level 1, tell it to start with 1.
> c.4.2 Pick the numbering style 1, 2, 3...
> c.4.3 Tell it to start at 1
> c.4.4 Number position = left
> c.4.5 Tell it to align at 0 (later - for Heading 2, tell
>it to align at 1st tab)
> c.4.6 Tell it to indent at the first tab (later - for
>Heading 2, tell it indent at 2nd tab)
> c.4.7 Link it to Heading 1 style
> c.4.8 Tell it to follow the number with a Tab
>5. Repeat step 3 for Heading 2-9 styles.

No, you *must* set the whole outline style up from Heading 1 or from
Format - Bullets and Numbering. There is a 'feature' which automatically
links Level 1 to the style you are modifying when you close the
numbering dialog, and thus ends up with each heading level style linked
to a different list format (and ultimately, each heading level in the
document part of a different, independently numbering, list!)

>6. Close out of Format, Styles.
>7. Just in case Word messes up my styles (as it does when it inserts
>AutoText containing these styles), go to Format, Paragraph (or Format,
>Styles, Modify, Paragraph) and record the Indent from Left (should = 0 and
>the Hanging Indent amount (should = first tab). (later - for Heading 2,
>left indent should = tab 1 and hanging should = the tab 2 minus tab 1).
>I'm sure it sounds like the amount of work it feels like. And the number of
>dialog boxes to drill down through!
>Is there an easier way?

1. Setting the whole numbering style up from Format - Bullets and
Numbering (or Format - Style (Heading 1) - Modify - Numbering) and
leaving Tabs alone will save you a lot of dialogs :-)

2. If you record one scheme as a macro, or use the code I sent you, it
is much quicker for the next simply to slot different indent and tab
values into the code. If this is really something you are doing a lot,
then you could make those values variables in the code and set them via
your own dialog box.



Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important
operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in battle - they are
strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must
only be made at decisive moments." A N Whitehead

Hank Roberts

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Margaret Aldis <> writes:


>VBA code includes a tab setting, which is normally the same as your
>hanging indent, but larger if Word deems it necessary.)

Gack. So even if I know for sure that my "small roman numerals" will never
require more space than, say, "vii" -- Word is going to insist on having
enough room in there for "mcmxviii" just in case?? That would explain a lot.

Just what IS the widest Roman numeral they insist we be prepared for? Is
this the "Year MCMXVII Bug"?

But, it also resets the tabs for my Heading 1, where I only have numbers up
through 52 and won't be reaching 100. How much does it want for Arabic

I've been almost successful with the suggestions you posted recently, but
I think this is what's been tripping me up. The "Cheshire Tab" kept
reappearing after I thought it had vanished.

Bill Coan

Apr 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/18/99
Hi Hank, Margaret,

If this message is of interest to either or both of you, I suspect it will
be for different reasons for one of you than for the other.

One point of the message is to share the results of my experiments with some
of the parameters that relate to tab and indent settings. It's possible my
comments aren't completely accurate. I was testing for my own information,
not with any expectation of sharing the results. But perhaps my stabs at
meaning will save one or both of you some time with your own experiments.

Here are the key findings on tabs and indents:

'number position sets the left indent for the text on the first line
'but keep in mind that the number will appear to the left of the text
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(2.2)
'text position sets the indent for lines 2 through X
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
'tab position explicitly controls the tab. If left undefined, you get not
.TabPosition = wdUndefined

Another reason for posting is to show that, in code, you can search for a
particular list template providing that you've assigned a name to it.
Technically, the name is supposed to be used for associating a particular
ListNum field with the listtemplate and vice versa. I've never investigated
this intended purpose. Instead, I use the name as a sort of index to
identify one template from another.

Note that you cannot explicitly specify a listtemplate by using the name,
for example as follows:

This will not work and indeed the help system warns you that it will not

Now consider the following fairly obvious workaround, which I developed for
my ezmanual template, which contains a custom list template named,
appropriately enough, ezmanual!

'first I search to see if the template exists yet and if it does I assign it
to a variable called myListTemplate. (It is mine, after all.)

Dim myListTemplate as ListTemplate
Dim oListTemplate as ListTemplate

For Each oListTemplate In ActiveDocument.ListTemplates
If oListTemplate.Name = "ezmanual" Then
Set myListTemplate = oListTemplate
AlreadyExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next oListTemplate

'next, if the template doesn't yet exist, I create it and assign a name to
it and at that point I assign it to the variable called myListTemplate. So
you see, one way or another, I end up with a variable called myListTemplate
that represents the one I want to deal with.

If Not AlreadyExists Then
Set myListTemplate = ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Add(True, "ezmanual")

With myListTemplate.ListLevels(1)
.NumberFormat = "Chapter %1—"
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
'number position sets the left indent for the text on the first line
'but keep in mind that the number will appear to the left of the text
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(2.2)
'this setting appears to control the alignment of the entire paragraph
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignRight
'text position sets the indent for lines 2 through X
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
'tab position explicitly controls the tab
.TabPosition = wdUndefined
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 1"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(2)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignCenter
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.TabPosition = wdUndefined
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 2"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(3)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignCenter
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.TabPosition = wdUndefined
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 3"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(4)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0.2)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.2)
.TabPosition = wdUndefined
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 4"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(5)
.NumberFormat = "%5."
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0.15)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignRight
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.2)
.TabPosition = InchesToPoints(0.2)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 5"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(6)
.NumberFormat = "%6."
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0.15)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignRight
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.2)
.TabPosition = InchesToPoints(0.2)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 6"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(7)
.NumberFormat = "%7."
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleLowercaseLetter
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0.35)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignRight
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.4)
.TabPosition = InchesToPoints(0.4)
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 7"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(8)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.TabPosition = wdUndefined
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 8"
End With
With myListTemplate.ListLevels(9)
.NumberFormat = ""
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleNone
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.TabPosition = wdUndefined
.ResetOnHigher = True
.Startat = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Heading 9"
End With
End If

Bill Coan
Microsoft Word MVP
Neenah, Wisconsin USA

Hank Roberts wrote in message ...

Margaret Aldis

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
In article <>, Hank Roberts <>

>Gack. So even if I know for sure that my "small roman numerals" will never
>require more space than, say, "vii" -- Word is going to insist on having
>enough room in there for "mcmxviii" just in case?? That would explain a lot.
>Just what IS the widest Roman numeral they insist we be prepared for? Is
>this the "Year MCMXVII Bug"?

I don't know whether this is calculated in some way or taken from a
default - I've not investigated it systematically. I do know that if you
set a 0.5 cm indent for a bulleted list from the dialog, when you look
at the recorded macro you see

.Tabposition = CentimetresToPoints(0.63)

while if you give an indent of 1 cm, then the tab is also set at 1 cm.

