unread,May 10, 2012, 3:38:25 AM5/10/12You do not have permission to delete messages in this group
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Thanks in anticipation to all..... I have a Dell Inspiron 8200 XP
laptop. I was in the process of backing up my work on a Samsung external
drive when the following csript popped up. " 5 seconds to completion"
An hour later still 5 secondes etc etc.
I then ctrl + alt+ del .... nothing happended.I tried this three times,
no activation.
I then diconnected the main electrical point and re connected. I got my
screen with all the icons.
I tried to open up any icon but nothing happened. I then went to re boot
the computer, all I got was the hour glass cursor nothing else for 5
This continued untill I powered down from the main electrical point.
I have not added any new hardware or touched any other programe.
Any ideas please, to repair the problem.