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Captions for Tables and Figures Changing

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Dec 23, 2002, 11:52:19 AM12/23/02
I use standard captions for Tables (above table) and
Figures (below figure) using Insert Caption. When I add a
new figure caption to my document, Word changes formerly
captioned Tables to Figures. What is happening? How do I

Shauna Kelly

Dec 24, 2002, 4:42:03 AM12/24/02
Hi Gerald

Can you post back with the following:

1. What version of Word are you using?
2. How are you inserting the captions?
3. Find one of the captions that changed. Click on it and do Shift-F9. Copy and paste what you see between the curly braces into
your reply (please don't attach a file to your post).


"gerald" <> wrote in message news:03d501c2aaa3$a7c10070$8ef82ecf@TK2MSFTNGXA04...


Dec 30, 2002, 10:23:11 AM12/30/02
1. Word 2000 (SR1)
2. Either or both of:
a. Insert > Caption > Choosing Figure, formatting with
chapter number and a hyphen, and typing ", Figure Title"
(seem to work as advertised).
b. Or, when I find a table switched to figure, I select
the Title line (para) with Caption style and change the
Figure to Table in the pop-up window. This is what seems
to change everything in the document ... as if the Caption
style means only Table or Figure.
3. { STYLEREF 1 \s }-{ SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 }

The 2b incident seems to messing up the whole document ...
unless that is what is intended by Word. Can/should I set
up separate CaptionTable and CaptionFigure styles?




Shauna Kelly

Dec 30, 2002, 10:41:11 PM12/30/02
Hi Gerald

Here's the short answer. Insert > Caption. In the Label box, choose either Figure or Table as you need. Proceed as usual, but don't
muck with the captions as described in your step 2b.

Here's the long answer. Your document has probably got into a bit of a mess. To clean it up, it might be worth a quick look at how
Table and Figure numbering works.

First, choose Tools > Options > View. Set Field Shading to Always. This displays field codes in grey so you can distinguish field
codes from ordinary text. The shading doesn't print. You can turn this off again later if you don't like it.

This is how the captions work. First, when Word inserts "Figure", it's just text. It's not a field, it's not magic, it's just text
as if you typed it.

Second, Word inserts field codes. They are magic, which is to say they change depending on what's going on in your document. The
field codes that you see,{ STYLEREF 1 \s }-{ SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 }, are creating the numbering.

STYLEREF 1 is picking up the numbering of the current Heading 1 style. The \s causes Word to pick up only the number of your Heading
1 text, not the text itself.

- inserts the hyphen (kind of obviously).

SEQ Table means "Show the next number in the Table Sequence ... ". \s 1 means "... but re-start the numbering after each paragraph
in Heading 1 style".
\* ARABIC means "Show the number as an arabic numeral".

So you can see the problem. You've only got one list in your document, but you need two. As I understand it, you want:
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
Table 1-1
Figure 1-3
Table 1-2

So you need two lists. One for Figures and one for Tables. So one list says "Show the next number in the Table Sequence" and one
says "Show the next number in the Figure sequence".

To do this, Insert > Caption. Type in your caption text. Now, in the Label box, choose "Figure" or "Table" as you need. (If there
isn't a Figure or Table in the Label list, click New Label and create one). Use Shift-F9 to expose the field codes and examine what
you've got. You'll see that there are two kinds:
Figure { STYLEREF 1 \s }-{ SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 }
Table { STYLEREF 1 \s }-{ SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 }

You might have to go back and inspect all your present captions. I suspect that you may have changed the introductory text ("Figure"
or "Table") but not changed the field code. So you might have something like the following ("Table" text introducing a "Figure"
Table { STYLEREF 1 \s }-{ SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 }

Having exposed the field codes, you can edit them like any other text. However, if you accidentally delete the curly braces, bear in
mind that you can't insert them from the keyboard. You must type ctrl-F9 and type within the braces that Word gives you.

Press F9 on a field to update it (or ctrl-a and F9 to update all fields in the whole document).

By the way the Caption style itself doesn't influence the numbering. It only influences the formatting (eg font, colour, weight,
size etc).

Hope this helps.


"Gerald" <> wrote in message news:06f001c2b017$5d0c51a0$d4f82ecf@TK2MSFTNGXA11...


Jan 6, 2003, 5:59:49 PM1/6/03
Thank you very much. I could not have asked for a more
clear explanation. Now that I printed the instructions, I
will need to experiment with the document.

Whatever I did to "mess up" the document, I did it without
changing any codes with the braces as I would not have
known what to do with it.

Thanks again,



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