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Play Pokemon Fire Red Randomizer Online No ##TOP## Download

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Tona Ferber

25.01.2024 г., 18:05:4125.01
<div>Sorry if this is a newbie question, I'm new to pokemon hacks, randomizers and all. My question is, is it possible to battle and/or trade with friends when playing a version altered by a randomizer? (and maybe with 649 patch?)</div><div></div><div></div><div>I ask this because some friends and I started a run through randomized red (sanqui's one, with all released pokemon to date) and managed to connect, but found out in a terrible explosion of bug and Missigno that it was not gonna work out. I don't want to get all invested in a game again before I find out if it is gonna work or not. I don't know it that was a problem with sanqui's randomizer or all of them in general and for the love of the internet I can't find an answer to this by googling it. Don't see youtube videos or stuff like that with people interacting as well so I'm guessing it just doesn't work, but if someone can confirm an answer I would highly apreciate it. =)</div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div>play pokemon fire red randomizer online no download</div><div></div><div>Download File: </div><div></div><div> df19127ead</div>
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