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0x8024402C is driving me absolutely crazy!

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Aug 30, 2004, 9:10:35 PM8/30/04
This Error number: 0x8024402C I’m receiving while scanning for updates on
WU5 is driving me absolutely crazy!

I have searched all over the internet looking for a fix / cause / help and
I can’t find a thing.

I’ve tried everything that has been suggested on this site and nothing

I’ve e-mailed Microsoft, but haven’t got a response.

People have said it’s got something to do with Proxy Server, other people
say it’s the firewall.

Prior to installing XP SP2 everyone in the office was able to access the
site, now everyone gets the 0x8024402C error.

One question though, how come I can still scan for Office updates and
download them??

I’m assuming at the moment there probably isn’t anything to download from
WU5, but that’s not the point.

My PC is running Windows XP Pro SP2 (obviously)
My server is running NT4 with Proxy Server 2.0
In my LAN setting in IE I have ‘automatically detect setting’ ticked and
that’s it.
We normally use the firewall that is in the MMC, but I’ve turned it off to
see if that was the cause, but it being on or off doesn’t make a
I did install a demo version of Zone Alarm on the Proxy Server, but it was
uninstalled ages ago. Maybe there are tracings of it still on the system,
but I doubt it.

Does anyone else have any ideas they can throw at me??

Any help would be great appreciated.

PA Bear

Aug 30, 2004, 9:32:37 PM8/30/04
Pick one:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2?

What You Should Know About Spyware

AumHa Forums


Aug 30, 2004, 9:47:01 PM8/30/04
Thanks PA Bear.

But I've already tried these fixes. And none of them seem to help.


Aug 30, 2004, 10:49:21 PM8/30/04
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Maybe you can help me??

E. Schultz

Aug 31, 2004, 12:12:34 AM8/31/04
I'm getting the same error
(haven't looked at the sites mentioned by Pa Bear yet),
but I'm still running SP1 (on the laptop).
Last successful update was Aug 21 (win update software and KB814078)
"Special_K" <> wrote in message


Aug 31, 2004, 2:19:53 AM8/31/04
Okay nothing's help so far - what about the
troubleshooter - the error is mentioned there!


Sebastian Molinari

Aug 31, 2004, 1:13:40 PM8/31/04
erase the folder


"Special_K" <> escribió en el mensaje


Aug 31, 2004, 9:27:12 PM8/31/04
Sorry Sebastian that doesn't work.


Aug 31, 2004, 11:12:18 PM8/31/04
It's highly likely your firewall is blocking svchost.exe. You
need to allow it to access the internet.


Sep 1, 2004, 1:53:03 AM9/1/04
Thanks for your reply Alan, but even when the firewall is turned off I still
can't get to the site.

Sebastian Molinari

Sep 1, 2004, 9:52:29 AM9/1/04
do the following
stop de service automatic updates/Actualizaciones automáticas
erase the folder C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution this is very
go to windows update

and it works!!!

trust me, i do this and work!

"Special_K" <> escribió en el mensaje

Sebastian Molinari

Sep 1, 2004, 9:52:22 AM9/1/04
do the following
stop de service automatic updates/Actualizaciones automáticas
erase the folder C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution this is very
go to windows update

and it works!!!

trust me, i do this and work!

"Special_K" <> escribió en el mensaje


Sep 1, 2004, 5:07:03 PM9/1/04
I have followed your suggestion and I am still getting the @#$% error. Any
other thoughts?


Sep 1, 2004, 5:53:06 PM9/1/04
I'm sure it has something to do with Microsoft Proxy 2. I have the same
setup, and can not get it to work either. It works fine on the computers if
I bypass the proxy server and plug directly into the Internet (and remove my
Proxy Client).

I'm anxious to hear a fix for this!


0x8024402C stops automatic Error 0x8024402C stops automatic update

Sep 2, 2004, 3:23:08 AM9/2/04
I tried also, but the Error 0x8024402C is still stopping the automatic update .


Sep 7, 2004, 7:33:17 PM9/7/04
Has anyone solved this problem yet??

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Sep 7, 2004, 7:53:49 PM9/7/04
Special_K wrote:

> Has anyone solved this problem yet??


