lmiller4's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/111209.htm
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-print-fax/1207789.htm
If you are running Vista 64 on one of them and Vista 32 on the other..
I am assuming that you know how to and have made the necessary share
permissions on the computer which is hosting the printer.
To share a network printer being hosted by a computer running a 32 bit
operating system with another computer running a 32 bit operating system,
Vista or XP, you would go to Control Panel > 'Printers' > 'Add Printer' >
'Add a network printer'. Apologies to any of you who consider that I am
stating the obvious. In fairness, it is obvious.
Sharing a printer being hosted by a computer running 32 bit Vista or XP with
a computer running 64 bit Vista is not obvious, because if you use the above
method, it will not work.
So how? First, you need to know the name of the computer which hosts the
printer, and the name of the printer to be shared.
Sitting at the host computer: The procedure is the same for Vista and XP
Start > My Computer > Properties > Computer Name tab > Change button. Write
down the name that you see here because this is the computer name.
Start > Settings > Printers and Faxes > Right click on the printer to be
shared > Properties > Sharing tab. Write down the name that you see here
because this is the printer name.
OK. Now sit in front of the Vista 64 computer:
Start > Control Panel > Printers > Add printer > Add a local printer > Click
on 'Create a new port' > 'Local Port' > 'Next'.
The port name will look like this: \\Computer name\printer name
So enter the names already retrieved, ensuring that you use the same format,
then click 'OK'.
At this point, you will be presented with the 'Add New Hardware' process.
You can either select the make and model of your printer from the lists or
insert your printer installation disk if you can't find yours. The printer
will be added, and you should be able to print a test page.
Another solution is to use a print server. There are three options if you
take this route.
1. Replace your router with one which includes a print server. This is the
most expensive option.
2. Acquire a wired print server unit and connect it to your existing
router. Beware the cheapest units as they will invariably be USB 1.1
compliant only.
3. Acquire a wireless print server. Setup may not always be
straightforward, but the printer can be moved around.
The benefit of any of the three options above is that the printer is
available all of the time, not being reliant on a host computer's power
state, but they all cost $$$ or more.
Mike Hall - MVP Windows Experience
lmiller4's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/111209.htm
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-print-fax/1207800.htm
It can also occur when an OEM specific version of windows was shipped
with/on the P/C, and the OEM's build left something out that is supplied
with the more generic builds. This happened with a P/C desktop I serviced
that was built and sold with an OEM build that was based upon a Vista
version that was prior to the retail release version. Seems that the updates
did not catch the problem. Since the printer make and model was not sold by
the P/C OEM, it wasn't too surprising.
"sjpsj" <gu...@unknown-email.com> wrote in message
Control Panel --> Printers
Right click in the white space and select:
Run As Administrator --> Server Properties...
From the <Ports> tab I then deleted the Port(s) that I had been setting
up with no success.
From the <Drivers> tab I then deleted the printer driver. This didn't
completely work (it said), but it didn't matter in the end.
I could then successfully re-install the printer from scratch.
jabberw0cky's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/228102.htm
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-print-fax/1207790.htm