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Manually run dfrgntfs.exe?

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Aug 19, 2012, 8:32:48 PM8/19/12

I got annoyed with Windows XP Pro. SP3's dfrgntfs.exe that runs
automatically in the background after about ten minutes or so of idling.
So I disabled it through TweakUI. I tried to manually run dfrgntfs.exe,
but it said "command line operation of Disk Defragmenter is not
supported." Is this the same disk defragger through

Thank you in advance. :)
"Why eat ants when an uncle will do?" --Tymoutta Aardvarka of Sarcastica
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Paul in Houston TX

Aug 19, 2012, 8:54:53 PM8/19/12
Ant wrote:
> Hello.
> I got annoyed with Windows XP Pro. SP3's dfrgntfs.exe that runs
> automatically in the background after about ten minutes or so of idling.
> So I disabled it through TweakUI. I tried to manually run dfrgntfs.exe,
> but it said "command line operation of Disk Defragmenter is not
> supported." Is this the same disk defragger through
> %SystemRoot%\System32\dfrg.msc?
> Thank you in advance. :)

I think so.
I deleted dfrgntfs and dfrgfat and ran drfg.msc.
Both files were recreated. Probably copied from dll cache.
Running Defrag via a dos prompt also recreates those two files.
I prefer to run the dos command version.
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