In my view, this one of many serious flaws with the numbering dialogs -
why the devil doesn't it give you explicit control over the tab (so you
see and can change the default/calculated value)?! It's a pretty basic
piece of layout control.

>But, it also resets the tabs for my Heading 1, where I only have numbers up
>through 52 and won't be reaching 100. How much does it want for Arabic
>I've been almost successful with the suggestions you posted recently, but
>I think this is what's been tripping me up. The "Cheshire Tab" kept
>reappearing after I thought it had vanished.

The last problem (before reaching what now appears to be a solid
position) that I had on with styles linked to List Templates was that
occasionally (on copying all styles or on update all from template) I
was getting a duff tab (0.63, again, even though my Headings are all
outdented with tabs at 0)) for my Heading 2. I found this problem went
away when I based all my Heading styles on Normal, instead of each one
on the higher level.

This problem looked rather like what happens if you copy styles in the
'wrong order', when you can lose your 'based on' hierarchy if the parent
style is not already present in the target. But IIRC, this doesn't
normally affect built-in styles or updating from template, because the
styles already exist, and in the case of updating styles from template
the styles were already linked to the correct List Template too.

Or maybe it's related to the mysterious process by which Word overrides
style Paragraph tabs and indents with those from the List Template. I'm
not sure on what events this happens - I know it catches people out when
they try to correct the tab problem (0.63 when you wanted 0.5, for
instance) from the styles Paragraph settings, without tackling the List
Template - all looks fine, and then you find the tab from the List
Template jumps back into life. Again, I can't quite make sense of this,
as when you update styles from the same template, all the Tabs should be
correct (and explicit) everywhere they occur.

Anyway, see whether basing all Headings on an unnumbered style works for
you - I'd be interested in the result.


Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important

Margaret Aldis

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
In article <edQ8WAhi#GA.263@cppssbbsa03>, Bill Coan
<> writes


>Another reason for posting is to show that, in code, you can search for a
>particular list template providing that you've assigned a name to it.
>Technically, the name is supposed to be used for associating a particular
>ListNum field with the listtemplate and vice versa. I've never investigated
>this intended purpose. Instead, I use the name as a sort of index to
>identify one template from another.
>Note that you cannot explicitly specify a listtemplate by using the name,
>for example as follows:
>This will not work and indeed the help system warns you that it will not
>Now consider the following fairly obvious workaround, which I developed for
>my ezmanual template, which contains a custom list template named,
>appropriately enough, ezmanual!

<code snipped>

Thanks for this, Bill, the workaround wasn't obvious to me and this will
be really useful :-)


Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important

Vivian Carroll

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
Thank you Margaret, Hank, and Bill,

I have printed out and will carefully read what you said. Margaret, I have
to admit that I printed out your e-mail of last month and put it in the
"read soon" pile rather than in the "it applies to an immediate problem"
pile. I obviously did not pull it out before posting this question.
It is moving to the top of the "immediate" pile right now!

Thanks again,

Bill Coan wrote in message ...

Hank Roberts

Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99
"Vivian Carroll" <> writes:
>Thank you Margaret, Hank, and Bill,

>I have printed out and will carefully read what you said. ...

> It is moving to the top of the "immediate" pile right now!

>>Bill Coan wrote in message ...

>>Hi Hank, Margaret,
>>If this message is of interest to either or both of you, I suspect it will
>>be for different reasons for one of you than for the other.

By God, I don't know beans about Word, but I sure know where to ask questions
of the right people (grin).


Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99

Thanks for posting your detailed VBA example code for setting up a list
template. I hope to make good use of it.

I'm trying to write a macro that will get rid of those annoying 0.25
default tabs that Word insists on inserting every time you go into the
Customize Outline Numbering dialog. When the cursor is situated in any
list I would like the macro to identify the ListTemplate currently being
used and then modify it by changing the TabPosition of each List Level to

Something like this (this is for only one level, I would want to loop
through levels 1 to 9):

Set mylist = Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListTemplate.ListLevels(1)
mylist.TabPosition = wdUndefined

This code works correctly when I am in a list in which the numbering has
been directly applied. The list immediately adjusts and the tab
disappears. However, when I have numbering linked to a style strange
things happen: Nothing immediately changes on the screen. However, if I
go into Format-Style-Modify-Numbering and click "OK" the tabs then
disappear. It's as if the information got transmitted but the system won't
update the list until I manually go into the dialog box.

I'm perplexed by this behavior. I wonder if you might be able to shed some
light on what's happening.

Please respond to newsgroup only. Thank you in advance.

Bill Coan

Apr 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/20/99

Like everyone else, it seems, I learn only as much as I need to in order to
solve my problems. As a result, I'm not much further along this path, if
any, than you are.

Have you considered adding one more command?

Set mylist = Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListTemplate.ListLevels(1)
mylist.TabPosition = wdUndefined

mylist.LinkedStyle = "StyleNameHere"

I offer this idea with a certain reluctance, because I haven't tried it
myself. Also, I'm a bit suspicious of the index (1) for the ListLevels in
your code. Will this work if the selection happens to be in a paragraph that
happens to be at ListLevel 2 within a particular listtemplate? I'll leave it
to you to explore this further and report back to the rest of us. Good luck.

Bill Coan
Microsoft Word MVP
Neenah, Wisconsin USA

AJR wrote in message <01be8b9b$c2aa8760$d81b010a@wpc-f>...

Hank Roberts

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
to (Hank Roberts) writes:
>>>Bill Coan wrote
>>>Hi Hank, Margaret,...

Okay, I think I've almost got it; but not quite.

Using Margaret's method, I recorded myself defining all the heading and
numbering styles.

Last night, late, my machine had one of its moments and literally all of
the added VBA code disappeared from every document and template I had open.
But I'd mailed it all to myself as text files, saved the doc down to Word 2
and recovered, I think, from that.

Then tonight -- looking at both Margaret's, which I'd gotten working, and
trying to see where to replace or merge what Bill provided, I got befuddled.
Well, _more_ befuddled. What did Pogo call it, "betwixt, bothered and bemildred?"

Heading style definition -- I can't see how to retain that. Bill's code
seems to handle some of that formatting; but in trying to merge the two, I lost
the paragraph formatting entirely.

Margaret's (record myself defining styles) approach defines the heading
style, and ends up stating which level it's attached to. Bill's defines
the levels, and ends up saying which heading style it's attached to. I
think. As usual Word's at work and I'm not. I'll go at it again tomorrow
afternoon and evening. But if there's an obvious way to shuffle these two
approaches together so they don't cancel out, I'd sure appreciate a sample.

Bill, am I right that your code does what you first declared a year or so
ago, makes your documents user-proof so they can't change the definitions?

John McGhie

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
OK Fellas and Ladies:

Perhaps I can spare you some misery!