Have you tried all the different thing in this one:

When searching for available updates on the Windows Update site, you
receive the 0x8024402C, 0x80240030 or 0x8024502d error.

torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:


Sep 8, 2004, 12:59:38 AM9/8/04
Anyone had any luck with this stupid 0x8024402C error yet??


Sep 8, 2004, 1:15:01 AM9/8/04
Torgeir Bakken (MVP)......................Do you actually read the previous
posts before you reply??

Most people are saying that the solutions in that link you keep posting
doesn’t help with this error message!!!!

This is really starting to get ridiculous!!

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Sep 8, 2004, 7:56:57 AM9/8/04
Special_K wrote:
> Torgeir Bakken (MVP)......................Do you actually read
> the previous posts before you reply??
> Most people are saying that the solutions in that link you keep
> posting doesn’t help with this error message!!!!

> This is really starting to get ridiculous!!

I did read this thread, and nowhere in it did you state that you have
tried all the steps in that link without any success. That is why I
asked. It isn't very helpful when people posts statements like that
they have tried everything without listing exact what steps they have


Sep 8, 2004, 9:13:45 AM9/8/04
Yes. I succeded with the following steps after having tried almost
everything. I am using Windows XP Pro in a client machine conected through
Internet with SBS 4.5 using MS Proxy Server 2.0 (Spanish version). I have no
idea why this works works! At least for me...I am not sure if your
configuration is similar to mine

1. In Tools->Internet Options->Connections->LAN Configuration : NO proxy

2. In a Command Window enter the command

proxycfg -p <SBS Server name here>

3. Verify that Proxy 2.0 Server is runnning in the server.

Good luck!


Sep 8, 2004, 7:39:01 PM9/8/04
rmore.........Thanks for your help. I followed the steps you gave, I know get
a different error number '0x80072EFD'

When I type proxycfg -p proxysvr. I get
Proxy Server<s> : proxysvr
Bypass List : <none>

Does this sound correct?? Dennis Cote

Sep 8, 2004, 7:43:09 PM9/8/04

"rmore" wrote:

> Yes. I succeded with the following steps after having tried almost
> everything. I am using Windows XP Pro in a client machine conected through
> Internet with SBS 4.5 using MS Proxy Server 2.0 (Spanish version). I have no
> idea why this works works! At least for me...I am not sure if your
> configuration is similar to mine
> 1. In Tools->Internet Options->Connections->LAN Configuration : NO proxy
> server.
> 2. In a Command Window enter the command
> proxycfg -p <SBS Server name here>
> 3. Verify that Proxy 2.0 Server is runnning in the server.

I have also had some success using this approach.

I am using a Win XP workstation behind a SBS server running Proxy 2. I
normally connect through the Winsock proxy and my sysadmin has allowed me
full access to the internet (i.e. all ports). I have been getting the
0x8024402C error when trying to do Windows updates ever since my machine
upgraded to V5.

I have tried all the fixes suggested on the MS troubleshooter to no avail.
I'm not running any firewall software on my machine, so those tips don't

I did notice that my copy of the wuauserv.dll file (in windows/System 32
directory) was a different version than all the other wu*.dll files. So I
removed it and the copy in the dll cache. The next time I ran windows update
it reinstalled the updater software which installed the wuauserv.dll file
with the same version as the other wu*.dll files. This looked promising, but
it didn't make any difference, I still got the same error.

After seeing your post I realized that you were changing the HTTP proxy
settings, so I figured I would try using the HTTP proxy instead of the
Winsock proxy.

I changed my internet options/Lan setting/Proxy settings to use our server
for all but local addresses (my exception list was empty from previous
attempted fixes). Then I tried windows update again. This time I got a
different error, 0x80072F78.

I search for info on this error and found that there is an update, under
KB871260, that fixes this problem (at least for some people). I downloaded
and installed this update. Still no joy.

Then I though about your post again and used the proxycfg command to check
my current proxy configuration. To my surprise it was still set to
PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT with the proxy server not set. I double checked the
Internet Options settings, and they showed that I was using a proxy and had
our server listed. So I issued the proxycfg -p <name of server> command on
the command line and then stopped and restarted the windows update service
using net stop wuauserv and net start wuauserv.

This time windows update finally worked. I transfered and installed an
update to the .NET framework to make sure everything worked correctly.

