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Big Bertha Thing hacked

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Tony Lance

Jun 21, 2011, 6:32:27 PM6/21/11
Big Bertha Thing hacked
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
Access page to 15K ZIP file
Astrophysics net ring Access site
Newsgroup Reviews including alt.politics

3rd Battle of Cyberspace causes site closure and hack by provider

Big Bertha Thing hacked

I can perhaps make a unique claim.
My Fortunecity web site has been closed, opened, hacked
and disabled by Fortunecity.

1. 30th October 2000 Closed
2. 30th December 2000 Opened
3. 31st December 2000 Hacked
4. 1st January 2001 Net ring code deleted

My Astrophysics web ring picture was replaced by a Fortunecity logo.
All I did was fight the third battle of cyberspace,
using my FC mailbox, amongst others and a mail to newsgroups gateway.

It was a text only battle, no hacking or even anonymous mail was
Site references were used instead of attachments.
Thank you,
Tony Lance

Big Bertha Thing reason

1. Third Battle of Cyberspace.
2. Death Threats.(3)
3. Newsgroup Review.
4. Odd newsgroup users with 1000 postings.
5. Berserker attacks on legitimate postings to sci.astro et al.
6. Political and totally innexplicable.
7. Net Newbie basket cases.
8. Violent spam busters.
9. Abuse complaints procedure.
10. Web site closure.

Take your pick, the opposition will not give you the choice.

Tony Lance
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing redoubt
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 18:37:41 +0100

Big Bertha Thing adversity

Milton (1644) from The Liberty of Unlicensed Printing.

First, when a city shall be as it were besieged and blocked about,
her navigable river infested, inroads and incursions round,
defiance and battle oft rumoured to be marching up
even to her walls and suburb trenches;
that then the people, or the greater part, more than at other times,
wholly taken up with the study of the highest and most important
to be reformed, should be disputing, reasoning, reading, inventing,
discourcing, even to a rarity and admiration,
things not before discourced or written of,
argues first a singular good will,
contentedness and confidence in your prudent forsight,
and safe government, Lords and Commons;
and from thence derives itself to a gallant bravery and well-grounded
of their enemies, as if there were no small number of as great spirits
among us,
as his was, who when Rome was nigh besieged by Hannibal, being in the
bought that piece of ground at no cheap rate
whereon Hannibal himself encamped his own regiment.
Next, it is a lively and cheerful presage of our happy success and
For as in a body, when the blood is fresh, the spirits pure and
not only to vital, but to rational faculties,
and those in the acutes and the pertest operations of wit and
it argues in what good plight and constitution the body is;
so when the cheerfulness of the people is so sprightly up,
as it has not only wherewith to guard well its own freedom and
but to spare, and to bestow upon the solidest and sublimest points of
and new invention, it betokens us not degenerated,
nor drooping to a fatal decay,
by casting off the old and wrinkled skin of corruption to outlive
these pangs,
and wax young again, entering the glorious ways of truth and
prosperous virtue,
destined to become great and honourable in these latter ages.
Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation rousing herself
like a strong man
after sleep, and shaking her invincible locks;
methinks I see her as an eagle nursing her mighty youth,
and kindling her undazzled eyes at the full mid-day beam;
purging and unscaling her long-abused sight at the fountain itself of
heavenly radiance;
while the whole noise of timorous and flocking birds,
with those also that love the twilight, flutter about amazed at what
she means,
and in their envious gabble would prognosticate a year of sects and

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