It is not only tedious to set up a customised Outline Numbering scheme, it
is also a waste of time. Your definitions are being stored only in the
registry of your computer. As soon as you move the document somewhere else,
the numbering scheme is lost, and the destination user's scheme is

Trying to alter the default schemes is fraught with gotchas. For example,
Word tends to rewrite the dimensions set on default styles at startup. So
your carefully-crafted indents tend to get blown away every time Word

I notice Vivian is basing the Heading series of styles on a custom style in
an attempt to avoid that. This would work if Word would record the
numbering formatting in the Style. It won't. It is stored in the document
and the registry only.

A word of explanation: there are two sets of dimensions we are talking
about: those set by the paragraph format, and those set by the list
template -- the numbering format. They are different things in Word, and
each continually conflicts with the other. The paragraph settings ARE
stored in the Style and the template, and in the document. They can be
rewitten from the template at document open. The Numbering settings are
stored in the List Template, which exists in the registry and the document.
It can be modified by another document with different settings being opened
in Word, or by the same document opened on a different machine.

Vivian has already found that you have to reset your paragraph indents after
setting your numbering indents, because any time you touch the numbering
formatting, Word blows away the paragraph formatting.

I have tried various methods to overcome this. None have been a complete

Margaret's method of recording a macro while you set all this up at least
has the benefit that every time you have to re-do it, you only have to click
one button. The downside is that if you record a set of definitions Word
doesn't like, it corrupts the document and crashes. No, I can't tell you
what to avoid...

Bill had a method by which he created a named addition to the List Templates
(using VBA). This works provided you do not have to transport the document
to a different format. If you try to export the document, the results are
pretty much undefined...

Rebecca Rachmany has the most eloquent solution: a set of macros that
dispense with Word's list template numbering altogether and use SEQ fields.
This has the dual benefits that you can transport the document from machine
to machine, and from format to format, and get the same result each time.
But it's a fiddle to use them.

I have settled on three methods which I use depending on the case:

1) For unskilled authors (i.e. subject-matter experts who do not write
documents for a living) I simply accept the most appropriate default Word
list template as the "style". If you do not customise them at all (not even
a tiny bit) they stay set and they're easy to use.

2) For a word-factory full of professional writers who do not have
high-level Word skills, I make a macro that sets the default list templates
to the company's style and embed it in the work-group's standard template as
an AutoOpen macro. This means that nominated positions in the list
templates are set to a specific style each time you open a document. This
removes flexibility from the user, but professional authors will put up with
this. They have to!

3) For a technical writing group, I use similar macros to those Rebecca has
on her website. Technical writers are happy enough to tweak a few macros,
and are aware of the importance of getting things correct. They will put up
with the extra bother of using SEQ fields to obtain the holy grail:
numbering that works every time and stays right.

Hope this helps someone... it's not helping me :-)

John McGhie <>
Consultant Technical Writer
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Melbourne, Australia (GMT +10 hrs) +61 (04) 1209 1410

Vivian Carroll <> wrote in message

> Is it really quite a tedious job to set up Outline Numbering with a custom
> scheme or am I going about things the hard way? This is what I do (I have
> table with rows for each style and columns for most of the things below so
> that I can keep track of what I've done as I set up the numbering):

> 1. Figure out where tabs need to be so that for the font I am using, the
> distance from numbers to text will be adequate (allowing room for
> in level 3).
> 2. Use Format, Styles to create a style called "No Number" and assign it
> the font, paragraph space after, language, and tabs (the ones determined
> Step 1).

> 3. Stay in Format, Styles and modify Heading 1 style as follows:
> a. Base it on No Number style.
> b. Follow it by Heading 1 style.
> c. Modify as follows:
> c.1 Set the font.
> c.2 Set the paragraph space after and Keep With Next - but NOT
> left alignment or hanging indent (these appear later by themselves after I
> set the numbering later).
> c.3 Skip setting tabs and language (they are inherited from No
> Number style.
> c.4 Set Numbering, Outline Numbered, Customize as follows:
> c.4.1 Select Level 1, tell it to start with 1.
> c.4.2 Pick the numbering style 1, 2, 3...
> c.4.3 Tell it to start at 1
> c.4.4 Number position = left
> c.4.5 Tell it to align at 0 (later - for Heading 2,
> it to align at 1st tab)
> c.4.6 Tell it to indent at the first tab (later - for
> Heading 2, tell it indent at 2nd tab)
> c.4.7 Link it to Heading 1 style
> c.4.8 Tell it to follow the number with a Tab
> 5. Repeat step 3 for Heading 2-9 styles.

> 6. Close out of Format, Styles.
> 7. Just in case Word messes up my styles (as it does when it inserts
> AutoText containing these styles), go to Format, Paragraph (or Format,
> Styles, Modify, Paragraph) and record the Indent from Left (should = 0 and
> the Hanging Indent amount (should = first tab). (later - for Heading 2,
> left indent should = tab 1 and hanging should = the tab 2 minus tab 1).
> I'm sure it sounds like the amount of work it feels like. And the number
> dialog boxes to drill down through!
> Is there an easier way?

> --
> Vivian Carroll

Margaret Aldis

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
In article <>, Hank Roberts <>

> (Hank Roberts) writes:
>>>>Bill Coan wrote
>>>>Hi Hank, Margaret,...
>Okay, I think I've almost got it; but not quite.
>Using Margaret's method, I recorded myself defining all the heading and
>numbering styles.

Just to set the record straight, in my experience (but see caveat on the
mystical nature of numbering experiences below) the only way to get
rock-solid style-list format linking is to use VBA to add a List
Template object, *not* to use the List Gallery in any form - recorded,
coded or via the dialogs. This is the method I posted in detail back in
February (and which owes a lot to Bill Coan's example of adding List
Template objects from before that). Bill's latest addendum gives a way
of spotting whether you already have that List Template in the document,
which could certainly be handy in some circumstances. However, the way I
used the method, I created the List Template and linked it to my styles
in the template (by macro because it has to be VBA, *not* because you
have to run it more than once). From there on, I have styles that have
the correct list format, and keep it (presumably because it has nothing
to do with the List Gallery). I can copy and update from those styles,
and don't have to touch list templates or the macro again. It's really
all quite painless - now the pain is over ;-)

The remaining danger is of course that if someone redefines the styles
using the numbering dialogs, you are back to square one (this is why I
also had to include a workaround for numbered lists restarts). But users
changing formats is a general issue anyway - if they do it they are
quite capable of screwing your design up, without any help from Word's
auutonumbering fiasco.

Despite John McGhie's well-based pessimism, the level of problems you
will experience with customised headings seems a very personal thing -
some people report no problems, I had some serious problems, but only in
repeatable and specific circumstances of copying and updating styles,
while John and Rebecca have collected evidence of the list formats
changing when documents are passed between machines or the List Gallery
is changed - something I have never seen. SEQ fields are obviously much
more predictable and compatible - but they don't update automatically
and that was an issue for me and perhaps for others too.