Then I tried to switch back to my normal setup, the Winsock proxy. I
disabled the proxy in the Internet Options and by issuing the proxycfg -d
command, stoppped and started the windows automatic update service, and then
tried to run windows update again. As I suspected, I'm back to the original
0x8024402C error.

I'm pretty sure that, at least for some people, this error is related to
using the Winsock proxy portion of the Proxy 2 software on an SBS server to
get to the internet.

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Sep 8, 2004, 11:44:14 PM9/8/04
Special_K wrote:

> rmore.........Thanks for your help. I followed the steps you gave, I
> know get a different error number '0x80072EFD'
> When I type proxycfg -p proxysvr. I get
> Proxy Server<s> : proxysvr
> Bypass List : <none>
> Does this sound correct??


I thought you wrote that you had tried all the things here (the
proxycfg thing is step 4):

When searching for available updates on the Windows Update site, you
receive the 0x8024402C, 0x80240030 or 0x8024502d error.

Some trouble shooting step for error 0x80072EFD here (I would think
the misconfigured Proxy/Firewall part is the most likely one):

When accessing the Windows Update site, you receive the 0x80072EFD error.


Sep 9, 2004, 2:07:06 AM9/9/04
Dennis. Thanks for your help. Do you think you could do us all a favour and
type out step-by-step of what you did??

I’ve got the same set up as you.

Workstations are running XP Pro SP2 with Winsock Proxy Client.
Server is running NT4. Servers name is proxysvr

In my LAN setting in IE I only have “automatically detect settings’ ticked.

It would be awesome if you could do a step-by-step description of what you
did, so I can finally sort out this error.




Sep 13, 2004, 2:41:02 AM9/13/04
Dennis?? Have you had a chance to do a step-by step guide??


Sep 17, 2004, 6:30:26 AM9/17/04
1. Remove invalid characters from the proxy exception list and then
clear the proxy cache.
Open Internet Explorer.
On the Tools, select Internet Options.
Click on the Connections tab.
Click on the LAN Settings.
Click on the Advanced button.
Please delete any entry in the Exceptions section.
Next, clear your proxy cache.
Click on Start, and then click Run.
Type cmd in the Open box to get a DOS prompt.
Type proxycfg -d at the command prompt, and press Enter.
Type net stop wuauserv at the command prompt, and press Enter.
Type net start wuauserv at the command prompt, and press Enter.
Now try the site again.

Worked for me.

David Barker

Sep 21, 2004, 10:59:12 PM9/21/04
I have discovered the cause of the infamous 0x8024402C
error for XP workstations that sit behind ISA firewalls.
You may only be seeing a 0x80072f78 error because you
haven't gotten to the update site whereby you get the
0x8024402C error. Either way, this Technical note may help
you solve your problem.

Please see:

David Barker

Sep 22, 2004, 10:35:11 AM9/22/04
If you are still having trouble after you have tried
everything, then you will probably find your answer here.

After trying various KB including KB 883821, I have

discovered the cause of the infamous 0x8024402C
error for XP workstations that sit behind ISA firewalls.
You may only be seeing a 0x80072f78 error because you
haven't gotten to the update site whereby you get the
0x8024402C error. Either way, this Technical note may help
you solve your problem.

Please see the following web page (URL may wrap to two
linie but is meant to be one):

Alain Caillet

Sep 23, 2004, 11:12:15 AM9/23/04
David, after 2 weeks of constant tests and email with this usergroup, an
[MVP] put me on the right track and I found that my machine had and entry
under TCP/IP DNS Suffix Search List.

Although this DNS Suffix list was only meant for a dialup connection which
was not the connection I used for WU, the settings are applied to all
TCP/IP connections and in my case it caused WU download to fail. I removed
all entries in DNS Suffix and the error 8024402C is gone



Sep 25, 2004, 4:09:01 AM9/25/04
Thanks Sebastian.
I 've been trying everything they said but nothing worked. Even my computer
didn`t recognize "proxycfg"
your solution really works !


Sep 29, 2004, 12:49:02 AM9/29/04
Hi, Alain

This is amazing. After one hour trying different things, this DNS Suffix is
indeed my problem. After cleaning that up, the WU is working fine now.



Oct 5, 2004, 9:55:02 AM10/5/04
It worked for me too !


Nov 2, 2004, 12:10:06 PM11/2/04
This is crazy. We've all had this issue for weeks now and STILL no one has
any answer for us.

