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Mise en réseau sous WinME Network

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May 15, 2009, 11:31:16 AM5/15/09
Subject: Mise en r�seau avec WinMe


Je vous contact car j'ai vu que vous �tiez sp�cilis� dans la mise en place
de r�seaux et d'internet.
Voil� mon probl�me :
WinMe sur ethernet: j'explique.
Je suis chez FREE en ADSL (qui marche tr�s bien chez moi) et je voulais
connect� un PC de bureau avec Win ME par ethernet.
Et voil�, �a ne marche pas. Pourtant j'ai fait comme cela �tait marqu� sur
les diff�rents sites internets qui parle de r�seaux.
C'est pour cela que je vous contact.
Comme cela ne marche pas, j'ai essay� de mettre un adaptateur WiFi mis sur
USB. J'en ai achet� 2 pour 1PC bureux winME et 1PC portable WinXP. Les 2
adaptateur USB marche bien et communique avec la box. J'ai internet sur les
2 PC. En plus, par le portable XP on peut acceder au PC WinMe mais pas le
contraire!!!!!!!Et seulement par l'adaptateurs WiFi!!!!!
Le WiFi est branch� sur WinME sur un port USB1 donc lent comme un modem 56K
et on ne profite pas de l'ADSL sur PC WinMe.

J'ai essayer du coup le cable en ethernet sur le PC portable en ethernet et
cela mache bien mais quand je remet le cable sur WinMe cela ne marche pas.
J'ai donc conclu que c'�tait ma carte ou le systeme d'exploitation qui ne
prend pas en charge le r�seaux.
Sur WinXP on peut voir dans la barre des taches quand le PC est connect�,
alors que dans WinMe pas d'avertissement sur la connection en ethernet alors
qu'en Wifi il y a une iconne qui est celui du logiciel de la carte WiFi.

Sur le win xp quand le WiFi est connect� avec un navigateur Internet, cela
marche puis quand on d�connecte le WiFi le navigateur prend le relai sur
Sur WinME, cela ne fontionne pas.

J'ai donc essay� les ping:

Cela fontionne sur la cl� WiFi avec WinMe 0% perte.
Ne fontionne pas sur l'ethernet 100% perte delai d�pass�.

Du PC portable WinXP, ping le PC WinME
Cela fonctionne sur cl� WiFi du PC WinMe 0% perte
Ne fontionne pas sur l'ethernet 100% perte delai d�pass�.

Si dessous la config r�seaux du PC WinMe

Autre chose,
J'ai 2 t�l�phones 1 en haut l'autre en bas; en d�groupage partiel, j'ai
garg� ces 2 t�l�phone connect� derri�re un filtre. Quand j'ai branch�
l'ADSL, ces 2 t�l�phones ce sont mis a sonn�, jusqu'� j'end�brnch� un. Alors
que cela fonctionnait avant. J'ai donc rechet� un t�l�phone pour remplac� un
et maintenant cala fontionne . Que ce passe t-il sur la ligne?


Mike M

May 15, 2009, 11:54:04 AM5/15/09
Veuillez signaler votre question au newsgroup
o� vous pouvez trouver quelqu'un qui peut vous aider. Ce newsgroup est pour
ces anglais parlants.

Please post your question to the newsgroup
where you may find someone who can help you. This newsgroup is for those
speaking English.
Mike Maltby

Noel Paton

May 15, 2009, 4:28:44 PM5/15/09
Awwww - there was me hoping that you'd posted a complete response in French!
If I understood the OP properly (and my French is VERY rusty!) - he's having
problems only with wireless networking between an ME and an XP machine (over
a router Internet connection) the XP machine is 'invisible' to the ME
machine - but ONLY when the machines are connected via WLAN. everything
seems to be OK on wired Ethernet.
My take is that if this is the case, it's a problem with the firewall
(BTW - how are you? - sorry for the personal invisibility over the past week
or so!)
Noel Paton

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi
"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message

Mike M

May 15, 2009, 5:06:30 PM5/15/09
Noel Paton <noeldp(spamless)> wrote:

> Awwww - there was me hoping that you'd posted a complete response in
> French!
>> P
> If I understood the OP properly (and my French is VERY rusty!) - he's
> having problems only with wireless networking between an ME and an XP
> machine (over a router Internet connection) the XP machine is
> 'invisible' to the ME machine - but ONLY when the machines are
> connected via WLAN. everything seems to be OK on wired Ethernet.
> My take is that if this is the case, it's a problem with the firewall
> settings?
> (BTW - how are you? - sorry for the personal invisibility over the
> past week or so!)

Could be a router/WAP problem. I had a similar problem where a Vista system
using wi-fi couldn't access certain boxes on my LAN (boxes wired to
router/switch) but had no such problem when using a wired connection. For a
long time I blamed Vista (and in part still do) but the problem went away
when I changed my router/WAP (SpeedTouch 585v6 for a SpeedTouch 585v7 and
also a Netgear DG834PN).

Still wobbling along at 5-10%.
Mike Maltby

Noel Paton

May 15, 2009, 5:38:21 PM5/15/09
5/10% ?? - Oh, shoot!
....hows about a couple of 'funny' stories?
1) went to the paint shop (where I used to work)... 45 mile journey each
way.... bought some paint, but forgot the most important purchase - 15L
brilliant white matt! (Oooops!)
2) I then went to finish up on the prep for my bathroom.... flicked sharp
edge on the wall over the door, and the (old) paint started peeling like an
orange! took most of yesterday to complete the peel, and get back to a firm
edge. I'm p&ssed.
3) Same trip - Ann bought some paint, ideal colour for her Living room....
tried a test patch yesterday, and it picks up the prevailing red tone of the
surrounding furniture and carpet, and looks pink! (instead of
greeny-brown).... she's p&ssed.
4) neither of us got around to doing anything constructive in our respective
abodes today....
5) there's nothing wrong with her paint - just the reflections it picks up -
but she's thinking of re-defining the spec, colour-wise, and wants to tint
the existing paint to another colour!!!!!!! (somehow I have to find a way to
tell her no way!)
6) I need to get some white paint.... I may go to B&Q ( :>S

Ah, the joys of being a paint chemist!

Noel Paton

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi
"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message


John John - MVP

May 16, 2009, 9:00:00 AM5/16/09
Mon Dieu, vous �civez tr�s bien en fran�ais, M. Maltby!


Mike M

May 16, 2009, 11:43:58 AM5/16/09
John John - MVP <> wrote:

> Mon Dieu, vous �civez tr�s bien en fran�ais, M. Maltby!
> Jean-Guy


I used to be able to read and write French reasonably well but can speak
only a little and with an atrocious accent and have great difficulty
understanding spoken French - I simply can't "untangle" the sounds. Perhaps
that's why I ended up a scientist (a chemist like Noel) although even then I
had to pass an exam translating technical German as part of my undergraduate
degree. At least that was written and with the aid of a technical

London has quite a large French community with many of them working in the
city, that is, business and banking.
Mike Maltby

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