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Safely Remove Hardware with a SATA device??

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Aug 22, 2007, 7:09:34 AM8/22/07
I installed an update from Microsoft that was an Nvidia SATA driver
update. Now there is a icon in the notification area saying
Safely Remove Hardware and when I point to it its for my SATA drives
(which are not removable). Its just damn ugly!!!
Whats the best way to remove the update or remove the notification??


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Aug 22, 2007, 11:21:33 AM8/22/07
Visit and click
on "Platform/nForce Drivers", then click on your chipset model
number, then download and install the latest drivers.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



Aug 22, 2007, 3:43:16 PM8/22/07
I understand where to get the latest driver from Nvidia... how would I
find out wht Microsift sent me?? I looked in device manager to no



Aug 22, 2007, 5:47:46 PM8/22/07
This is a standard feature for all of the latest Nvidia Nforce drivers be it
XP or Vista. It's SATA hot swapping capability . It's a feature of SATA
drives which wasn't supported in previous driver releases for Vista, hence
the icon didnt show. Now that they have finally implemented it, the icon
will appear on any future driver release also. The 15.01 driver set included
SATA driver 9.92, the one you received from MS is 9.95.


"Ictinike" <> wrote in message
> Funny. Was going to post
> the exact same thing you did as I did the same thing
> this morning and have/had the same issue.
> I was looking for a new driver because the old one
> tended to lock out on huge files sometimes. Would give
> me a really long delay and a timeout error in my logs.
> Not sure if you had the same trouble.
> The new driver seems to work a lot better, but that
> "safely remove hardware" thing is a pain. I fixed it
> by right clicking in the icon notification area and
> choosing "Customize Notification Icons". Then selected
> the remove hardware thing and set it to always hide
> it. Not a perfect fix, but it'll do 'till they fix the
> driver. <shrug>

Uwe Sieber

Aug 23, 2007, 3:08:02 AM8/23/07

From my archive:

This can be achieved by modifying a registry value. So far
I had no time writing a little tool for this...

Devices are shown there if they are marked as removable and
if they do no have the 'surprise removal ok' flag. These are
bit coded flags:

From cfgmgr32.h:
#define CM_DEVCAP_REMOVABLE (0x00000004)

The device capabilities are found in the registry in a value
named 'Capabilities' under (sample for one of my IDE drives):

If you take away 4 from the value or add 80h and then
refresh the save removal dialog by toggeling the checkbox,
then the drive is gone.
But the value is reset when you attach the drive for the
next time or on next boot. This is hard coded into the driver
and read each time the drive is loaded. If you export the modified
value a reg file then you can silently load it on startup by
regedit /s hidecardreader.reg

The device id string of your drive (this
PCIIDE\IDECHANNEL\4&2527311&0&0 thing) is found in the properties
of the drive in the device manager. My ListUsbDrives tool
shows it too (the 'Ctrl DevID'):

Greetings from Germany



Sep 10, 2007, 2:40:01 AM9/10/07

"Marjay" wrote:

The way to remove the annoying little icon in the notification area is to
remove the updated driver....this can be done by going to device manager,
opening your IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers and then right clicking on your Nvidia
Serial Nforce ATA Controller, choosing properties, then driver, then clicking
on rollback driver then restarting when told to...I did this and the safely
remove icon is now gone and the microsoft update is showing up again as
recommended, which I immediately hid.... hope this works for everyone else


Oct 3, 2007, 2:59:00 PM10/3/07
I had the same problem after a Vista Home Premium install on a new machine. I
let all the updates apply and there was the safe to remove icon. I rolled
back the driver and it went away, but MS kept bugging me about installing the
SATA Driver update. I finally hid the update and went to the NVidea site and
downloaded/installed their latest SATA driver - no more icon.
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