I've got the same issue. However I'm running W2K Server and Proxy Server
2.0. I've tried all the KB articles, all of the FAQs, and all of the
troubleshooting here, and I'm still not getting anywhere.

Dennis Cote

Dec 23, 2004, 11:37:12 AM12/23/04

"Toby" wrote:

> This is crazy. We've all had this issue for weeks now and STILL no one has
> any answer for us.
> I've got the same issue. However I'm running W2K Server and Proxy Server
> 2.0. I've tried all the KB articles, all of the FAQs, and all of the
> troubleshooting here, and I'm still not getting anywhere.

I have found a solution that works for me.

I'm using Win XP recently upgraded to SP2 (I had the same problem after the
SP2 upgrade, it made no difference) and connect through an NT based server
running MS Proxy 2. I normally use the Winsock proxy (the MS Proxy client
software is installed on my machine) instead of the HTTP proxy. This seems to
be the cause of the 0x8024402C error problem.

To use windows update I need to disable the Winsock proxy, reboot,
temporarily switch to the HTTP proxy, run windows update (which often
requires another reboot), then I disable the HTTP proxy, reenable the Winsock
proxy, and finally reboot again to get back to my normal setup.

To do this click the Run... item on the Start menu then type "msconfig" in
the run dialog and click OK. This will start the system configuration
utility. Now click the SYSTEM.INI tab.

You should see an item labeled "Microsoft Proxy Service" in the list. If not
then this solution doesn't apply to your setup, so simply click cancel and
look for other solutions. If its there, click the checkbox beside it to
disable the Winsock proxy on the next startup. Clcik OK to save the changes.
You will be prompted to reboot or exit without a reboot. Click the Restart

Your machine will reboot with no internet access. Now start Internet
Explorer and click the Internet Options item on the Tools menu. In the
Internet Option dialog, click on the Connections Tab, and then the LAN
Settings button. In the Lan Settings dialog you will need to click on the
"Use a Proxy Server...." checkbox to turn on the HTTP proxy (the checkbox
should be checked). Then you will need to enter the name or IP address of
your proxy server. The defualt port, 80, is usually correct. If in doubt ask
your network admin for the values to use here. Click the OK button to dismiss
these two dialogs.

You should now be using the HTTP proxy, and able to run Windows Update.

After you have installed any updates you need or want you must reverse this
process to switch back to the Winsock proxy.

Use Internet Explorer (Tools - Internet Options...) to opent the Internet
Options dialog, click Connection, LAN Settings, then uncheck the "Use a Poxy
Serevr...." checkbox, and close the dialogs.

Then use Start - Run... to run msconfig. Click on the SYSTEM.INI tab and
click the checkbox beside the "Microsoft Proxy Service" item to renable the
Winsock proxy, then click OK and select Restart.

After your machine reboots you should be back to your original setup.

Its not terribly convenient, but it lets me run Windows update ocasionally
to get new updates.

Microsoft really should fix Windows Update though. It worked correctly with
the Winsock proxy prior to V5. There automatic, irreversible update to V5 has
broken this compatibilty and made Windows Update imposible to use. This
prevents automatic updates, MicroSoft's suggested method of increasing a
machines resistance to viruses etc..., from working. My workaround is
tedious to use, and not a real solution to the problem. Microsoft, please fix

I hope this helps someone else.


Jan 18, 2005, 7:59:06 PM1/18/05

I was received this error, and I tried all the MS KB articles, and read
through every single thread in this newsgroup related to Error: 0x8024402C
and was unable to fix it. If you read very carefully in Windows Update,
besides the 8024402C error, there is an error that says "You didn't accept
the EULA". Go back and check! I was unsure what was going on, but I never
saw an EULA (End User License Agreement) Dialogue Pop-up. Until I made the
3 changes below.

This works for sure:

1) BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Agent); Automatic Updates and
Cryptographic Services *MUST* be enabled (Control Panel, Administrative
Tools, Services). **You can turn them OFF and disable later if you so

2) Go to "Tools, Interent Options, Privacy, Pop-Up Blocker, Settings...and
made sure
the following are added:


2) Go to TCP-IP Properties, Advanced, DNS, and made sure all defaults are
chosen. (Append Primary & Suffix radio button is checked, everything else is
This assumes you are receiving a DHCP address. Unplug & Plug your Network
cable back out & in, so it gets a new DNS suffix with the DHCP address.