Since those who don't have problems obviously want to go on using the
dialogs, I've continued to post pointers on how to use them 'properly'.
But I'm certainly not recommending simply recording dialogs to fix the
problems - only as a way of picking up the settings you want and
understanding the code.


Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important


Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
> Have you considered adding one more command?
> Set mylist = Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListTemplate.ListLevels(1)
> mylist.TabPosition = wdUndefined
> mylist.LinkedStyle = "StyleNameHere"

Thanks. Your suggestion worked. When you relink the numbering level with
the style, the list updates automatically. I now have the macro working
with multi- or single-level lists, linked or unlinked to styles. You can
have your cursor anywhere in the list and all levels will be updated. There
are probably bugs lurking within but the following code is working well for
me now:

Sub ListReformat()

Dim myTemplate As ListTemplate
Dim myList As ListLevel
Dim endcount, counter As Byte
Dim StyleName As String

Set myTemplate = Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListTemplate

If myTemplate.OutlineNumbered = False Then endcount = 1 Else endcount = 9

For counter = 1 To endcount
Set myList = myTemplate.ListLevels(counter)
myList.TabPosition = wdUndefined
StyleName = myList.LinkedStyle

If StyleName <> "" Then
myList.LinkedStyle = StyleName
End If
Next counter

End Sub

Bill Coan

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
Hello ajr,

Bit by bit we pull ourselves out of the mud and up onto dry land. Thanks for
this idea and for the fine-tuning of it and for sharing the results with the
rest of us. Nice going.

Bill Coan
Microsoft Word MVP
Neenah, Wisconsin USA

ajr wrote in message ...

Hank Roberts

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
"John McGhie" <> writes:


>numbering that works every time and stays right.

Yup. That's what I suspected.

John, I want to put in index markers, and produce an index that will
let the reader look up the item by
Chapter = Heading1-after-odd-page-section-break (there are 52 chapters)
and "Section" = Heading 2, there may be 100 or more within large chapters)
[perhaps also "page within the section" because some of the text under some
Heading 2 levels goes on for 30 or more pages, but maybe not....]

The reason for the contortions being that once we get this done down to
the heading 2 level, that shouldn't change much as authors revise
the text.

Am I missing the obvious, is there a way to index against sequence numbering?

The Tech Dept. Archangel has now, after six months, promised to get me a plain
vanilla Pentium, 90+megs, with noting on it but NT and Windows97, in hopes it
will work. I'd hatcheted out all our custom apps and tweaks by trashing and
renaming files, and thereby gotten a machine that would actually open and edit
the 1500 page document for days on end without crashing -- proving it was our
firm's customization and SR-1 level that caused most of my troubles since October.

I've got about 2 weeks left to deadline .... the second deadline, the one a
year after the original one, back when the Tech Dept. God said "use master
documents, that's what Microsoft recommends" to get us started on this book.

Text's done. Citations/authorities are done (with page numbering but we can
correct those by hand paging through the galleys (sigh) from the printer who
is using some proprietary formatting, and can only give us Adobe PDF files
to go with the paper galleys (sigh).

Bill Coan

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
Hank Roberts wrote in message ...
> (Hank Roberts) writes:

>Bill, am I right that your code does what you first declared a year or so
>ago, makes your documents user-proof so they can't change the definitions?

Hi Hank,

No, the code I posted merely establishes a full set of values for a list
template assigns each level of the list template to a style. As near as I
can tell, this allows a document to move from machine to machine and retain
its numbering, regardless of changes the user makes to other documents or to
settings in the Format Bullets and Numbering Dialog.

I rely on a series of hundreds of macros to prevent users from mucking
things up. (Keep in mind that my users appreciate this.) In my templates,
every single key stroke and every menu command is filtered through my code
before executing any of Word's built-in capabilities. Many capabilities
(such as formatting bullets and numbering) are eliminated altogether.
They're gone from the user interface, sometimes replaced by a routine of my
own devising and sometimes simply gone.

Vivian Carroll

Apr 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/21/99
Hi everyone,

I seem to be sort of where Hank is at this point. I tried both Margaret's
and Bill's code - but since I didn't know their Heading 1-9 style
definitions, I didn't really know what their output was supposed to look
like. I want my macro to both set the styles and set up the appropriate
List format, I am having trouble doing that.

After trying Margaret's and Bill's code, I recorded every action to create
the 3 unnumbered styles that I need and the 9 numbered styles - this
included for each Heading style setting up the numbering while I was in
Format, Styles. This resulted in a macro that was too large to run. I
pruned out the unnecessary stuff and saw that when I set Heading 1 style's
numbering format, the macro was recording the numbering format for levels
1-9 (even though I only specified what I wanted for level 1). It did the
same thing for each Heading Style. By Heading 9, the 1-9 numbering levels
were "correct" because by that time I had defined them all. Sooooo, I
deleted the numbering style information from all Heading Styles except 9.
Didn't work!

After about 3 hours of playing, I had to get on with other projects.
However, tomorrow I hope to have time to try my next approach: record my
styles (including Heading 1-9) but *not* open to the numbering dialog from
Format, Styles. Then use a modified version of Bill's code to create a List
template. I'm hoping that if my styles are set first, when I link the
numbering levels to them with Bill's code, they will maintain their

By the way, John is correct in explaining that I base all of my Heading
styles on NoNumber style so that there won't be any conflict with whatever
might arise from the Normal from system to system.

Also, Margaret questioned the need to set tabs. I set them in the NoNumber
style and then base all of the other styles on NoNumber. I started this
with Heading Numbering in Word 6 so that hanging indents would set up
correctly and so that there would be enough space after the numbers (I just
assumed I wouldn't like the default spacing in 97). I noticed in Word 97
that when I set Outline Numbering, it picks up the indentations based on my
tabs for Heading 1-4, after that I have to tell it what to do. I also like
having the tabs in NoNumber so that when someone needs to Increase Indent to
move an unnumbered note under a numbered paragraph, the note will line up
correctly. (Normal is never used in these docs - just NoNumber.)

Hank Roberts wrote in message ...

> (Hank Roberts) writes:
>>>>Bill Coan wrote
>>>>Hi Hank, Margaret,...


