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Big Bertha Thing redoubt

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Tony Lance

Dec 19, 2010, 1:25:18 PM12/19/10
Big Bertha Thing redoubt
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
Access page to 600K ZIP file
Astrophysics net ring access site
Newsgroup Reviews including sci.physics.particle

Postings potentially suitable for;-
1. SRF Classical Astronomy
2. SRF Classical Mathematics
3. SRF Classical Physics
4. SRF Classical Chemistry

After 15 months, an armistice term has just been fullfilled.(2nd
Student research project conferences, by invitation only, now

Battles without cost are not battles.
I have just had the following shot out from under me:-
1. (disabled)
2. Paid UK ISP Net Direct. (15 months)
3. Professional newsgroup SP (3 months)

To the victor the spoils. See my new newsgroup review
section, complete with copyright.

Big Bertha Thing memoriam

Tony died raising his best friends family,
His wife needed two helpers, his poor heart and him.
Carer, postman, welder and domino player.
RAF aircraft fitter at Battle of Britain and El Alamain.
Outboxed a voortrecker at middleweight.
Raised trade union branch president and
National officer of voluntary .org
Taught me to keep the faith,
Mend my bicycle and trigonometry.
His story is ended, but not yet finished.

Tony Lance
Hi there,
Wow! The posting below is definitely off-topic; to the detriment of
It is also in restraint of trade and anti-trust.
Microsoft has just spammed 500 newgroups, with the posting. (see
Thank you,
Tony Lance
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Oct 9, 11:38 pm
Subject: Last and Final Reminder - Microsoft Responds to the Evolution
of Community
To: microsoft.public.msn.discussion

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