No more Windows Update Errors!

Please post if this worked for you.




Apr 22, 2005, 6:13:02 AM4/22/05
I tried ALL the stuff listed below, and it helped me to get it working again
one time!
Next time it didn´t work again. :-((

Playing around then I just stopped the wuaserv and started the WinUpdate-
and it worked !!!

I assume the running service (from startup) is causing a lot of trouble and
Rem: I´m using XP Pro SP1

Pat Walters [MSFT]

Apr 28, 2005, 11:10:31 PM4/28/05

Thank you for letting us know about the steps that worked for you!


Pat Walters [MSFT]

<> wrote in message

Robert Aldwinckle

Apr 30, 2005, 1:55:02 PM4/30/05
> "Special_K" wrote:
>> This Error number: 0x8024402C I’m receiving while scanning for updates on
>> WU5 is driving me absolutely crazy!

>I tried ALL the stuff listed below, and it helped me to get it working again
> one time!
> Next time it didn´t work again. :-((
> Playing around then I just stopped the wuaserv and started the WinUpdate-
> and it worked !!!

What worked? Special_K was trying to scan for updates using WUv5.
I don't think that you can do that without the Automatic Updates service
(aka wuauserv) running.

> Rem: I´m using XP Pro SP1

Perhaps you are still using WUv4 then too and not WUv5?
I think that that could mean that you wouldn't have Special_K's

> I assume the running service (from startup) is causing a lot of trouble and
> headache.

If you tried using the proxycfg tool did you notice that the troubleshooting
article which Torgeir Bakken cited specifically tells you to stop and restart
the service?

If anything I would wonder about the order of the steps it gives:

1.. Type proxycfg -d at the command prompt, and press Enter.
2.. Type net stop wuauserv at the command prompt, and press Enter.
3.. Type net start wuauserv at the command prompt, and press Enter.
4.. Now try the site again.

E.g. my inclination would be to first stop service, then issue the
proxycfg command, and then restart the service.

However, it is also specified that way in the more general knowledge base
article which Patty MacLeod cites.

<title>You may receive an error message when you search for available updates on the Windows Update Web site</title>

See also, for example:

(Google Groups search for
8024402C OR 0x8024402C MSFT OR MVP group:microsoft.public.windowsupdate
- sorted by date to try to capture current thinking about this symptom

Also, notice that others have made remarks which indicate
that the proxycfg tool may have some quirks you would need
to work around:

(Google Groups search for
proxycfg group:microsoft.public.windowsupdate
- first hit


Robert Aldwinckle

For thread context:


Feb 14, 2006, 11:31:17 PM2/14/06
Ok since i'm getting this error too on my desktop, i'm glad its not a small
problem, i started getting this problem a couple of months ago? not sure but
i've never had this problem before a couple of months ago. I've gotten a few
updates to get thru when i update the crittical ones but when i try to
install NET Framework and other non critical ones i've got this blocked up.

Strange stuff cos i havent updated my laptop for a while so decided to try
it on my laptop since i've never had probs with that on update ever, however
behold first attempt i got the errors, i'm baffled cos after a few trys it
eventually got thru and is working fine again. amazing for my laptop!

My laptop and desktop are connected to the internet thru the same router.
I re-install XP twice and had the same error. First time it said i had some
sort of corupt cab files with the WU or something.

Ok so heres the deal i'm not behind any proxy servers on my pcs and i've try
ALL the solutions post on the error 0x8024402C, well lets say i spent quite a
bit searching for the solution here but nothing has helped. Windows update
just stomps on the error, but switching to microsoft update eventually
installed the critical updates.

I believe this error isn't caused by users configuration! But some bug in
the Windows update! Maybe an intorlerance somewhere but its definatly not
working satifactory.


Feb 14, 2006, 11:34:55 PM2/14/06
Wait a few minutes and you will see the response from Bobbi at MS.

