Install the sound card drivers.
"pentium" wrote:
To know what sound card you having try to Right click My Computer and select
Properties. On System Properties click Hardware tab then Device manager
On Device manager expand the Plus for [+] sound, video and game controllers
to become:
[-] sound, video and game controllers
- Audio codecs
- Media control Devices
- SoundMax Integrated Digi Audio
Now I know my Sound card is built in my Mobo, so I can install the driver
from my Motherboard manufacture website or from the CD I got with the machine
full with drivers and other software some of them Sound and Network drivers.
While God can help and bless you absent any info, we'll need a little if you
want an answer here, nitwit...
Right click on My Computer/Properties/Hardware/Device Manager/Sound
video and game controllers and expand the tree to find your audio card
and write down what kind it is. Go to the card manufacturer's web site
and download the drivers for your audio card to a place you will
remember. After their downloaded, disable your anti virus and double
click on the drivers you downloaded. When it's done installing, enable
your anti virus again and reboot.