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Difference between "nslookup" and "whois" ?

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Ken Philips

Mar 25, 2008, 3:26:08 AM3/25/08
What is the difference between "nslookup" and "whois" ?
For both I enter a domain name and get an IP.

Do use both the same sources?

Can I enter in both cases domain names with a 3rd level domain name e.g.



Mar 25, 2008, 6:58:32 AM3/25/08
"Ken Philips" wrote in message

NOTE: Ken used the FollowUp-To header in an attempt to disconnect the
discussion from other than his "home" newsgroup. That is rude to the
visitors of the other newsgroups. If your post is on-topic to the other
newsgroups, and if you choose to post to those other newsgroups, then
keep your discussion in those other newsgroups; else, do NOT post there
if you don't want to have your discussion seen and participated there.
The newsgroups list was restored in my reply. Spammers and malcontents
use the FollowUp-To header to hide replies to their posts. Only in a
few newsgroups is FollowUp-To appropriate, like when posting spam
samples in NANAE.

Original newsgroups:
FollowUp-To: microsoft.public.windowsxp.network_web
Restored newsgroups:

'nslookup' queries your DNS server to get an IP address for the IP name
that you specified. Humans like to use names. Computers only use
numeric addresses. Hence the purpose of DNS. 'nslookup' can also do a
reverse lookup to return back from your DNS server the IP name if you
enter an IP address.

'whois' looks up the domain registration. That has nothing to do with
IP addresses. Domain names are registered but may not even be
implemented. Not until a domain is actually implemented at a webhost
provider (you or someone else) to provide a site that uses that domain
name is an IP address even involved. A 'whois' only lookup won't tell
you the IP address of a domain. It tells you to whom that domain is
registered (the registrant) and from whom that domain is leased (the
registrar). A domain doesn't have an IP address until an equivalence
gets propagated through DNS servers. You get the 'nslookup' result from
your DNS server to get back an IP address. You get the domain
registrant information from using 'whois'. Until the domain is actually
implemented, it doesn't have an IP address. In fact, you need to
register a domain before you can even get an IP address for it. You
could, for example, register a domain and never implement it so it will
never have an IP address. Some registrants deliberately register
domains and then park them while hoping someone wants to buy that domain
name from them (i.e., they are domain squatters). The only reason you
need a domain name is to have an IP name that humans can recognize but
this requires propagating your domain name and its IP address to the DNS
servers worldwide (unless it is just an internally accessible site in
your own company or intranet). You could always use the IP address for
a site and never use an IP name. Using requires
the use of a DNS server to return to your computer an IP address for the domain that you (or a program) specified while never involves a DNS server because no lookup is
required as your computer already has the IP address that it needs to
find that host; however, many sites will use IP names in references to
the objects within their own pages or to other pages or sites and using
the IP address may not provide you good access to a site.

If your 'whois' utility is returning an IP address then it is providing
more than the registrant information. Depends on *whose* 'whois'
utility you are using. A real 'whois' lookup on a domain would return
the registrant information even if that domain was implemented nowhere
which means it has no IP address. The 'whois' portion of your whois
utility would be querying some whois provider that does the domain
registration lookup for you. You'll have to find out from your utility
as to who that is. If it is providing an IP address, that comes from
whatever is currently assigned as your DNS server (unless it has an
option to configure a specify DNS server).

I have the 'whois' utility installed from SysInternals (now owned by
Microsoft). It is coded to use, by default, do go
hunt for the domain registration information but a command-line
parameter can specify using a different whois lookup provider. It
returns just the domain registration information, not the IP address for
that domain (if it is actually implemented). An IP address is not part
of a domain's registration information, so this utility doesn't try to
list it. If you want to see if your DNS server has a lookup on that
domain name then use the 'nslookup' or 'ping' commands.

Each host has a different IP address so, yes, you need to specify the
hostname in an IP name lookup to get an IP address for it. You always
have to specify a fully qualified hostname. Your TCP configuration may
provide for some defaults in qualifying the domain(s) when trying to
find a host when only its hostname is specified. A site's nameserver
can be configure to point at a particular host by default if the
hostname is not specified. For example, "www" is still a hostname, as
in It is not the protocol for using HTTP to that
domain. It is the *host* on that domain. Their nameserver will return
the IP address for their "www" host if it isn't specified in the URL to
their domain. So entering will default to their "www"
host (so you end up at Not all sites provide a
default host if one is not specified. For example,
will result in no site found but will work (I
can't remember a specific example of where a site forgot to provide a
default host lookup when queried for an IP address but the URL only has
their domain and no host specified, but I have run across sites that
forget to provide a default hostname). is a domain. It does not specify a host. You connect to
hosts, not domains. is a host. It is host "aaa" on domain
"". The "" domain may provide a lookup to a default
host "aaa" so using just the domain results in you connecting to *host*


Mar 25, 2008, 7:01:12 AM3/25/08
"Ken Philips" <> wrote in message

Sorry, reposting because I forgot to restore the Newsgroups header
before sending.

more than the registrant information. Depends on whose 'whois'

domain. It is the host on that domain. Their nameserver will return

the IP address for their "www" host if it isn't specified in the URL to
their domain. So entering will default to their "www"
host (so you end up at Not all sites provide a
default host if one is not specified. For example,
will result in no site found but will work (I
can't remember a specific example of where a site forgot to provide a
default host lookup when queried for an IP address but the URL only has
their domain and no host specified, but I have run across sites that
forget to provide a default hostname). is a domain. It does not specify a host. You connect to
hosts, not domains. is a host. It is host "aaa" on domain
"". The "" domain may provide a lookup to a default

host "aaa" so using just the domain results in you connecting to host


Oct 14, 2011, 7:09:53 AM10/14/11
NSlookup is a name server lookup.
Whois lookup is used to get the whois information of the domain name or ip
I found both this tools at .
It has the whois tool and DNS Query tool..Through DNS query tool, you will
the name servers ..


Oct 25, 2011, 11:26:33 PM10/25/11

Wow, very detailed info. It makes me figure out what's the difference
between nslookyp and whois. Thank you very much, it's important to me.

Jan 26, 2017, 11:03:07 AM1/26/17
Wonderful answer. Thanks for taking your time out to explain the difference.
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