Robert Aldwinckle

Feb 15, 2006, 3:23:16 PM2/15/06
"Ahsoak" <> wrote in message

> Ok since i'm getting this error too on my desktop, i'm glad its not a small
> problem, i started getting this problem a couple of months ago? not sure but
> i've never had this problem before a couple of months ago. I've gotten a few
> updates to get thru when i update the crittical ones but when i try to
> install NET Framework and other non critical ones i've got this blocked up.
> Strange stuff cos i havent updated my laptop for a while so decided to try
> it on my laptop since i've never had probs with that on update ever, however
> behold first attempt i got the errors, i'm baffled cos after a few trys it
> eventually got thru and is working fine again. amazing for my laptop!
> My laptop and desktop are connected to the internet thru the same router.
> I re-install XP twice and had the same error. First time it said i had some
> sort of corupt cab files with the WU or something.
> Ok so heres the deal i'm not behind any proxy servers on my pcs and i've try
> ALL the solutions post on the error 0x8024402C, well lets say i spent quite a
> bit searching for the solution here but nothing has helped. Windows update
> just stomps on the error, but switching to microsoft update eventually
> installed the critical updates.
> I believe this error isn't caused by users configuration! But some bug in
> the Windows update! Maybe an intorlerance somewhere but its definatly not
> working satifactory.
0x8024402c -2145107924 WU E PT WINHTTP NAME NOT RESOLVED
"Winhttp SendRequest/ReceiveResponse failed with 0x2ee7 error.
Either the proxy server or target server name can not be resolved.
Stop/Restart service or reboot the machine if you see this error frequently.

The implication of the code is that there is a transport problem of some kind.
You might be able to get more insight about it by tracing the link.
E.g. perhaps by using FiddlerTool (in which case you would be using
a proxy <eg>). However, if it is a DNS issue netcap and Ethereal
would be a better choice of tools.


Robert Aldwinckle


Jan 5, 2008, 11:42:00 PM1/5/08
The problem that I'm having is that any time I try to enter "proxycfg -d"
(for another fix) it tells me "'proxycfg' is not recognized as an internal or
external command, operable program or batch file."

It gives me Error Message 5 whenever I try to use "net stop wuauserv", also.
I am the administrator, but it acts like I haven't the authority to do that.
Then who DOES?



Jan 6, 2008, 1:55:00 PM1/6/08
The problem is, none of these commands (save for net start wuauserv) work for
me. I would like to try this fix, but I can't!

Robert Aldwinckle

Jan 7, 2008, 1:22:00 AM1/7/08
"Keith-in-trouble" <> wrote in message

> The problem that I'm having is that any time I try to enter "proxycfg -d"
> (for another fix) it tells me "'proxycfg' is not recognized as an internal or
> external command, operable program or batch file."

Which proves how essential it is that you disclose your OS and version
when you are reporting problems and also why it is generally better not
to try to report your problems as Me too! posts in ancient threads. ; }

Are you the OP? Special_K (Aug. 2004 with XPsp2 behind a proxy server)

Otherwise perhaps you have some earlier OS?

<title>The Proxycfg.exe configuration tool is available for WinHTTP 5.1</title>

(MSKB Search for
proxycfg "windows 2000"

> It gives me Error Message 5 whenever I try to use "net stop wuauserv", also.
> I am the administrator, but it acts like I haven't the authority to do that.
> Then who DOES?

Someone using that account who knows what they are doing. ; }
One possibility is that you have excessive security implemented
and don't know how to turn it off so you can maintain your OS.

For a simple workaround try doing a safe mode boot.
That should prevent the wuauserv service from starting
(in which case you won't need to stop it <w>) and prevent
other (third-party security) programs from starting too.

There is still the possibility that such applications could have modified
permissions so that you will still be blocked from making changes even
when they are inactive but without any other details about your symptoms
try doing it that way first.

> Thanks
> Keith

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


Nov 24, 2008, 7:26:01 AM11/24/08

I knows is a old Thread. but i have same problem and my os is Windows XP Pro
SP3 when i put back to sp2 all works fine when i install sp3 dosnt works
enymore. i try all supplies at windows site and isnt helps. cant make eny
update. all time i get 0x8024402C at error. dont use a router have a modem ,
no proxy configuration autodetect is on. and my internet connection works
proply. only the update sites dont works correctly. dont knows why.

when i upload the updats via download site this works but not directly via


Antivirus = off
Firewall = no
Auto update active = yes
proxy = no
Router = no

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Nov 24, 2008, 12:01:05 PM11/24/08
To avoid confusion, please begin a new thread about your problem, Jan-Raoul.
Thank you.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin
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