Margaret Aldis

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
In article <#gypHsGj#GA.268@cppssbbsa03>, Vivian Carroll
<> writes

>Hi everyone,
>I seem to be sort of where Hank is at this point. I tried both Margaret's
>and Bill's code - but since I didn't know their Heading 1-9 style
>definitions, I didn't really know what their output was supposed to look
>like. I want my macro to both set the styles and set up the appropriate
>List format, I am having trouble doing that.
>After trying Margaret's and Bill's code, I recorded every action to create
>the 3 unnumbered styles that I need and the 9 numbered styles - this
>included for each Heading style setting up the numbering while I was in
>Format, Styles. This resulted in a macro that was too large to run. I
>pruned out the unnecessary stuff and saw that when I set Heading 1 style's
>numbering format, the macro was recording the numbering format for levels
>1-9 (even though I only specified what I wanted for level 1). It did the
>same thing for each Heading Style. By Heading 9, the 1-9 numbering levels
>were "correct" because by that time I had defined them all. Sooooo, I
>deleted the numbering style information from all Heading Styles except 9.
>Didn't work!
>After about 3 hours of playing, I had to get on with other projects.
>However, tomorrow I hope to have time to try my next approach: record my
>styles (including Heading 1-9) but *not* open to the numbering dialog from
>Format, Styles. Then use a modified version of Bill's code to create a List
>template. I'm hoping that if my styles are set first, when I link the
>numbering levels to them with Bill's code, they will maintain their

Yes, this is the intended approach. I'm sorry, somehow my note to
someone (not sure it was you) about recording actions seems to have set
you off on the wrong track. Setting up numbering from the Style - Modify
dialog is bad news in the UI (it only works if you do it *all* from
Heading 1 - see previous threads on this) and isn't the way to get the
'pattern' to be followed in setting up a List Template object. The code
I gave for setting up the numbering is complete (you just need to alter
the format details, so if you know them, don't bother to record at all)
and doesn't touch styles except to create the link between the style and
the list template. If you record from Format-Bullets and Numbering
you'll see what I mean - the code will look much more like the code I
posted and it should be obvious how to edit my macro.

In my case, I'd already set up other aspects of the style (fonts, space
before etc.) 'by hand' and had no reason to try to do this from a macro.
(Bear in mind that the best way of keeping all documents 'in line' is to
use styles in a template and update from there - that's why I got into
this mess with numbering in the first place as it flew apart when I
updated doc styles from template, even when they were actually the
same.) If you do really have a requirement to set up the style itself
(as opposed to its linking to a List Template) from code, then you could
of course record and prune. But don't touch the Modify - Numbering
dialog at all during this process, and don't try to set tabs and indents
that are different to your list format - the tabs and indents defined in
the List Template that is attached to a style will, sooner or later,
change anything you set up in the style 'Modify Paragraph'.

>By the way, John is correct in explaining that I base all of my Heading
>styles on NoNumber style so that there won't be any conflict with whatever
>might arise from the Normal from system to system.
>Also, Margaret questioned the need to set tabs. I set them in the NoNumber
>style and then base all of the other styles on NoNumber. I started this
>with Heading Numbering in Word 6 so that hanging indents would set up
>correctly and so that there would be enough space after the numbers (I just
>assumed I wouldn't like the default spacing in 97). I noticed in Word 97
>that when I set Outline Numbering, it picks up the indentations based on my
>tabs for Heading 1-4, after that I have to tell it what to do. I also like
>having the tabs in NoNumber so that when someone needs to Increase Indent to
>move an unnumbered note under a numbered paragraph, the note will line up
>correctly. (Normal is never used in these docs - just NoNumber.)

>Hank Roberts wrote in message ...

>> (Hank Roberts) writes:
>>>>>Bill Coan wrote
>>>>>Hi Hank, Margaret,...
>>Then tonight -- looking at both Margaret's, which I'd gotten working, and
>>trying to see where to replace or merge what Bill provided, I got
>>Well, _more_ befuddled. What did Pogo call it, "betwixt, bothered and


Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important

John McGhie

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
Hi Hank:

Well done for your persistence!

Tell the Tech Archangel that for serious work with a document of that size,
he better make it a PII. WinNT/Word 97 benefits handily from the extra
throughput a PII provides when you are really pushing it.

And as you suggest, 128MB of memory seems to be the "sweet spot" for such
work with Windows NT.

If you haven't, linking all your graphics pays huge dividends with a file
this size. When you insert a graphic, instead of allowing Word to embed the
graphic into the file, you click the box that says "link to file" on the
Insert Picture dialog, and uncheck the one that says "embed in document".
Even a 1,500 page document shrinks to about two megs by doing this, and Word
97 will then attack it with blazing speed (and be a hell of a lot more
stable in doing so).

Now to your real question:
There is no built-in way to index against sequence numbering in Word.

Last night, I suggested to Ellen that she try putting a cross-reference to
itself in hidden text in each paragraph that contains an Index term. This
will reveal the paragraph's actual number (this was to deal with her legal
numbering, where VBA can't return the whole number from a paragraph, because
that paragraph does not have the whole number "in" it...)

Having revealed the paragraph's number, you may then be able to enclose that
cross-reference in an index tag. Note: I haven't tried this, but if you
are getting desperate, it may be worth trying. There may be some gotcha
that prevents this working: I am afraid I do not have time to try it out at
the moment.

But rather than spend the development time necessary to get this reliable, I
suggested to Ellen that manual indexing was probably a quicker way to get
things done. There is software available for stand-alone indexing that
makes the job quite painless.

This software is used by professional book-indexers who work from the
galley-proofs. In other words, they never see the electronic file of the
book: they type the index terms and page numbers into their index. The
Indexing software is really an electronic version of the card file used by
indexers of old to compile indexes.

What many people lose sight of is that an expert indexer can produce such an
index for a 1,500 page book in about a month, which is the same time as it
takes to produce a Word index of the same material.

Some people won't believe this. They should wait until they try it:
indexing a large book is not a trivial effort. You need to allow three days
per 200 pages to get it right!! Unfortunately, most of the people who pay
me to write books have never written one themselves, and are inclined to
believe that Word "makes the index for you". It doesn't: all Word does is
type the page numbers into the index for you, and even on a large book, this
does not save a lot of time :-) All the rest of the work has to be done
manually, whether you type the text in index tags or type it into an
indexing program.

Just my thoughts.


John McGhie <>
Consultant Technical Writer
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Melbourne, Australia (GMT +10 hrs) +61 (04) 1209 1410

Hank Roberts <> wrote in message

> "John McGhie" <> writes:
> ...

> >numbering that works every time and stays right.

Bill Coan

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
Since I don't have any time right now to explore numbering further, let me
offer some suggestions for how to explore it further for anyone who is

1. While recording your actions, choose Bullets and Numbering on the Format
menu and click the Outline Numbering tab. Assign all nine outline levels to
different paragraph styles, probably headings 1 - 9.

