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Windows XP SP3 issues with Standby and coming out of Hibernation

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Feb 16, 2012, 7:35:38 PM2/16/12
I have been searching and trying various things for several weeks to find
out why my computer will not go into Standby and also why it will not come
out of Hibernation. I have read a great many articles in various forums and
trying all combinations of BIOS settings S1 and S3 etc. and have not been
able to find anything that remotely appears to be a fix. Has any one every
and any luck with solutions to either or both of these problems? Has any one
ever found a sure fire fix for what appears to be a very common problem,
obviously possibly caused by a multitude of configurations.
Under this present installation of Windows Standby has worked and woke up on
movement of the mouse or the key board. I have never been able to get any of
my computers to wake up form Hibernation, it always requires pressing the
start button.
It sure would be nice to locate a fix or to communicate with someone who has
found solutions to these annoyances.


Feb 16, 2012, 10:12:46 PM2/16/12
Not necessarily a Windows problem...look in your bios at the power
saving options


Feb 16, 2012, 11:57:19 PM2/16/12
Have you tried "dumppo" utility ?

The BIOS Power Management options will include some "wake on" settings.
It would include things like PME (if you want the computer to wake
on LAN for example). PME is the signal on the PCI bus, that allows a
NIC card to wake the computer. There will also be settings in there
for keyboard/mouse, wake on Ring for a modem, and so on.

For wake on settings to work on some computers, for things like keyboard
or mouse, the USBPWR or PS2 Power jumper has to be set to +5VSB. On more
modern systems, the jumper blocks for this are no longer present, and
all devices run off +5VSB anyway. So then, this is taken care of for you.

In Device Manager, you can find some entries like "allow this device to
bring the computer out of standby".

There are a few places to look.

You can also take a look in Event Viewer, look for .dmp files, for
evidence the system is actually crashing during shutdown.



Feb 21, 2012, 5:53:04 PM2/21/12
Well, I was not as successful as I had originally thought. It seemed to go
into Standby and wake up on movements of the mouse and keyboard but it has
since stopped. I really thought Dumppo was the hot set up.
I checked in the registry and the line is still there, i.e.
HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\Control\Session Manager\Power\PolicyOverrides
with the following value: 04 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff
ff - 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff

Does any one know what the strings are for Standby and Hibernate in the
windows system folder or windows32 folder. Is there any way to create a
desktop shortcut for Standby? I know you can create a desktop shortcut to
Hibernate, see following offered by HTH & GL:
You go to your desktop, right click and create a new shortcut, then
for the location type in one of the below commands :

Shutdown: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -s
Reboot: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r
Logoff: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -l
Standby: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Hibernate: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

If you notice the shortcut is configured the same for Standby and Hibernate.
The hibernate works.

"Paul" <> wrote in message


Feb 21, 2012, 7:07:50 PM2/21/12
Docster wrote:
> Well, I was not as successful as I had originally thought. It seemed to go
> into Standby and wake up on movements of the mouse and keyboard but it has
> since stopped. I really thought Dumppo was the hot set up.
> I checked in the registry and the line is still there, i.e.
> HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\Control\Session Manager\Power\PolicyOverrides
> with the following value: 04 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff
> ff - 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff
> Does any one know what the strings are for Standby and Hibernate in the
> windows system folder or windows32 folder. Is there any way to create a
> desktop shortcut for Standby? I know you can create a desktop shortcut to
> Hibernate, see following offered by HTH & GL:
> You go to your desktop, right click and create a new shortcut, then
> for the location type in one of the below commands :
> Shutdown: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -s
> Reboot: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r
> Logoff: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -l
> Standby: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
> Hibernate: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
> If you notice the shortcut is configured the same for Standby and Hibernate.
> The hibernate works.

All I can suggest at this point, is check for changes.

Did you use System Restore recently, and restore to an older point in time ?

If you have an Asus motherboard, did you have a "System failed due
to CPU overclock" error ? As some motherboards, they reset the BIOS
to default values, after an event like that. The user does not need
to be overclocking the system, for that to happen - it can happen
if the computer experiences a "dirty shutdown", such as the loss
of power in the middle of a session. That might be enough
to trigger changes to BIOS settings.

I'm looking for any changes, that might be invalidating the new settings.



