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How to Backup Windows Live Mail/ hotmail emails + what to do if Windows Live Mail Desktop installation does not work

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Aug 10, 2007, 5:21:37 PM8/10/07
This is just an informative message, since it took me many hours to
find how to do it, I decided to share the knowledge somewhere where
other people could find it.

To get you messages on Windows Live Mail or Hotmail, you have 2

1: Take a look at FreePOP -
It enables you to use Any POP mail reader( Outlook, Thunderbird
etc... ) to read you mail from any Web mail account, even Hotmail on
Live Mail without having the subscription.

Bad side is, you cannot send email trough it, you better use you
internet provider STMP adress if you have one, that would solve the

2: Simply download Windows Live Mail Desktop! It keep a copy of you
Emails on you computer( since you can read them offline ), so that
makes it a backup. Your computer crash, they are still on the Hotmail
Server. The server crash, they are on your computer! Great!

Windows Live Mail Desktop installation does not work an says "try
again later", and it seems that it fails to connect to the server.
Actually, it's the opposite.

It does connect to the server, and then cancel the install for ??? I
don't know. My version of windows is Legit and that would have been
the only reason I could if anyone know feel free to post it.

Anyway, there is a solution. Disconnect from the Internet, run the
install, and BEFORE pressing on Finish log back on the internet. That
should work. If it doesnt, post why on this group!

Good luck, hope I helped you saved a few hours of your time with the
ones I spent ! Feel free to post your success to see if i'm the only
one who was looking to back up my mail!


Oct 22, 2018, 5:23:37 AM10/22/18
Download Softaken Hotmail Backup Software. This tool is a multi functional tool which allows user to save their Hotmail Backup to Computer in more than 10 formats like Hotmail to PDF, DOC, TXT, MBOX, Thunderbird, Zimbra, PST, RTF, MHT etc.

Steve Smith

Jan 30, 2024, 6:15:54 AM1/30/24
Nowadays, there are several tools available in the market for doing this. If you have no Windows Live Mail desktop installation, then don;t worry. It can be still possible for users to backup Windows Live Mail emails. I would prefer you to try ZOOK Hotmail Backup Software which lets you to download all emails from unlimited Windows Live Mail/Hotmail account.

Check out here:

You can also download the FREE Trial edition at no cost. Just download it and start free trial to test the working efficiency of the tool. Test a free solution and backup your emails.

Thanks and Regards
Steve Smith
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