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Big Bertha Thing Battle

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Tony Lance

Apr 17, 2011, 12:04:24 PM4/17/11
Big Bertha Thing Battle
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
Access page to 600K ZIP file
Astrophysics net ring access site
Newsgroup Reviews including

301 files from the first battle of cyberspace.

Big Bertha Thing Battle

1. Do not fight.
2. Fight on ground of your own choosing.
3. Make sure you have got an edge.
4. Is it worth dying for?

Spam stands for:-

It includes newbies, spammers, spam busters and even
sometimes victim support. The only good spam is branded spam,
which is more Sesame Street than Darth Vader.

To the victor the spoils, of the 1st Battle of Cyberspace.
(20 family jewels and the 301 files.)

This has been a serious exercise, under the auspices
of the Pastures project, OUSA Classical Particle,
in conjunction with OUSA Research.
Thank you,
Tony Lance

Big Bertha Thing farm

From Bibliography of Pastures.(Optional)
The preface from
An Elementary Treatment of Gyroscopes and Similar Spinning Tops
by Crabtree 1909

Classic Cartoon and animated cartoon of
Animal Farm
by George Orwell

Tony Lance
From: Tony Lance <>
Newsgroups: swnet.sci.astro,
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing redoubt
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 18:37:41 +0100

Big Bertha Thing warlord

The last time I heard that an apology given under duress was valid,
was in the Monty Python' comedy sketch on the Spanish Inquisition.
Everytime anyone said Spanish Inquisition,
then 3 red cardinals turned up to organise it.

What do I have in comon with a Texas cattle baron?
He thinks that he is a bigger liar than I am. I think I am.

What does a drill sargeant have in comon with a chinese warlord?
He says that the sun will not rise tomorrow. His men believe it.

What is the difference between a Texas cattle baron and a
chinese warlord? The one knows he is lying. The other has never had
the problem.

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