2. Play with the recorded code for list level 1. Try every imaginable
combination of values for number position, text position, and tab position.
In other words, try making number position smaller than, bigger than, or the
same as text position. Do this with all the values. After each change,
position your cursor in a heading 1 paragraph and choose Paragraph on the
Format menu. Goal: Try to understand how Word uses the values entered on the
Outline Numbering tab to set the indents for the paragraph. You may be
surprised at the results. It turns out to be perfectly predictable. The
tricky part is that the Format Paragraph dialog doesn't let you deal with
negative numbers. Instead, it deals with Hanging Indents and First Line
indents, which is actually the same thing. In other words, you'll find that
setting the number position to a value smaller than the text position will
result in a hanging indent (iirc). Likewise, setting the number position to
a value larger than the text position will result in a first line indent
(iirc). At

As I noted in an earlier post, my experiments along these lines were
intended for my own edification. So I didn't bother to express the rules in
unambiguous text. Instead, I just sort of said, "Oh, so that's how it
works." Plus I entered the following comments into my recorded code:

'number position sets the left indent for the text on the first line
'but keep in mind that the number will appear to the left of the text
.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(2.2)
'text position sets the indent for lines 2 through X
.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
'tab position explicitly controls the tab. If left undefined, you get not
.TabPosition = wdUndefined

My comments weren't intended for general consumption, so they aren't as
clear as they could be. But surely they can serve as a starting point for a
few minutes of experimentation.

Another area to explore:

Run the following line of code before and after a series of actions
involving numbers and bullets:

msgbox ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Count

This will enable you to detect when your actions have added a new list
template to your document.

For example, try copying a list out of one document and pasting it into
another. Then run the line of code. Try selecting one paragraph in a
numbered list and setting it to restart at 1. Then run the line of code. And
so on.

My own personal opinion is that the registry has no influence at all on the
templates stored in a document and vice versa. Instead, I suspect that the
registry is merely trying to record the user's most recent settings in the
Format Bullets And Numbering Dialog.

If you stay away from the dialog, then the registry has no chance to affect
the list templates that are already in your document. But if you use the
dialog to add a new list or to modify the attributes of an existing list,
then you risk being influenced by registry entries.

Bill Coan
Microsoft Word MVP
Neenah, Wisconsin USA

Vivian Carroll wrote in message <#gypHsGj#GA.268@cppssbbsa03>...

>By the way, John is correct in explaining that I base all of my Heading
>styles on NoNumber style so that there won't be any conflict with whatever
>might arise from the Normal from system to system.
>Also, Margaret questioned the need to set tabs. I set them in the NoNumber
>style and then base all of the other styles on NoNumber. I started this
>with Heading Numbering in Word 6 so that hanging indents would set up
>correctly and so that there would be enough space after the numbers (I just
>assumed I wouldn't like the default spacing in 97). I noticed in Word 97
>that when I set Outline Numbering, it picks up the indentations based on my
>tabs for Heading 1-4, after that I have to tell it what to do. I also like
>having the tabs in NoNumber so that when someone needs to Increase Indent
>move an unnumbered note under a numbered paragraph, the note will line up
>correctly. (Normal is never used in these docs - just NoNumber.)

>Hank Roberts wrote in message ...

Hank Roberts

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
"Vivian Carroll" <> writes:
>Hi everyone,

Noting John's warning and agreeing with him -- I realize this is futile for
documents that will be shared and edited on one machine today and another
tomorrow; I am just trying to get it to work on ONE machine for ONE document,
for indexing. I assume numbering will break when shared (until I convince
my shop that Bill Coan's approach, to lock formatting down tight, is correct.
Then, they can buy HIS hundreds of macros and I can go back to proofreading
and editing. With my red pen and paper.)

>numbering format, the macro was recording the numbering format for levels
>1-9 (even though I only specified what I wanted for level 1). It did the
>same thing for each Heading Style. By Heading 9, the 1-9 numbering levels
>were "correct" because by that time I had defined them all. Sooooo, I
>deleted the numbering style information from all Heading Styles except 9.
>Didn't work!

I _think_ Word is defaulting to assuming each heading is based on the one
with a lower number? I just opened my Heading 1 /format/style/modify/format/
numbering and defined all the Levels there, that gets the numbering right,
but you already know (see below) what that leaves undone:

> my next approach: record my
>styles (including Heading 1-9) but *not* open to the numbering dialog from
>Format, Styles. Then use a modified version of Bill's code to create a List
>template. I'm hoping that if my styles are set first, when I link the
>numbering levels to them with Bill's code, they will maintain their

>By the way, John is correct in explaining that I base all of my Heading
>styles on NoNumber style so that there won't be any conflict with whatever
>might arise from the Normal from system to system.

Hmmm, and I have all my Heading styles based on "" ["no style"]

>Also, Margaret questioned the need to set tabs. I set them in the NoNumber
>style and then base all of the other styles on NoNumber. I started this
>with Heading Numbering in Word 6 so that hanging indents would set up
>correctly and so that there would be enough space after the numbers (I just
>assumed I wouldn't like the default spacing in 97). I noticed in Word 97
>that when I set Outline Numbering, it picks up the indentations based on my
>tabs for Heading 1-4, after that I have to tell it what to do.

That seems like a useful discovery! Must remember that ....

>I also like
>having the tabs in NoNumber so that when someone needs to Increase Indent to
>move an unnumbered note under a numbered paragraph, the note will line up
>correctly. (Normal is never used in these docs - just NoNumber.)

Oooh. gotta try that.

>Hank Roberts wrote in message ...

Hank Roberts

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
Say, is "Indexing, The Art of" available locally for sale? Nobody here has
any reference on it and the bookstores say it's probably not available in
the USA. If you know a bookseller, I'd sure like to buy a copy.

As to the indexing hardware needed and the timing required, Thank You Again.
You write excellent crowbars; I've taken that one and poked it as far as it
will go into the only crack I can find in the Technology Sevices Dept's armor,
and am leaning on it as heavily as I can in hope of prying them open.

At least, I've got a lot of the anticipated month of work done by getting the
search words together and knowing my way around the book, which a professional
indexer wouldn't; I'm hoping 20 years with the Chicago Manual's indexing guidelines
and a little experience here and there gets me through it.
I'm trying the same hidden number approach, more or less, though first try is by
using a styleref field stuck inside each index-marker field -- to be proven good
or not this weekend, if the "TS" dep't gets me any kind of usable PC.
Failing that I"ll try the approach you outline of a hidden reference in each

After that, paginate the Word file to match the printer's galley's page breaks
when they come in, carry the publisher's changes backwards to our draft, and
yes type it card file style, but at least mark (Font/Red?) what gets indexed.
I've told them a P-II with 128 megs is, to quote Dylan, "the price we have to
pay to get out of going through all these things twice."
You should've seen my coworkers a few weeks ago when I finally brought in my
little old Powerbook 150, set it next to the Pentium, opened SoftPC, opened
WordStar, opened a DOS text save of the book, for typing lists and notes
.... 33mhz, 14 megs of RAM, green and mossy around the edges. For a text file,
faster than our office setup though.

Luckily I have all of two graphics, each full page, can drop in anytime later.

michael edson

Apr 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/22/99
John, what's the reg. key where the info is stored?

--mmedson at att dot net

In article <7fkef1$tq$>, john@mcghie- says...