Feb 22, 2012, 2:35:49 PM2/22/12
Just wondering!!!
When I create a shortcut using [Standby: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe
powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Standby] it works like a charm, which suggest
the machine has the capability to suspend and go into a real Standby mode
with no fans turning and with the response to wake up on mouse movement or
keyboard activity. What I would like to know is how do I get my installed
Windows OS to respond the same way. I don't know what the triggers are that
signal the computer to go into Standby, was caused it to execute the string
it used to tuck its self in and go to sleep.
I was wondering if, it was possible to somehow bury this string in the
windows directory and link it to the triggering mechanism. Probably not real
clear so I will try it another way. If I am currently pointing and using my
mouse to execute the instructions included in the shortcut I created how do
I get the computer to execute this or a similar action to go into Standby.
I keep thinking if the computer was incapable of going to Standby noting
would put it in that mode, yet I can manually. How do I get it back into an
automated state is the question. It has done it in the pass. I think I might
be close to resolving this, with your help, for myself and many other
people. I think the thinking is correct, if you will, just not concluded.
There are enough WinXP users around, and I suspect will be for some time to
come, that this might be a worthwhile pursuit.

"Paul" <> wrote in message


Feb 22, 2012, 4:09:09 PM2/22/12
Docster wrote:
> Just wondering!!!
> When I create a shortcut using [Standby: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe
> powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Standby] it works like a charm, which suggest
> the machine has the capability to suspend and go into a real Standby mode
> with no fans turning and with the response to wake up on mouse movement or
> keyboard activity. What I would like to know is how do I get my installed
> Windows OS to respond the same way. I don't know what the triggers are that
> signal the computer to go into Standby, was caused it to execute the string
> it used to tuck its self in and go to sleep.
> I was wondering if, it was possible to somehow bury this string in the
> windows directory and link it to the triggering mechanism. Probably not real
> clear so I will try it another way. If I am currently pointing and using my
> mouse to execute the instructions included in the shortcut I created how do
> I get the computer to execute this or a similar action to go into Standby.
> I keep thinking if the computer was incapable of going to Standby noting
> would put it in that mode, yet I can manually. How do I get it back into an
> automated state is the question. It has done it in the pass. I think I might
> be close to resolving this, with your help, for myself and many other
> people. I think the thinking is correct, if you will, just not concluded.
> There are enough WinXP users around, and I suspect will be for some time to
> come, that this might be a worthwhile pursuit.

In the article here, there is a suggestion that the Power control
panel options can have an impact on how the system behaves. But I'm
not sure I like doing this.

To put the system in to Stand by :-

1] Make sure that the system is hibernation disabled.

The thing is, where are the commands for doing that stored ?
Are they in the registry ? Are they hard coded in a DLL somewhere ?
Are they a response based on checking a whole bunch of registry
values (like the ACPI hive) ? Who knows ?

A respondent in a thread like this one, claimed there were
somewhere around 200 registry entries for this stuff (ACPI
related). And even with all of that, the important bits of it,
might not even be in the registry.

As an example, if I scan the registry for "powrprof.dll", I don't
find it. Neither do I find "SetSuspendState" (in case the
powrprof.dll was implicit).

I was lucky to find the dumppo info, when I needed it...

Another thing I tried to research in the past, was what actually
shuts off the computer. Is it the OS ? Is it the BIOS ? I think
it's some BIOS code that presses the button, but I've not been
able to confirm that.



Feb 22, 2012, 5:42:28 PM2/22/12
Thanks for the simulation. I continue to think look and search for the
The strings from the link you referenced were the ones I used, with some
modification e.g. adding Standby or Hibernate at the end, to create the two
successful desktop shortcuts I am currently using and hey both work without
a hitch.

Standby: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Standby
Hibernate: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

This is work-around.
You go to your desktop, right click and create a new shortcut, then
for the location type in or cut and paste one of the above commands, click
next and then give the Shortcut a name in the final screen.

Double click and it does what it was commanded to do depending on which
Shortcut your were using. If you are using the Standby then I unchecked
"Enable Hibernation"

I am still hoping to find a way to restore the functionality to the machine
to the extent it goes into Standby or Hibernation on response to its own

Thanks for the help.

I will continue to experiment and monitor this link.

"Paul" <> wrote in message
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