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Windows Fax and Scan: Preview or scan images as separate files

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Ilene M

Dec 5, 2007, 6:01:02 PM12/5/07
I am trying to find out how to enable "Preview or scan images as separate
files" for a new or existing scan profile.
It is currently greyed out and reguardless of the options I choose, I cannot
make that box available to check.

Goal: scan several documents so that each document is scanned in as an
individual pdf file.
OS: Windows Vista Business edition
Scanner: HP Officejet 6310 all-in-one with the latest drivers.
Ilene M

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Dec 5, 2007, 6:38:08 PM12/5/07
Might want to post more clearly what you are trying to do and what doesn't
happen that you think should. Scanning to PDF is a function of your scanner,
not WFS.
Russ Valentine
"Ilene M" <> wrote in message

Ilene M

Dec 5, 2007, 6:48:01 PM12/5/07
The customer is trying to scan several documents. She would like to save each
document that is scanned as a separate file. According to Microsoft's
documentation, all that needs to be done is to check the "Preview or scan
images as separate files"
This option is greyed out. How do I enable this option?
Thank you!
Ilene M

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Dec 6, 2007, 5:22:28 PM12/6/07
Read the Help files more closely. That option only exists for someone who
has cropped their image and is trying to save individual pictures as
separate files.
WFS cannot create PDF files. The functions you need would be supplied by
your scanner, not WFS.
Russ Valentine
"Ilene M" <> wrote in message

Ilene M

Dec 6, 2007, 5:38:01 PM12/6/07
Please forget I mentioned PDF format. That can be converted at a later time
nor is it pertinent to the inital problem of not being able to save several
scanned documents individually.
So this product will only scan multiple pages and save them as one file. It
does not give you the choice of saving each scanned page as its own file.
That is a shame. If you can do it with pictures, why not documents? That
question needs no answer but would be a good enhancement to the product.
Thank you for your condescending but somewhat informative answers.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Dec 6, 2007, 8:36:07 PM12/6/07
This "product" was never meant to replace the functions that any scanner
software provides.

Russ Valentine
"Ilene M" <> wrote in message


Jan 21, 2008, 9:01:00 AM1/21/08


Feb 16, 2008, 12:10:03 AM2/16/08
I am having the same problem. I crop the scan area to a particular picture
and the checkbox doesn't get enabled. Thus, I can't select multiple areas of
the scan area to have it create separate files for each area.

If this worked (instead of just teasing) it would be invaluable.


Mar 31, 2008, 12:50:54 PM3/31/08

Russ Valentine

Your reponses to this query have left a bitter taste in my mouth. So
much so that I simply had to register for this forum to post a rebuttal.

There's one thing I can't stand more than people who are rude and
condescending, and that is people who are rude, condescending, and can't
read the question properly.

Ilene's initial post was CRYSTAL clear. No clarification was needed. It
started with a succinct question, then proceded to state the general

Anybody with half a brain cell could see that the aim was not about the
functionality of scanning to PDF, but rather to find the option to scan
to multiple files.

How could Irene have put it more clearly? All the information was

After reading Ilene's surprisingly gracious response, you then
continued to labor on a point that was subsequently PERFECTLY clarified
as being irrelevant by Ilene's response. (A shame you didn't twig after
the first post let alone the subsequent one.)

And your parting shot?

Firstly, you use "quotation marks" as if to say this software is not a
product - well, it IS a product. A product isn't just something you sell
in the shops.

Secondly, you incorrectly state that Windows Fax and Scan was not meant
to replace the functions of any scanner's software. Excuse me? That is
precisely what it does, and what it was designed for.

The reason I hit this page was thanks to Google; I was having the same
problem, and no the 'Help' pages, that is to say the product help pages
that accompany the Windows Fax and Scan product, did NOT answer this

I've never read such a horrible, incoherent, dismissive, and factually
incorrect set of responses as yours. You should be utterly ashamed of
yourself. Call yourself an MVP, how odious.


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Mar 31, 2008, 5:33:13 PM3/31/08
You failed to quote any of this now outdated thread, so I have no idea what
you're talking about. But thanks for your thoughts. You are most certainly
incorrect to suggest that WFS was intended to replace the software each
scanner vendor supplies for creating documents from its scanners. A specific
vendor's third party software will and should be better suited to those
tasks than a generic OS utility.
Russ Valentine
"hazymat" <> wrote in message


Mar 31, 2008, 10:34:18 PM3/31/08
Russ has been a positive supporter of these news groups for some time
and the comments on Ilene's problem (not described in his post) by
hazymat were inappropriate.
In my 45 years in the computing business, 99% of the user problems I
have seen are either self inflicted or the result of basic lack of
common sense. The old saying applies- it's tough to soar like an eagle
when you work with (or help out)a bunch of turkeys. I would classify
hazymat as a member of the turkey group.


Jul 8, 2008, 12:06:55 AM7/8/08

With all due respect, you all suck. Vista Scan and Fax is broken, and
instead of responding to this nice lady's question you misinterpreted it
and gave snide responses.


Jun 12, 2016, 6:57:53 PM6/12/16
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