Vivian Carroll

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99

Bill Coan wrote in message ...
>Since I don't have any time right now to explore numbering further, let me
>offer some suggestions for how to explore it further for anyone who is

Thanks Bill. I think I am close to having something that will work for me.
But I need help on two specific points. I created one procedure to set up
my Heading Styles and another to set up my list template. The beginning of
the list template procedure (the part that creates the list template and
sets level 1) is as follows:

Dim ATCListTemplate As ListTemplate

Set ATCListTemplate = ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Add(True, "ATC")

With ATCListTemplate.ListLevels(1)
.NumberFormat = "%1."

.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic

.NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft

.TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.4)
.TabPosition = InchesToPoints(0.4)
.ResetOnHigher = True

.StartAt = 1

.LinkedStyle = "Heading 1"
End With

QUESTION 1: How do I make the NumberFormat for level 6 become a bullet. It
records as
.NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
but gives an empty rectangular box.

The beginning of my procedure for setting the Heading styles (the part that
sets Heading 1 style) is as follows:

With ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1")
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False
.BaseStyle = "No Number"
.NextParagraphStyle = "Heading 1"
End With

With ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1").Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Bold = False
.Italic = False
.Size = 11
.ColorIndex = wdBlack
End With

With ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1").ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = InchesToPoints(0.4)
.RightIndent = InchesToPoints(0)
.SpaceBefore = 0
.SpaceAfter = 11
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.WidowControl = True
.KeepWithNext = True
.KeepTogether = False
.PageBreakBefore = False
.NoLineNumber = False
.Hyphenation = True
.FirstLineIndent = InchesToPoints(-0.4)
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevel1
End With

ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1").LinkToListTemplate ListTemplate:= _
ListLevelNumber:= _

QUESTION 2: How do I modify the last line to make it use my new ATC list


Margaret Aldis

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99

Hi Vivian - I'll butt in again since I've done this, but Bill is the VBA

In article <>, Vivian Carroll
<> writes

>Bill Coan wrote in message ...

>>Since I don't have any time right now to explore numbering further, let me
>>offer some suggestions for how to explore it further for anyone who is

>Thanks Bill. I think I am close to having something that will work for me.
>But I need help on two specific points. I created one procedure to set up
>my Heading Styles and another to set up my list template. The beginning of
>the list template procedure (the part that creates the list template and
>sets level 1) is as follows:
>Dim ATCListTemplate As ListTemplate
>Set ATCListTemplate = ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Add(True, "ATC")
> With ATCListTemplate.ListLevels(1)
> .NumberFormat = "%1."

> .TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingNone
> .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic

> .NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0)
> .Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft

> .TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.4)
> .TabPosition = InchesToPoints(0.4)
> .ResetOnHigher = True

> .StartAt = 1

> .LinkedStyle = "Heading 1"
> End With

>QUESTION 1: How do I make the NumberFormat for level 6 become a bullet. It
>records as
> .NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
>but gives an empty rectangular box.

You need to specify the font. My bullet list template has the line

.Font.Name = "Symbol"

within the same With

This sets the font of the number. (You should see this on a recorded
macro as several settings within a With .Font ... End with. This gives
you some useful control of number font separate from font of paragraph -
for example, if you want a bold sans serif number for a list of numbered

>The beginning of my procedure for setting the Heading styles (the part that
>sets Heading 1 style) is as follows:
>With ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1")
> .AutomaticallyUpdate = False
> .BaseStyle = "No Number"

> .NextParagraphStyle = "Heading 1"
> End With

Remove it altogether, you don't need anything here. The linking is
achieved by the .LinkedStyle line in the List Template code above.


Margaret Aldis, Syntagma, e-mail

"Civilisation advances by extending the number of important

Bill Coan

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Hi Vivian,

>QUESTION 1: How do I make the NumberFormat for level 6 become a bullet.
>records as
> .NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
>but gives an empty rectangular box.

A long time ago I saw something that suggested that this is a registry
problem. I have no personal experience with it. I wasn't able to locate an
article in the knowledge base about it but there are many, many articles
about bullets and numbering so you may want to search the knowledge base

>QUESTION 2: How do I modify the last line to make it use my new ATC list

ATCListTemplate.ListLevels(1).LinkedStyle = "Heading 1"

But this may override some of your paragraph settings.

John McGhie

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Hi Bill:

Bill Coan <> wrote in message

> My own personal opinion is that the registry has no influence at all on
> templates stored in a document and vice versa. Instead, I suspect that the
> registry is merely trying to record the user's most recent settings in the
> Format Bullets And Numbering Dialog.
> If you stay away from the dialog, then the registry has no chance to
> the list templates that are already in your document. But if you use the
> dialog to add a new list or to modify the attributes of an existing list,
> then you risk being influenced by registry entries.

Ah hah! Of course! Now that makes sense... Thank you for pointing that
out. I couldn't work out how the settings were coming in from the registry.

You have now explained that: provided you do not attempt to modify a list
template, the registry settings won't be used. If you do, some of the
registry settings will be imposed as defaults for the settings you do not

It is a trap for young players: Imagine having to explain that to a
WordPerfect user :-)

Best regards.

John McGhie

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

I am going to refuse to read your questions in this list in future: they're
too hard :-)

Vivian Carroll <> wrote in message

> QUESTION 1: How do I make the NumberFormat for level 6 become a bullet.
> records as
> .NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
> but gives an empty rectangular box.

That one's easy-ish. You specified a ChrW character (the W stands for
"wide" and means you are calling a Unicode Character). You can also tell
that because the number in brackets is above 255, which means you are off
the end of the ANSI character set.

However, chances are the font of the paragraph you are doing this in (or the
font your are inserting, which defaults to Symbol for bullets) is a
non-Unicode font. You can tell which by clicking in one of the paragraphs
and choosing Insert Symbol. If the pane that shows all the characters has a
vertical scroll bar on the right, you are in a Unicode font. If it doesn't
(e.g. Symbol font on my system) you have a normal 8-bit ANSI font.

In which case, either specify the font as as already been suggested, or
change the statement to Chr(0149) which specifies that the character number
is in ANSI and produces a large bullet.

Hope this helps.

John McGhie

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

I knew someone would ask :-) Shall I save you the trouble? The values are
in hex binary...

On my system it's HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Word\List
Gallery Presets

The "\9.0\" indicates that I am using Office 2000. Change that to 8.0 for
Word 97.

And that's from my Win98 registry (because I've blown up NT5 again...). I
think the path is slightly different in Windows NT.

Best regards.

John McGhie <>
Consultant Technical Writer
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Melbourne, Australia (GMT +10 hrs) +61 (04) 1209 1410

michael edson <> wrote in message

> John, what's the reg. key where the info is stored?
> --mmedson at att dot net
> In article <7fkef1$tq$>, john@mcghie-
> says...

Hank Roberts

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
"Vivian Carroll" <> writes:
>QUESTION 1: How do I make the NumberFormat for level 6 become a bullet. It
>records as
> .NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
>but gives an empty rectangular box.

Pick a different font for the bullet, I think?

>The beginning of my procedure for setting the Heading styles (the part that
>sets Heading 1 style) is as follows:


> ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1").LinkToListTemplate ListTemplate:= _
> ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery).ListTemplates(2),

> ListLevelNumber:= 1

>QUESTION 2: How do I modify the last line to make it use my new ATC list

Don't you want this to name something like Margaret Aldis's "aListTemplate"
rather than the one in the List Gallery?

And why am I answering questions with questions so late at night :-)
(No, I did NOT get a message that I have a proper plain vanilla Win/Word
PC set up for me to work on at the office, finally. Nope. Again. No.)

Vivian Carroll

Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99

John McGhie wrote in message <7frro9$qqi$>...

>I am going to refuse to read your questions in this list in future: they're
>too hard :-)

I agree with you John! After another 1 1/2 hours of playing, I gave up. I
decided to just stick with the converted WordBasic macro that works just
fine in W97.

I tried all of the answers all of you nice folks supplied to my 2 last
questions, but none of them worked.

Following is the WordBasic code that works for me - in case anyone is
interested. I made one interesting discovery today related to this code.
In Word 6.0 when I use Increase Indent on a "NoNumber" style paragraph (to
indent a Note under a paragraph), the cursor moves over one tab stop for
each click of the Increase Indent button (actually, I use CTRL+M). However,
in W97, the cursor not only stops at the tab stops that I set up via this
macro, but it also stops at the default tab stops that are *between* my set

Sub HeadingNumbering()

'Turns on Heading Numbering with 1.1.1 format for 11 pt Arial text, each
heading style is formatted with
'11 pts blank space after it, tabs are set at appropriate spots so numbers
and text line up with appropriate
'amount of spacing between

WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:="", Type:=0,
After:=".", StartAt:="1", Include:=1, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.4" + Chr(34),
Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="1", Font:="", StrikeThrough:=-1,
Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:="", Type:=0,
After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=1, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.5" + Chr(34),
Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="2", Font:="", StrikeThrough:=-1,
Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:=".",
Type:=0, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=1, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.65" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="3", Font:="",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:=".",
Type:=0, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=1, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.8" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="4", Font:="",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:=".",
Type:=0, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=1, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.9" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="5", Font:="",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:="·",
Type:=-1, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=0, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.2" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="6", Font:="Symbol",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:="·",
Type:=-1, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=0, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.2" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="7", Font:="Symbol",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:="·",
Type:=-1, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=0, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.2" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="8", Font:="Symbol",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber Points:="Auto", Color:=0, Before:="·",
Type:=-1, After:="", StartAt:="1", Include:=0, Alignment:=0, Indent:="0.2" +
Chr(34), Space:="0" + Chr(34), Hang:=1, Level:="9", Font:="Symbol",
StrikeThrough:=-1, Bold:=-1, Italic:=-1, Underline:=-1
WordBasic.FormatHeadingNumber RestartNum:=0

WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="NoNumber", BasedOn:="(no style)",
NextStyle:="NoNumber", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="0" + Chr(34), RightIndent:="0"
+ Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt", LineSpacingRule:=0,
LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1, KeepWithNext:=0,
KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0, Tab:="0",
FirstIndent:="0" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="0.4" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="0.9" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="1.55" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="2.35" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.25" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.45" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.65" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.85" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="4.05" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleBorders ApplyTo:=0, Shadow:=0, TopBorder:=0,
LeftBorder:=0, BottomBorder:=0, RightBorder:=0, HorizBorder:=0,
VertBorder:=0, TopColor:=0, LeftColor:=0, BottomColor:=0, RightColor:=0,
HorizColor:=0, VertColor:=0, FromText:="1 pt", Shading:=0, Foreground:=0,
Background:=0, Tab:="0", FineShading:=-1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleLang Language:="English (US)"
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="NoNumberNoSpace", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="NoNumberNoSpace", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="0" + Chr(34), RightIndent:="0"
+ Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="0 pt", LineSpacingRule:=0,
LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1, KeepWithNext:=0,
KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0, Tab:="0",
FirstIndent:="0" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="0.4" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="0.9" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="1.55" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="2.35" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.25" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.45" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.65" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="3.85" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleTabs Position:="4.05" + Chr(34), Align:=0,
Leader:=0, Set:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleBorders ApplyTo:=0, Shadow:=0, TopBorder:=0,
LeftBorder:=0, BottomBorder:=0, RightBorder:=0, HorizBorder:=0,
VertBorder:=0, TopColor:=0, LeftColor:=0, BottomColor:=0, RightColor:=0,
HorizColor:=0, VertColor:=0, FromText:="1 pt", Shading:=0, Foreground:=0,
Background:=0, Tab:="0", FineShading:=-1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleLang Language:="English (US)"
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 1", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 1", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=1, KerningMin:="14",
Tab:="0", Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="0.4" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=1, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="1", FirstIndent:="-0.4" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 2", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 2", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="0.9" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="0", FirstIndent:="-0.5" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 3", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 3", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="1.55" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="0", FirstIndent:="-0.65" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 4", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 4", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="2.35" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="0", FirstIndent:="-0.8" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 5", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 5", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="3.25" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="1", FirstIndent:="-0.9" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 6", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 6", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="3.45" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="0", FirstIndent:="-0.2" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 7", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 7", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="3.65" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt", LineSpacingRule:
=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1, KeepWithNext:=0,
KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0, Tab:="0",
FirstIndent:="-0.2" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 8", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 8", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="3.85" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="1", FirstIndent:="-0.2" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.FormatStyle Name:="Heading 9", BasedOn:="NoNumber",
NextStyle:="Heading 9", Type:=0, AddToTemplate:=0, Define:=1
WordBasic.FormatDefineStyleFont Points:="11", Underline:=0, Color:=0,
StrikeThrough:=0, Superscript:=0, Subscript:=0, Hidden:=0, SmallCaps:=0,
AllCaps:=0, Spacing:="", Position:="", Kerning:=0, KerningMin:="", Tab:="0",
Font:="Arial", Bold:=0, Italic:=0
WordBasic.FormatDefineStylePara LeftIndent:="4.05" + Chr(34),
RightIndent:="0" + Chr(34), Before:="0 pt", After:="11 pt",
LineSpacingRule:=0, LineSpacing:="", Alignment:=0, WidowControl:=1,
KeepWithNext:=0, KeepTogether:=0, PageBreak:=0, NoLineNum:=0, DontHyphen:=0,
Tab:="0", FirstIndent:="-0.2" + Chr(34)
WordBasic.Style "Heading 1"
End Sub

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